Catholic or Muslim

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That movie, “Not without my Daughter” should be broadcast EVERY MONTH!

It can be a powerful tool for our American women to open their eyes to those infidels who do not embrace Christianity but want them to embrace their own barbarbous one…I’d even recommend it for RCIA Classes…our faith not only needs to be taught…it needs to ALERT those to the greatest ENEMY to our faith.

…but I’m a reactionary in this sense anyway…I think the 9/11 Documentary should be broadcast every quarter so we dont forget to PROFILE…PROFILE…PROFILE…
Dear Friend

Recently The Holy Father Pope John Paul II issued a statement on mixed marriages between Christians and Muslims. I cannot quote it word for word, but it basically said that firstly where a catholic /christian womanwishes to marry a muslim, they should be discouraged due to how women are treated in their culture and secondly that if a couple were resolute to marry then they should be deeply counselled by the Catholic partner’s Priest.

Much love and peace to you, God Bless you

Would you / Could you embrace a religion which support terrorism and the killing of innocent children?
Sorry, mate, again you’re confusing the fundamentalist apostates who murder in the name of their god, AND WHO ARE WRONG, with good honest devout Muslims the world over.

We Catholics have done the same thing. Northern Ireland comes to mind. One, two, a hundred, a thousand excesses of a fundamentalist barbarian does not a religion invalidate, and which does not make murderers of the whole of the flock.
Would you / Could you embrace a religion which support the Man is the Head of the Family and you would be his property?Which number wife would you be?
Again you misunderstand. Just as some people who call themselves Christian think it is OK to have multiple wives, and/or treat them as chattels, not all Christians would agree. This statement comes from ultra orthadox *Sharia Islamic Law *which not all Moslems ascribe to. You’d remember Sharia from the excesses of the Taliban.

Islam recognises Jesus as a prophet second only to Muhammad. They accept the Virgin Birth. They hold Mary in a special place, too.

Obviously, Islam does not accept Jesus as the son of God, or any of the theology that comes with that.

I think that the answer to interfaith understanding is to acknowledge and support moderate Islam, to recognise own differences as well as our similarities. I believe this can start from Genesis, where the story of Issac ans Ishmael is told. Issac, as we know, became the progenator of the twelve tribes of Israel. Ishmael formed a similar role for what became known as the Muslim people.

So, here is the newsflash: Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have a common heritage - we are ALL sons and daughters of Abraham.
That’s right Catholicbudgie and the worship of the one and same God. But that worship is very different and there are theological points the religions do not agree on. These are best debated by those who have a chance to actually reconcile them, on a layperson level what we should do is respect each others faiths, talk amicably between ourselves and love one another. We must keep communicating and mixing with other faiths so mistrust and hatred doesn’t wrongly build up between different faiths in the One True God, we simply do not love God when we start to hate, dispise, speak untruths etc in His name. We must also remember that people of all faiths in God will make it to Heaven and while we believe we hold the whole truth which is Christ Jesus, we still do not know the heart of other people and what God knows of them, any movement towards God our Father brings them under His eternal care and love, even the person who lives as though there is no God is loved by God and cared for by Him. We are all children of God and we are all brothers and sisters regardless of our spiritual home. For me catholcism is my spiritual home but it doesn’t make me think everyone else is on the totally wrong track, it means I live in what I believe is the fullness of truth of God our Father and those who live in different spiritual homes within the one and same God believe that themselves also, love God as much if not more. No-one is a fool, no-one is making a wrong move, if they are moving themselves to love God and each other, the journey is long and only God knows where it will take us.

Now in a marriage situation how are these two faiths reconciled? When one partner is devoted to their beliefs and the other to theirs, this is why it needs deep spiritual direction from a Priest.

God Bless you and much peace and love to you xx

One need only to look at that culture as to how their women are treated to realize the Pope was VERY RIGHT in discouraging Christian women to marry into that faith…

In Canada RIGHT NOW…THAT Govt is allowing Muslims in certain instances to allow their faith to handle matters that SHOULD fall under normal law…Canada is gonna be sorry for this…this is just the first step in how Muslims overtake and IMPOSE their religion on entire nations…if Canada were smart they would SUPRESS this nonsense NOW! Its also too close Americas backyard to be conducting this crazy social/religious experiment…the Muslim Womens Council was on TV begging the Canadian Govt to not allow this, cause they know once installed, those radical men will begin imposing yarmakas, being able to beat their women…keep them from holding jobs and get away with it etc… this was just discussed 2 weeks ago on Tv…did anyone catch it?

