Catholic or Muslim

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You can love Islamic fundamentialist all you want they will still want to blow you up. Terrorist hate people regardless if one views them as friend or foe. They view everyone outside of their releigion as evil.

Islamic fundamentalsim is a worldwide problem that is the biggest threat to modern world right now.

I don’t think you understand what they want. They don’t want to be loved they want everyone to adhere to thier version of Islam. THey don’t want us to be Christians they don’t want Democracy they want a fundamentilaist theocracy aka Taliban.

Honesltly how many people hate Islam that worked in the world trade center. Not many likely yet they were targeted becase these people are consumed with hate for people who do not adhere to their view of God.

You could love Hitler it made no differnce same with Osama Bin Landen what they want is their world view fulfilled where there is no United States and its freedoms not Christiantiy no Catholicism no Israle and no Jews. Sometimes Love just ain’t enough. God loved the Devil but ultimately God was forced to fight him and throw him out and send him to hell. WHy becuase Satan was eveil. Just as fundamentalist Isalm is evil.
And no I am not saying moderate Isalm is evil or those who immigrate here for Muslim countires are suspects. THey come here many times to escape fundamentalism. But what I am saying there is a sect of Isalm that interprets things in an evil and literal way and Mohammed’s life was a violent one that could be interpreted as intolerrant and an advocate of war against all other relgions. Studying Jesus you just don’t get that violent inteterpretation becuase Jesus was Muhammed’s opposite.
Dearest axel

I am in the UK and there has been lots of coverage of Islam clerics and leaders condemning such acts, there has also been arrests in this country of people who condone these attacks or who are suspected as operating in the 9/11 attack or further attacks. I am by no means naive as to what people are capable of doing with religion and destorting it to suit their own wants and desires even if this means the use of violence and death. There were also reported attacks made on innocent muslims due to unrest as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the UK. This is why I find condemnation of a whole creed or a whole peoples dangerous talk. The only way to true peace is dialogue, if we keep talking on common ground we share, as per the results in N Ireland, peace or at least ceasefire is achieveable.

As in any case like this, you only know of your enemy what you are told of your enemy. Once someone has done an act such as these then people want retribution, of course justice must be served, but we should not HATE and we should LOVE.

If we don’t believe in the first two commandments of loving God and our neighbour then we may as well sign out of being Christian. I don’t think Mohammed for one minute intended Islam, this religion of peace to be used as a means of making wars and causing worldwide terrorism, this is a distortion of their truth, that is based on Christianity and Judaism, just as in the past Christianity has been abused to burn people at the stake.

I really do feel I am repeating myself in every post on this:) , and it is so far from the ladies original question that if people wish to discuss Islam maybe they should start another thread. I am sure this lady loves her boyfriend very much and doesn’t like to hear such things said about his culture or his faith ( I am sure she wouldn’t consider marrying him if he was an awful man ruled by a violent religion!!!) But I have nothing further to say upon this , I may not agree with all of Islams teachings or naturally I would be Muslim and not Catholic if I did, just as I am not Protestant or Mormon, but I won’t be whipped up into despising a creed or a race of peoples, I would much prefer to love them, whatever may be felt personally towards me and my faith by others.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I have many muslim friends, this is why I am in a position to state this as the truth. You are resolute to believe what you believe then do that but why get so annoyed?
I get annoyed when you acuse me of racism when I disagree with you. I too have many muslim friends.

For example…
If you can’t respect their faith, how do you expect anyone to respect yours? If we can’t love each other regardless of race, colour or creed, then why bother calling ourselves Christian?
Please tell me how saying that the God they worship is not the same God that we worship in anyway shows disrespect for there faith. Please show me how saying this shows any lack of “love”.

We are not to bow down before idols, so if I have a pagan friend and refuse to bow before their idol am I disrespecting them? By you definition here, I would be hateing them.

We are not even to participate in other christian worship (such as communion at a Lutherian church), again by your definition, this is disrespectiful and hateful.

What you claim here is the height of political correctness.
all the posts on Moslems and terrorism belong on the Politics forum. this poster is asking if she should consider marrying a Moslem. If she is looking for a life of misery she should definitely say yes.
I am in the UK and there has been lots of coverage of Islam clerics and leaders condemning such acts
Well yeah I already addressed this in western dominated culture many moderate clerics will speak out against the violence of Jihad.
But where do you see this action in Islamic dominated culture. Where are the clerics in Palestine and Saudi Arabia denouncing hate against the Jews and Americans. Simple their is silence you won’t find a denonciation is Muslm lands. The Muslim peacemankers are plentiful in America and England but they are nox existnat in most of the middle east where the root of jihad takes place.
Just becuase I think something is wrong with the relgion does not make not love Muslims. I don’t know where I have to respect this relgion of violence in order to love a Muslim. These are two differnet things. You seem to have these confused with each other.
I think we ought to begin this discussion by first commending ‘delal’ for having a serious interest in this matter. In our post-modern, relatavistic world, intermarriage (or no marriage, for that matter) has nearly become a non-issue. So, kudos to you, Delal, for being concerned about this most central issue in your life!
Secondly, if we are to engage in intelligent, informative discussions on this issue, it is imperative that we do not use as our sources popular news media (either Western or Arab), or the leaders of religions as the paramount example of that which their faith embodies. I certainly would not want someone to use me as the paradigm of Catholic Christianity.
We ought to investigate the rich texts both faith traditions have to offer. Indeed, it would be advantageous to examine the texts of Judaism, our common history: our “Father” in faith. If this were done without subjective, emotional bias, progress between traditions could be made.
As horrific as terror tactics are - regardless of who initiates them - we must move behind these distracting acts of violence to find something common.

