I think the main problem is that many young people, Catholics included, do not take chastity seriously. We teach chastity, but evidently not very convincingly if the Catholic high school around here is any indication. I’ve had three children in Catholic HS and all three report there is rampant permiscuity.
IMO it is a great deal of wasted effort to go after abortion when the immediate cause of it is practically untouched. Our generation glamorized permiscuity and now we go about with wishful thinking that our children will not follow suit. We do this, however, while in such a state of denial that we do not have honest and trusting relationships with these children. Just from listening to my own children and reading some of their blog sites, one can find out so much about other people’s children that they don’t know it would make your head spin. The way they drink and party and have rampant sex and then write about it on an “unprotected” web site, it is absolutely astounding.
With that in place, I think abortion in most cases is a desperate measure to get them out of the pain they envision as a result of a choice they’ve already made. I honestly don’t think kids jump into bed thinking, “let’s get together and if we make a baby we will abort it.”
Plus, contraceptive thinking runs rampant in these circles, as the children are in their own little world, isolated by the generation gap.
Short summary: I don’t think Catholics will even gain assent in their own ranks on the abortion issue (especially the political components) until we learn to teach our children chastity better than the rest of the world. Until then, we are fighting an internal battle, standing divided, and if we keep it up we will continue to lose the war.
Hint: if you have a great relationship with your children, ask them if they will show you their blog sites or those of their friends. Do this cautiously because if they think you will try to “fix” them or their friends, or take any “adult” action based on what you learn, you will be putting them into a position of either giving you an elusive answer or becoming themselves a traitor among their age group.