I highlighted the most important issue… your daughter may understand YOUR position, but not able to understand or formulate one of HER own. You’ve started right with her though, in getting the discussion going and explaining it to her so she can make her own decision and stand firm on it.
My mother made this very mistake I highlighted except I really didn’t understand her position either. I assumed that because we were Catholic, we were against abortion. So when I found myself in a position of what my parents thought was an unwanted pregnancy and they offered to pay for an abortion, I was so confused because I thought it was wrong and here I have the two people I’m supposed to trust telling me it’s ok (it’s because it would have made them look bad and they hated the father of the baby). Needless to say, I didn’t make the right choices, I didn’t stand firm on what I wanted (which was to keep the baby) and 10 years later, I’m still trying to find it in my heart to forgive them for forcing me into an abortion. What a shame it is to learn at 19 that you can never trust your own parents ever again.
And it’s the parents responsibility to teach their children about sexual morals (among many other things.) I have a 12 yr old neice that I will end up having to teach about sexual morals as my sister refuses to teach her. I’ve asked and she goes “Oh, the school will do that.” (yes, my neice attends a Catholic school too) It’s bothersome as most Catholic schools don’t have just Catholic kids so they have to give broad brushstrokes that don’t even come close to teaching about sexual morals. It’s insane.
Good luck to you though!!! Your daughter is lucky to have a mother willing to discuss this issue with her!