Some Catholic Prophecy has spoken of the rising up of the Mohamedden Race…and its happening right before our eyes.
Who has ordained these propechies are true and accepted prophecies by the Church and who are these propechies by? Because for one agenda or another a past hurt or grudge, people will promote hate under a guise of love.

It does not mean just because differing religions in God cannot reconcile their beliefs AT PRESENT that they are all out to kill off the rest of humanity who doesn’t follow their religion. I don’t presently see Catholics conducting themselves like this, nor do I see Jews doing this, nor do I see Moslems doing this, all I see is a few misguided extremist people with their own agenda waging wars under the name of God for THEIR own agendas. Talk that condemns all faiths outside of Christianity in God is very dangerous, it will always lead to hate and vice versa from other faiths in God.

I always look back to the Samaritan parable, Jesus clearly defines who your neighbour is here, your neighbour is everyone regardless of colour or creed. We HAVE to love all people, regardless of the regimes, religion beliefs or attitude even towards us and furthermore we HAVE to love our enemy, perhaps even more than we love our friends, it is our enemy or those we perceive rightly or wrongly as our enemies that we should make most headway in reconciling with and loving on a daily basis. It is clearly is a matter of love or lies…you either love and get to know people or you withold and believe what you are told about them or hate them for their sins. No-one condones the sin, but we should love the sinner. Now having said this Islam and Moslems on the whole are peaceful and gentle people who worship God in a different way to us but still hold in revernace our faith In Christ. It is hard enough to live in this world that is consumed by ungodly things and existing for the self without then hating those who believe in the same God as ourselves.

Returning then to the subject matter of this thread, if love exists truly int his relationship my best advice to you is to go and meet as a couple with your Priest and request that he counsel you, if your partner is not even willing to do this, then I would reconsider if he is the marriage partner for you as someone who loves you will allow you the freedom to practice your own religious beliefs.

God Bless you and much love and peace to all x

Tereas xx
I should also add that the oppression of a person by the forced practice of a faith that they do not feel disposed to by the gift of grace from God to practice that faith can never be acceptable or promoted, it is in all effect then the product of a dictatorship by an individual or individuals upon other individual/s and therefore not the work of the Holy Spirit, or God the Father drawing them to Himself. It has to be an individuals choice and one that the whole soul of the person is in accord with.

God Bless you and much peace and love to you

Teresa xx
Comparing the Conflicts in Ireland which are more politically based than religious and regional (How Many IRA members are quoting the Bible or Pope John Paul 2? who both preach a message of peace) (How many IRA members came to USA to blow up buildings?) TO the cross continental violence of Islam which kill people on a daily basis anything from blowing up the world trade center with planes to killing 300 grade school children. I mean come on now where the heck does the Catholic religion compare to Islam. Look there are good Muslims in the world but there are many who are fundamentilist jihadist who easily can find support for thier beleifs in the traditions of Islam and the Quaran. WHere in Catholcism can you find jihad in the new testament? SInce the Crusades 500 years ago where can you find a pope similar to Assama Bin Laden and the dozens of other fundamentalsit clerics that we know of that adhere to jihad. Check your facts not all relgions are qual and Catholcism and Islam are not remotely comparable in how it endorses terrorism.

Islams truth are Mohammeds plagurism of Judeo Christian truths he reveals nothing true apart from his plagurism.
Dearest Maccabees

The Muslims you are talking about are extremists, not the Muslim leaders and muslim layity who are the majority and openly admonish these acts you are talking about. Thank you for your post dear friend.

If you are Christian, if you want to follow Christ, who will you love and who will you forgive for love of Christ?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Oh yeah and IRA are not extremist why not make that distinction for both parties then.

But you fail to see the big problem here the so called Muslim extremist are they really extremist or closer to the mainstream than you think. Just look at the majority of Muslim SOciety its oppressive and bases on fundamentialism. There is jihadist in every Muslim country there is Islamic violence all around the world on a daily basis. Or do you not watch the news?
Comparing a local scurmish in Northern Ireland to the worldwide movement of Jihad fundamentilaism if ridiculous. Is their really an outcry of this violence from Muslim clerics? Outside of clerics that live in a western dominated society I haven’s heard of any outcry against the violence. When was the last time you hear a Palestinina or Suadi Arabia cleric denounce violence against Jews or America ? Uh like never. Becuase they all buy into this jihad mentaltiy of afraid of telling the truth to not upset the nutty majority. You take that Islam is some relgiion of peace is ignorant of the facts. Are there good Muslims sure there are many are in this country but is their a large percentage all around the world ready to embark on a jihad. Well you bet and they are not a small exterme minority. Isalm has a violent streak in its religion that will never go away as its founder was a murderer and its book promotes jihad. Islam isn’t exactly Buddism.
Dearest Maccabees

If you choose to hate that is up to you, but I won’t be persuaded to hate. If you dislike a particular faith system that is also up to you, but if that dislike turns to hate then that is a serious problem.

