Follow the logic - your logicForgive me if I laugh about this one. My husband will too if I tell him.
I’ve been married for many decades to a good husband who isn’t greatly inclined to sentimental displays. He is a thinking rather than a feeling man. He is a practical man.
I know he loves me not because of hugs and kisses, not because of chocolates and flowers ( our resources are limited so we use them for practical things).
Your argument has no basis in point. His behaviour has been decency, loyalty, trust, courtesy and respect, regardless of difficulties… Your argument is laughably inappropriate for us. Our love for each other is strong, and shows itself in the decent and kind way we treat each other even after many decades of marriage. He will help me and others, not because he has a high feeling index. He doesn’t. He does so from the goodness in his spirit.
He’s not likely to say “I love you” show by pretty displays. He simply lives it.
Love is choices, not only emotional gestures.
According to the bible we don’t know other people’s spirits, and no one can get inside anyone else’s heads.
We only have our own framework of perception and assessment. This is why you, and all of us, shouldn’t be quick to judge others or to ascribe feelings and intentions to them**

You said you can’t know a person’s mindset - that is presumptious.
I said how then does a person know another’s heart then?
That they are loved by for example their spouse - husband or even wife. (Off topic though I specifically think that men cannot feel love toward another forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=894578).