There seems to be a bit of a disconnect between what we as Christians are called to do in Holy Scriptures, and what we do in the real world, out of our own selfishness. I believe that Thomas Aquinas said, “On like manner this applies to those also who are in great fear, for they are so intent on their own passion, that they pay no attention to the suffering of others.”
Haven’t we been told up front by the terrorists that they’re slipping terrorists into this group of refugees?
The pictures I’m seeing are a lot of young men–NOT women, children, families. Are these pictures false? I’m sincerely asking.
I think there’s a huge difference between this ‘fear’ that is popularly being portrayed and legitimate caution. I mean, if someone TELLS me straight up they’re going to blow up my house if I let them in, is it ‘fear’ to say, “No, you may not come in,” or is it prudence?
I have a huge problem with this issue being reduced to ‘fear.’ Clearly, that is not the only thing going on here.
I also have a huge problem with the fact that everyone who is pushing to let in the Syrian refugees has been quite silent on Obama turning away the Christian refugees. I want these questions answered by every single person supporting the Syrian refugees, whom we’re TOLD UPFRONT will hide some number of terrorists: did you speak out as strongly against those who denied entry to the Christian refugees? Are those who denied THEM entry also guilty of fear and lack of charity and hard-heartedness? Where is the money coming from to provide for this influx of 10,000 immigrants?
I’m reminded of the entire Holy Family, Jesus, His mother Mary and Joseph, seeking refuge in an inn. They could not find a room.
With all due respect, this is a very poor comparison. They were not ‘refugees.’ They were travelers. They had a home, and left it only to go for the census. This is not a refugee at all. Second, they were not any part of any group that was routinely killing Romans. Third, they were ordered by the Romans to go where they were going. Fourth, it was a single man with a pregnant woman–which is not at all what I’m seeing in the pictures. Now, if those pictures are false and misleading, I want to know, but let’s talk about facts instead of throwing out sound bites that aren’t actually that accurate or comparable.
One thing that continues to bother me about this whole discussion is that it is NOT a discussion–it is too often simply character assassination: either you’re for letting in the Syrian refugees, or you’re a bad, hard-hearted, un-Christian, fearful person who hates brown-skinned people.
Um, no. There are legitimate questions to be answered, and when people resort to name-calling and character assassination, it makes me think they can’t answer those questions.