Catholic poetry/writings

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Mercygate, Jenlyn, Brain, Theresa9, pro-life_teen, Thomas, thank you all :love: . You’ve made this a lovely evening.

by Sandra Ramirez

slip inside
the thick thick silence
cast off your pride
leave your arrogance

Go out, and sin no more…
PLT: you are one gifted girl! Thank you so much.
Lovely, Jenlyn! Are you familiar with John Henry Newman’s poem, “Lead, Kindly Light?”
Sorry, I am not. I’ll look him up though. 👍

Jen :whistle:
A Busy World

I’m walkin’ almost runnin’
Round and round it seems
All the time I’m searchin’
For the side that’s always green
I’m workin’, workin’,
To get myself ahead
But that pastures always moving
Farther down the road instead.

My head is in a tail-spin
At the world that’s moving fast
No matter how I’m tryin’
I always come in last.
But what is this I’m seein’
I see for the first time.
That this world isn’t changin’
But it’s time I’m changin’ mine.

I’m settin’ out a new course
One against the grain
I turn myself around
Headin’ up the busy lane
I’m bumpin’ into egos
I’m knockin’ into pride
I stumble into to envy
And anger hits me in the side.

I’m walkin’, slowly walkin’
At first I walk alone
But soon another joins me
And we are headed home
With all my bumps and bruises
My smile I cannot hide
My soul is rejoicing
With Jesus at my side.

A Busy World

I’m walkin’ almost runnin’
Round and round it seems
All the time I’m searchin’
For the side that’s always green
I’m workin’, workin’,
To get myself ahead
But that pastures always moving
Farther down the road instead.
Love it, Jenlyn. :yup:
A Busy World

I’m walkin’ almost runnin’
. . . With Jesus at my side.

Jen – is this a song? I know a young singer who could make magic with these lyrics!
Dear Jenlyn

You are a prolific and talented writer. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pieces of writing.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Jen – is this a song? I know a young singer who could make magic with these lyrics!
It’s intended to be a song. I’ve been trying to put a melody to it that I like. :banghead:

Jen :whistle:

In smoking twilights when I head for home
Along the teeming sidewalks of this town,
My footsteps quicken toward the tower bells
That nightly herald Evensong in sweet
Discordant peals that tumble through the streets
And draw the tethered bowels of my soul
To the coda and completion of the day.
Beyond the iron fences, down the close,a
The doors of bronze wait open, venting light
And ghosts of incense to the swelling night.
Like shadows in obedience we come,
Our orison antiphonally chant:
“Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine,”
And let us rest in Thee this night, we pray.
Very nice Mercygate, your poem calmed me as I read it. 🙂

by Sandra Ramirez

slip inside
the thick thick silence
cast off your pride
leave your arrogance

rich rich wood
heavy with sin
all that youÕve heard
blushed chagrin

smothered velvet curtain
swing swing closed
rustling hearts, so uncertain,
spilling your soul

be humbled
fall down
your Babel has crashed
dashed on the ground

the tender release
whispers of
sweet sweet peace
absolved by undying love

made anew
believe, adore;
it is true!
Go out, and sin no more…
Wonderful! 👍

Truly this life is a torment

Where love is unrequited

The soul yearns in misery

And life is a torment

All that brought joy

Is joyless by its very nature

But joy is still held there within

For all things are in His hands
What a nice poem Teresa! It is so true!

A Garden Prayer

Long ago I started in the corner of my yard
A simple flower garden, the work, it wasnÕt hard.
I tended to it daily, pulling all the weeds
I watered and fertilized, I took care of its needs.
Budding flowers grew from the planting of my seeds
Into a bed of colors that swayed in the warm breeze
I love to sit and look at the beauty that was made
Pondering Your love for me in the summer shade.