On this dear friend we will have to agree to differ. Everyone is God’s children, He made all of them and I fully expect if I am lucky enough to make it to Heaven, to see Jews, Muslims, Catholics, people of no particular faith system but whom believe in God, other Christians etc. remember ‘if you did this for the least of these you did it for me’

Who is closer to God, the one who harbours hate for his brothers and sisters or the one who loves his brothers and sisters?

In this we see the hard road of Christianity, that denies the self and loves firstly God our father and secondly as OURSELVES our brothers and sisters (ALL people).

Peace starts with you not the other person.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

The Muslims you are talking about are extremists, not the Muslim leaders and muslim layity who are the majority and openly admonish these acts you are talking about. Thank you for your post dear friend.
When have the muslim leaders and laity (not the right word really as laity really only applies to the Catholic/Orthodox faith) ever spoken out against these (so-called) extremists?

Some may believe that Islam worships the same God as Catholics, but I do not. Just because they believe in one God does not make it the same God. Read the Qu’ran and you will see that it is not the same God as we worship.
Dearest friends

It is fruitless for me to keep repeating myself, I have stated the truth, what is the point in restating the truth? What I have said is all fact and truth, if you believe that or not, it doesn’t alter the truth.

If you dislike a race of people or their belief system, that is up to you, what should not be tolerated is hatred. Layity applies to other religions outside of Catholicism, ask the Anglicans. It is a correct term to use to describe a muslim who is not a cleric, short of knowing how they describe themselves. They worship the same God and hold Jesus and Mary in high reverence. Of course as anyone else is you are free to believe what you like about anything, that doesn’t mean what you are believing about a race of people, or people who hold a religious belief, is fact or truth. Some people hate or dislike Catholicism, it doesn’t mean they have the truth to decide, nor does it mean they know why they hate, maybe people just don’t like what they do not understand, either way it doesn’t make them right to hate, it is NEVER right to hate. We do not have to like everyone, but we DO have to love them.

It appalls me that when a person asks a question about a Muslim/Christian union in marriage, the topic can move so far away from the question as to introduce hatred of another race of people.

I don’t really see what is to add further to this now.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you all

Dearest friends

It is fruitless for me to keep repeating myself, I have stated the truth, what is the point in restating the truth? What I have said is all fact and truth, if you believe that or not, it doesn’t alter the truth.

If you dislike a race of people or their belief system, that is up to you, what should not be tolerated is hatred. Layity applies to other religions outside of Catholicism, ask the Anglicans. It is a correct term to use to describe a muslim who is not a cleric, short of knowing how they describe themselves. They worship the same God and hold Jesus and Mary in high reverence. Of course as anyone else is you are free to believe what you like about anything, that doesn’t mean what you are believing about a race of people, or people who hold a religious belief, is fact or truth.
It appalls me that when I say that muslims do not worship the same God as Catholics that you take this as an attack or a hatred of a race of people.

They may hold Christ and Mary in “high regard” (whatever that is) but they deny that Christ is God and that Mary is the Theotokos (Mother of God). They deny that we worship the same God. They accuse us of worshiping three Gods. They religion and holy book tells them it is ok to kill the unbeliever.

You say you state the truth. I disagree with you. We do not know the truth. I could be wrong or you could be wrong. There is no final truth on if the god of Islam is the same God we worship.
I have many muslim friends, this is why I am in a position to state this as the truth. You are resolute to believe what you believe then do that but why get so annoyed?

If you can’t respect their faith, how do you expect anyone to respect yours? If we can’t love each other regardless of race, colour or creed, then why bother calling ourselves Christian?

This is fast turning into an argument and that doesn’t sit well with me, if it can’t be a discussion, I don’t see the point posting further.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Teressa I have Muslims friends myslef they are great people.

