Mercygate, Jenlyn, Brain, Theresa9, pro-life_teen, Thomas, thank you all . You’ve made this a lovely evening.
PLT: you are one gifted girl! Thank you so much.Confess
by Sandra Ramirez
slip inside
the thick thick silence
cast off your pride
leave your arrogance
Go out, and sin no more…
Sorry, I am not. I’ll look him up though.Lovely, Jenlyn! Are you familiar with John Henry Newman’s poem, “Lead, Kindly Light?”
Love it, Jenlyn. :yup:A Busy World
I’m walkin’ almost runnin’
Round and round it seems
All the time I’m searchin’
For the side that’s always green
I’m workin’, workin’,
To get myself ahead
But that pastures always moving
Farther down the road instead.
Jen – is this a song? I know a young singer who could make magic with these lyrics!A Busy World
I’m walkin’ almost runnin’
. . . With Jesus at my side.
It’s intended to be a song. I’ve been trying to put a melody to it that I like. :banghead:Jen – is this a song? I know a young singer who could make magic with these lyrics!
Very nice Mercygate, your poem calmed me as I read it.Evensong
In smoking twilights when I head for home
Along the teeming sidewalks of this town,
My footsteps quicken toward the tower bells
That nightly herald Evensong in sweet
Discordant peals that tumble through the streets
And draw the tethered bowels of my soul
To the coda and completion of the day.
Beyond the iron fences, down the close,a
The doors of bronze wait open, venting light
And ghosts of incense to the swelling night.
Like shadows in obedience we come,
Our orison antiphonally chant:
“Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine,”
And let us rest in Thee this night, we pray.
by Sandra Ramirez
slip inside
the thick thick silence
cast off your pride
leave your arrogance
rich rich wood
heavy with sin
all that youÕve heard
blushed chagrin
smothered velvet curtain
swing swing closed
rustling hearts, so uncertain,
spilling your soul
be humbled
fall down
your Babel has crashed
dashed on the ground
the tender release
whispers of
sweet sweet peace
absolved by undying love
made anew
believe, adore;
it is true!
Go out, and sin no more…
What a nice poem Teresa! It is so true!Truly this life is a torment
Where love is unrequited
The soul yearns in misery
And life is a torment
All that brought joy
Is joyless by its very nature
But joy is still held there within
For all things are in His hands
This is so beautiful- I love your evocative language and rich meaning!!!Sacrament
What honor may this fragile flesh enshrine
Whose swift affections are so soon misled –
Whose very life is to corruption wed?
Or in this mortal dark what light may shine
By which my hunting spirit might divine
Her greater end? Or shall my soul instead
Be heedless of the Love her Savior shed
In bloody sweat to give His Life to mine?
Not if this flesh Eternal Flesh enthrone,
Content with no impatient compromise
That would drain like sand through fingers made of bone
Filling the sockets of uprooted eyes
Whose vision, burst, would reckon fractured stone
Creation’s One, still-living, Sacrifice.