Standing at my window I gazed out into the yard
My simple flower garden, that hadnÕt been to hard
The blooms had lost their color, some withered on the ground.
Kneeling down to find how my neglect of care abound
I see IÕm lost within myself, pride has won a round
The work itself is simple, to sustain is hard IÕve found
Especially when IÕm thrown into lifeÕs busy demands
ThatÕs when I seem to lose sight of Your loving commands

The work is praying always so the seeds to serve they grow
All the tears IÕm shedding for my sins against You, flow
Are watering my seeds of humility and love
Let Your light shine down, Lord, and warm my seeds from above
Cradle me within Your arms and Your nurturing love
Your love gives me strenghth and thatÕs what IÕm in more need of
So I can sit and look at the beauty that You make
Pondering what You do for me, all for my own sake

Jen :whistle:
Winter of My Soul

Witness the winter of my soul.

Sweet tears evade my cry.

Where crystal droplets once enthroned,
There rests a cheek long dry.
The land without and all within,
Bear seed of love fair sown.
Nurtured, sweet prayer and solitude,
Sad drought, no flowers grown.
Though Comfort hides His Mercy-smile,
Behind this veil of sorrow,
God’s Sun will pierce the curtain black
To light yet graped-spring morrow.
Though n’er a beam from paradise,
Nor voice from sun-burst skies,
Trusting within my silent heart
E’er present God abide.



What honor may this fragile flesh enshrine
Whose swift affections are so soon misled –
Whose very life is to corruption wed?
Or in this mortal dark what light may shine
By which my hunting spirit might divine
Her greater end? Or shall my soul instead
Be heedless of the Love her Savior shed
In bloody sweat to give His Life to mine?
Not if this flesh Eternal Flesh enthrone,
Content with no impatient compromise
That would drain like sand through fingers made of bone
Filling the sockets of uprooted eyes
Whose vision, burst, would reckon fractured stone
Creation’s One, still-living, Sacrifice.
This is so beautiful- I love your evocative language and rich meaning!!!
One of mine…for your reading.


Oh the eternal divide

That humanity alone cannot bridge

The frailness of failing

That can only be bridged in the Divine

How then so brutal the bridge?

Built on Divinity

How then so harsh to Divinity Himself?

That humanity should share upon the Divine

How then? Such love must be the how….

No other reason can be invented nor manifest

As once was in Our Saviour Jesus Christ

Such a Divine and loving bridge

That spared not even Himself,

not human nor Divine was spared

and in this bridge that built a narrow path

was love itself emitted in humanity Divine.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I hope you like this narrative. Enjoy! (smile)

(for the reader’s information, the “I” in the story is the speaker, the persona, and not me, personally.)

I dreamt I saw a man through a crack in a wall. He was laying in the dirt, his back towards me, his head bent, his knees drawn up to his chest. Blood coated his back and my stomach pitched and rolled when I saw shards of rock embedded amongst the angry red flesh. I gasped when a boot kicked his spine, at the way his body snapped straight, ridged with pain, then doubled over once more when another kick sunk into his stomach. My muscles went weak, and I leaned against the cool rock wall. A sharp intake of breath followed by a low groan drew my attention back to the crack. He was being pulled by his hair now around the small room. Shocked at what I was seeing, I ran out of the city and into the fields. Tears streamed down my face and I lifted trembling hands to my cheeks and sunk to the earth. The pain I felt crippled me. I found it heard to breathe and in an attempt to comfort myself, rocked back and forth under a bluebird sky. Then, feeling somewhat better, I looked around only to see the same man being shoved down and forced to lie on the ground.

It happened so quickly that I didn’t have time to look away.

They took his right hand and nailed it down.

I heard a sound bubble up from the man’s throat, the force of it surly would shake the earth, but when he opened his mouth, a quiet tormented sound passed his lips. Just as I was lifting my hands to cover my eyes, he turned his head and looked at me.

Oh those eyes! Glossy with pain, they burned into mine, the intensity of them shocking me. His face was contorted into unspeakable agony, as he seemed to focus entirely on me. I was terrified to look away. It was almost as if he wouldn’t be able to bare the pain if I looked away.