That is not the debate here. What is of debate is that their relgion is not on the same level of truth that the catholic faith is. You seem to be eqauting the relgion as equal to or close to catholicism.
Its not even close.
Look even my Muslim friends here tell me that there is huge problem with fundamentalsim Islam from where they cam from. Heck that is why the immigrated here. I didn’t say this infects all Muslims but you ignoring the obvious that effects a large number of followers. So much so that worldwide Islamic terrorism has become our third world war. If you would read the like of Muhammed and Islmaci tradtions and QUaran itslef it endorsed violence agiant Jews and Christians and jihad is an official teaching. You won’t find this stuff in the teachings of Christ or the apsotles. Only when catholics get too invloved in worldly affiars like the IRA and the middle ages does it get violent but they still couldn’t use the NT as hate speach. But you could use the Quran as hate speech. I am sorry but Islam is an inferior religion that preaches violence there is no way around it.
Yes it does contain some truths that we have in common but it is extreme wattering down of the catholic faith so much so that Jesus is not God and God is not father he is more feared than loved that is not the Christian God fully realized they have a semblance of truth regarding God and not the full revelation given to the church. THese are not equal truths.
Dear friend

I understand what you are saying, yes their faith is different to ours, but so are protestants, so are baptists, mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, (people of no faith system but have faith in God) but they are ALL children of God and they ALL worship the same God, some believe Jesus to be God and some don’t. As Catholics we believe Jesus to be God, but that doesn’t mean I start hating anyone who doesn’t hold the same teaching, that doesn’t mean on the basis of some extreme actions of part of a faith, I can then admonish the WHOLE of the faith.

I can also understand why people hold bad feelings towards the Muslim community because terrorist attacks have been carried out in the name of religion, but it is more down to politics than a religious basis, they have used the vechile of Holy War (as Christians have done in the past) to wage a war. Neither is right, nether is just, neither is excusable, but as a result of this we must NOT harbour condemnation of a whole nation or a whole body of a particular creed, because it doesn’t fit to ALL of those people. Muslims and Christians have fought throughout history, it wasn’t just then and it isn’t just now. How is this cycle of hatred broken unless people are prepared to befriend, to try to cease to be enemies?

The bottom line is this as I have said, we do not have to agree, we do not have to like, but we do have to love, we must first try and see the good in each other. We HAVE to love one another and this is not restricted as you know to those you love and like, it is ALL people. We certainly don’t love when we harbour resentment and hatred towards each other.

I am not saying if someone commits a crime they should not be brought to justice, of course they should and terrorism is a crime. I am a Roman Catholic and I will not and cannot waver from my belief that we should love each other as ourselves regardless of what is done to us or to those we love. These are not empty words as I live them out and hold them very dear to my heart because they truly do bring about peace.

I would prefer to spend my time working on my own shortcomings and my own sins than picking fault in others. We are ALL sinners and I cannot ponder the sins of another nor the heart of another because I have no clue as to their state, only our Father has in heaven. I am certainly in no position to condemn a whole nation of peoples nor a whole creed. All I can do is love and hope it is enough to please my Father in Heaven.

If only I was better able to use words, I’m no mastermind, but my sentiment I hope I have been able to get across.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Of course we should love one another once again your missing my point.

The sects you mentioned as protestansts. Mormons and Jehovah’s witnesses while not dogmatically correct are not involved in world wide terrorism
Dearest Maccabees

If you view them as your enemy, then love them twice as much

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Just a general comment. I assume most of you live in the US, and thus, you are getting a view of what other Muslim Leaders are saying based on the news given to us by the top news networks. My Brother and Sister live in Europe, and my Sister’s fiance is muslim (Tunisian). They get a completely different view of the Arab world. I would go as far to say that even if a Cleric, or Muslim leaders would condemn any Muslim terrorist attack, it would not be on the news here in the US. I am told that Muslim leaders do condemn these attacks all the time, but the only ones that get coverage here in the US are the ones that support the attacks… Just a thought, we are coming to conclusions based on skewed news facts of the USA, unfortunately.

Another comment, lets say no clerics or muslim leaders do condemn these attacks, lets say mainstream Islam is in support of these terrorist attacks… Mainstream Islam could BE WRONG. Islam at its heart could be completely opposite of Mainstream Islam. There is a story I learned in one of my Theology Classes, that Mohammed had a vision of the way one should live, and the way the world should be, he told his relative (cousin) who was a christian (monk, possibly), and his relative said “yep, thats right, all christian believes”(not verbatim, of course ;-). But anyways, any further comments on this would be great.
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