Should you marry the Muslim? Explore what your faith teaches on the matter, and explore how this impacts your own, interior life. If you both love each other, through God, then joining would only bring him glory and provide an example to us that we can and must not only get along with our neighbors, but indeed embody the message of Jesus to “love our neighbors as ourselves.”
Dearest all

Thank you axel, I was trying to find the words you have so well used, better than I ever could. This is exactly what I mean, what you have said.

I am sorry if any of my words have caused offence because that certainly wasn’t my intention to anyone who has commented and posted in this thread.

Presumption, preconception and pigeon-holing are personally out of favour with me, no two people are alike, no two people have the exact same thoughts on every matter, we are unique and this applies from one end of the earth to the other.I certainly am no model Catholic, nor am I anything short of a wretched human being who has by the grace of God been given faith. I therefore do not expect anyone else to be a model of their faith. We are all fumbling about doing the best with our God given graces to lead a just life. A portion never makes a whole, a sample is never a true picture of the whole.

If for my own personal sins, (or any persons sins for that matter) they were publicised and everyone knew of them then I am sure I also would fall foul of being judged and therefore my body of faith also, (which is the Catholic church) would fall foul to this as well. This is what people do, but that doesn’t make it right. As Part of a community of any faith, when just ONE person makes a terrible act then the whole body is sinned against, the whole body is then also judged in the light of the one person…this cannot be rational to do this. This is what happens in any act of segregating a body of peoples, the individuals justness is not considered and the whole body is marked for the act of a few.

The pattern of life is always people look to the bad and remember that but how quickly the good is forgotten. God our Father in Heaven measures the good and the love in the heart of Himself and of all our brothers and sisters, not just those people we deem to have behaved appropriately. Whenever we speak of another person, as Jesus now dwells in all of us, we speak are speaking of them as of Christ. Christ’s face is in all of those upon the earth. Rather to say nothing about them than to condemn them.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Back to the topic on hand…
Marriage is difficult for anyone. The more obstacles you add, the more likely you are to fail. I understand that where you live, there may be no Catholic men or Christian men for that matter. Have you considered what your true vocation is? Perhaps you are not called to marry.
Christ warned that choosing to follow him would cause divisions in families. I would be hesitant to create a family where that division already exists. Can you honestly deny Christ for a man. Pray about that and talk to your priest. I am sure this is difficult for you. We often don’t “choose” who we fall in love with. May the Holy Spirit guide you…
all the posts on Moslems and terrorism belong on the Politics forum.
this poster is asking if she should consider marrying a Moslem.
If she is looking for a life of misery she should definitely say yes.
Annie sums it up pretty well.
delal said:
Ým very very confused. My fiance is Muslim and he wants me to convert but Ý was baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Church so does this mean that no matter what Ý do my soul will always be Catholic? :confused:
PS Before anyone gets angry with me Ý couldnt find a nice practising Catholic man and my fiance is a good person
PPS Ým in the Middle East so please excuse any typing errors- its the keyboard

I understand your position because my fiance is also muslim and he will like me to convert but he is letting me do it at my own will i know its a hard decision but what ever u decide good luck.
I understand your position because my fiance is also muslim and he will like me to convert but he is letting me do it at my own will i know its a hard decision but what ever u decide good luck.
Post your questions in the “Ask an Apologist” Forum.

Before either of you make any serious decisions, I urge you to pray, read the Gospels, go to Mass and spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
Why won’t he convert?
While i agree with a lot of your points. To answer your repeated question of why won’t he convert. Is probably or most likely converting would for him be as good as a death sentence. And more likely than not a death sentence for the O.P.
So i guess who here could honestly answer this
senario .
you go to enter a Catholic church to enquire about attending a R.I.C.A program, And as you go to enter a man walks up to you and puts a gun to your head. And says. “If you go in there i will shoot you”
So i guess my Question would be Would you still go in?
Honest answrs only please.
delal said:
Ým very very confused. My fiance is Muslim and he wants me to convert but Ý was baptised and confirmed in the Catholic Church so does this mean that no matter what Ý do my soul will always be Catholic? :confused:
PS Before anyone gets angry with me Ý couldnt find a nice practising Catholic man and my fiance is a good person
PPS Ým in the Middle East so please excuse any typing errors- its the keyboard

The fact that your asking the question shows the truth is in your heart, but your feelings for this good man have veiled that truth. Hard reality…Islam is a religion fabricated by man. I’ve always thought of Muslims as schismatic Jews, which partially explains their extreme hatred of Israel. How would you explain to Christ that you left Him for a non-believer? What is your compelling argument to Our Lord?

There is nothing evil about your love for this man. I believe you when you say he is a good man. If you really love him, then perhaps you will be the one the Holy Spirit works through to convert him to Christ. You can bring the Gospel to him. That can’t happen if you abandon Christ.
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