Catholic poetry/writings

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I would love to read any of your poetry or writings that have been inspired by your faith. If you are willing to share what you have written post it here, it may well inspire another person!!

Here’s one of mine…


My heart is broken

I am all undone

Every fibre is raw and open

My pride is overcome.

My self is obsolete

I am all exposed

All torn down within me

That what ruined me.

My eyes are seeing

I am all awake

All alive in every second

No longer blind to love

My heart rejoices

I am all afire

Every fibre is proclaiming

That God is love

My self is precious

I am all exposed

Built upon the love of Christ

That I may never die

My eyes behold His love

I am all encompassed

God’s giving so humbling

That all I can do is fall broken.

Broken before Him.

I wish I were able to write poetry. I am not blessed with this gift. But I like to read poetry. Thanks for your poem.

Recently, I came across poetry by Jessica Powers. She was in fact Sr. Miriam of the Holy Spirit a Discalced Carmelite nun. Her poetry is so spiritual. I just love it! It is published by ICS (Institute for Carmelite Studies) Publications.

i wrote this poem while listening to a sermon one day.

Sometimes redundancy is good for emphasis.
Sometimes redundancy is good for emphasis.
Sometimes redundancy is good for emphasis.
Truly this life is a torment

Where love is unrequited

The soul yearns in misery

And life is a torment

All that brought joy

Is joyless by its very nature

But joy is still held there within

For all things are in His hands

Even this wounded and solitary heart

That loves and yet is left alone

Without union until death

And lost within life but found within it

The heart is a broken vessel

Where love resides and love emits

But still this life is a torment

And if my breast could open

Therein my heart would be seen to weep

Wounded and broken by love

This love that redeems and repairs

This love that is heaven and torment

Until death is quick to steal me to Him

And then this love will torment be no more

Separation is lost and spirit unites

And life is no longer a torment.
You are sustained my child

I am your watch, your defense

I am your protector and your hope

I am the source of peace

Of all calm in tribulation

I am the hope of all the world

I am not judge nor condemnation

I am redemption and life

You are free my child

I will set a trap for your adversary

I will throw him to the depths

I will release you from the world

I will grant you heaven in your heart

I will give you yearning to behold me

I will cast your faith in gold

I will make your heart a flame

You are loved my child

I will not forget or leave you

I will guide you to eternity

I will illuminate the darkness

I will lead and take you on my path

I will hold the storm from your back

I will refresh you in healing water

I will hold you to my heart

What honor may this fragile flesh enshrine
Whose swift affections are so soon misled –
Whose very life is to corruption wed?
Or in this mortal dark what light may shine
By which my hunting spirit might divine
Her greater end? Or shall my soul instead
Be heedless of the Love her Savior shed
In bloody sweat to give His Life to mine?
Not if this flesh Eternal Flesh enthrone,
Content with no impatient compromise
That would drain like sand through fingers made of bone
Filling the sockets of uprooted eyes
Whose vision, burst, would reckon fractured stone
Creation’s One, still-living, Sacrifice.

In smoking twilights when I head for home
Along the teeming sidewalks of this town,
My footsteps quicken toward the tower bells
That nightly herald Evensong in sweet
Discordant peals that tumble through the streets
And draw the tethered bowels of my soul
To the coda and completion of the day.
Beyond the iron fences, down the close,a
The doors of bronze wait open, venting light
And ghosts of incense to the swelling night.
Like shadows in obedience we come,
Our orison antiphonally chant:
“Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine,”
And let us rest in Thee this night, we pray.

Sin is grim but virtue’s tough
And I ain’t made of rugged stuff.
Why ain’t there a place for folks like me
Where life don’t hurt and peace is free?
T.A.Stobie, SFO vbmenu_register(“postmenu_176631”, true);
Senior Member
Join Date: June 22, 2004
Location: Overland Park, Kansas, USA
Posts: 1,045 Trusting God
How do you trust in God and his providence?

I will start off with a poem.

In God I Trust

In God I place my trust
Trusting in His love for me
Knowing that He will take care
Of all those I love dearly.

I surrender all that I have,
And all that I can ever do,
Into His hands with love
Trusting that He will come through.

He know my needs better than I
And He will generously provide
Not only the needs that I know
but also those hidden from mind and soul.

I do my part in opening wide
Those avenues for Him to provide
Trusting in the Spirit to lead
To the paths fulfilling His side.

For in God I can trust
In His infinite perfect love
Showering on us His graces
And blessing us all from above.

He knows the depths of my heart,
My needs, desires, and longings.
His generousity knows no bounds;
Of his kindness I will joyfully sing.

Praise God for His Kindness
And love for His Children
Praise Him, all peoples, Praise Him
With Joy in our Hearts, never to end.

I thank my Wonderful God
For his gifts that he has showered
lovingly on me and my family.
May He forever be adored.