It was for that reason that I watched. Never breaking eye contact, I knew the exact moment when they pierced his feet: his eyes grew wide and his body arched, leaving the bloodstained wood below. As they grabbed his left wrist and drove the nail through, he quickly turned his head away and screamed. The sound tore me in two. Unable to stand it any longer, I rose and ran as fast as I could. I ran until I couldn’t anymore, until my legs collapsed under me and I sobbed, my tears falling to the parched earth.

I awoke then, my body soaked with sweat; my hands clenched and lay there, staring at the ceiling. Gradually my breathing slowed and I summoned enough courage to turn on my bedside lamp. Light flooded the room and I leaned against the wall, trying to block out the images. Exhausted I closed my eyes.

The images swirled around me and I forced them open once more and gasped when I saw the man sitting on the edge of my bed. He had on a garment, but it was ripped and stained, I could see his chest, the skin there was swollen and red, a trickle of blood seeped from one of his wounds and disappeared under the scarp of fabric. Matted, blood soaked hair hung to his shoulders and when he looked at me, his eyes, once so kind, were exhausted and glazed with pain.

He began to tremble then and the violence of it opened his wounds. Moaning, he reached for me and held me as if I alone could save him, as if I alone could ease the pain. His fingers curled into my flesh and my heart broke for this man. Slowly, tentatively I placed one hand on his back, wincing as he stiffened and then I laid a hand on his matted hair, guiding his head to my shoulder. I wanted to speak, I tried to, but the words clogged in my throat. Finally in a low voice, I whispered, “Come and Rest Lord. For you are home.”

And Jesus wept.
I had a crazy idea one day about writting a song based on cliches…

A Cliche Life

vs. 1 Steppin’ out of the past of least resistance
Leavin the world of “anything goes” behind
No more wearin’ those rose colored glasses
Keepin’ up with the joneses lost its charm

Ref. I’m in need, Lord, of some redirection
I’ve been lost in a world of confusion
I am ready to throw in the towel
and turn to You, to trust only you
Cause you are the map to guide my life.

vs. 2 I have my life in my own hands
these hands that have a mind of their own
take these hands, Lord, and cleanse them
so I can lift then up in praise REFRAIN

vs. 3 I’m looking on the sunny side of life
My head held high I’m movin’ on
That rock and a hard place is far behind
I’ve changed my tune singing hymns of praise REFRAIN
Dear friends

Jade and Jenlyn 🙂 …how beautiful! Just beautiful xx

Jade :crying: so beautiful it made me cry.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I do not write poetry but here is one of my favorites:

Every Grain of Sand by Bob Dylan

In the time of my confession, in the hour of my deepest need
When the pool of tears beneath my feet flood every newborn seed
There’s a dyin’ voice within me reaching out somewhere,
Toiling in the danger and in the morals of despair.

Don’t have the inclination to look back on any mistake,
Like Cain, I now behold this chain of events that I must break.
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master’s hand
In every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand.

Oh, the flowers of indulgence and the weeds of yesteryear,
Like criminals, they have choked the breath of conscience and good cheer.
The sun beat down upon the steps of time to light the way
To ease the pain of idleness and the memory of decay.

I gaze into the doorway of temptation’s angry flame
And every time I pass that way I always hear my name.
Then onward in my journey I come to understand
That every hair is numbered like every grain of sand.

I have gone from rags to riches in the sorrow of the night
In the violence of a summer’s dream, in the chill of a wintry light,
In the bitter dance of loneliness fading into space,
In the broken mirror of innocence on each forgotten face.

I hear the ancient footsteps like the motion of the sea
Sometimes I turn, there’s someone there, other times it’s only me.
I am hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan,
Like every sparrow falling, like every grain of sand.
Lord let me die

Lord let me die in a state of grace

Lord let me die tonight

Unless it be your will; for waking up is too hard…just too much
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