Thomas A. Stobie, SFO
Divine Love Ministries
The world is not ours

Our souls are not ours

Everything belongs to God

If our acts are not God’s

If our souls shame God

They still belong to God

If the world turn’s from God

If people fight over land

The world is still God’s

Infinite merciful Father

Parent of world and soul

This world and soul

Is lent to us in love

For the glorification

Of your Most High Divinity

A piteous grievance

This world doesn’t live

Knowing it belongs to you.
This is a poem i wrote a while back:

and another (it’s about sin BTW):

Through my fault
Through my fault
Through my most grievous fault
Mea Culpa
I have sorrow for what I have done
My weakness is the true perpetrator
Why can’t I be strong
Mea Culpa
As my hand rose, I knew
I knew what I was doing
I knew my action was wrong
Mea Culpa
My reward was sweet
It was also my punishment
Once I began, it consumed me
Mea Culpa
Now I am here
Conscious of the wrong
I swore never to repeat
Mea Culpa
I am only a man
My will is weak
That does not excuse me
Mea Culpa
Each time my oath is broken
Each time I am proven a liar
I renew my promise
Mea Culpa
I understand my will’s fault
I understand my weakness
I understand my actions
Mea Culpa
If I had chosen right
I would be better for it
I would have been satisfied
Mea culpa
But I chose wrong
I thought I would get something
But the reward of evil is an illusion
Mea Culpa
Those are the choices
I can choose to have good or not
There is no other choice
Mea Culpa
Is the world is monochrome
Good, Evil, Black, White
Are gray shades illusions
Mea Culpa
Therefore I turn away from black
Though I constantly fall into it
When darkness claims it is gray
Mea Culpa
There is no gray
It is a binary choice
I turn towards the light
Mea Culpa
I will fail again
Only if I look back towards black
I hope I won’t, every time I hope
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa
Tanks Teresa for this thread! I write lyrics and poems. Let me know what you all think. Especially if there is something that goes against the faith so I can change it!! 🙂

Here is one of mine:
                             Open My Soul
Open the eyes of my soul
To see the glories of your ways
Show me the wonders of the world
In all the people that I meet.
Let me marvel in the beauty
Of the this world that you create.

Find in me the goodness that is your very own
Bring me from the darkness that has shadowed my life
Ignite in me the flame to show me down the road
ÔTil I see IÕm in the presence of my God ,my Lord, my soul.

Open the ears of my soul
To hear Your words to quide my life.
Lead me to hear you in the voices
Of all your children in the world.
Let me hear from every corner
The wonders of your ways.

Speak in me the goodness that is your very own
Bring me from the deafness that has muted my life
Begin in me the voice to show me down the road
ÔTil I hear IÕm in the presence of my God, my Lord, my soul.

Love in me the goodness that is your very own
Bring me from the hatred the has beclouded my life
Spring from me the love that only you can provide
ÔTil I feel IÕm in the presence of my God, my Lord, my soul.

May God lead you all to holiness! 👍

by Sandra Ramirez

slip inside
the thick thick silence
cast off your pride
leave your arrogance

rich rich wood
heavy with sin
all that you’ve heard
blushed chagrin

smothered velvet curtain
swing swing closed
rustling hearts, so uncertain,
spilling your soul

be humbled
fall down
your Babel has crashed
dashed on the ground

the tender release
whispers of
sweet sweet peace
absolved by undying love

made anew
believe, adore;
it is true!
Go out, and sin no more…
Lyrics written by me.
                       Thank You
I am but a simple girl caught up in this crazy world
The endless roads stretch out beyond the known
My eyes are veiled to where I go, my feet sense the ground below
My hand is held as I am guided through the paths unknown.

I want to thank-you, Lord, for your guidence through this world
I want to thank-you, Lord, for all youÕve given me
I want to thank-you, Lord, for your own begotten Son
I want to thank-you,Lord, for your undying love.

YouÕve givenÕ me the greatest gift that I have ever known
ThereÕs not a thing IÕd rather have thatÕs offered in this world
Then the sacrifice you made for all the nations near and far
The sacrificial lamb, Lord Jesus Christ, the Great I Am

I want to thank-you, Lord, for your guidence through this world
I want to thank-you, Lord, for all youÕve given me
I want to thank-you, Lord, for your own begotten Son
I want to thank-you,Lord, for your undying love.

You know that IÕm a sinner but Your love for me still holds
Showing me the way to live so I may be made whole
ItÕs your love so freely given that teaches me the way
To You, Lord, to You, to You, Lord, oh to You

I want to thank-you, Lord, for your guidence through this world
I want to thank-you, Lord, for all youÕve given me
I want to thank-you, Lord, for your own begotten Son
I want to thank-you,Lord, for your undying love.
Lyrics written by me.

Thank You

I am but a simple girl caught up in this crazy world
The endless roads stretch out beyond the known
My eyes are veiled to where I go, my feet sense the ground below
My hand is held as I am guided through the paths unknown.
Lovely, Jenlyn! Are you familiar with John Henry Newman’s poem, “Lead, Kindly Light?”
You are sustained my child

I am your watch, your defense

I am your protector and your hope

I am the source of peace
How very beautiful! :blessyou:
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