Catholic T Shirts

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Wearing something is itself an action. :yup:

There certainly is no harm in wearing a Catholic T-shirt, and it might just provide you with an opportunity to evangelize.
I just ordered a couple of shirts off that website for my husband for Father’s Day - he loves to proclaim that he’s Catholic! And why not? We’re blessed with belonging to the one, true Church and it’s time we started to show how proud and blessed we are to have the full truth, thanks be to God. I love bumper stickers, too. I guess I’m just an in-your-face Catholic! Boy, am I on a soapbox or what? Guess I better get off it, open it up, and do some laundry!😃 God bless, Fiona
Are Catholic T Shirts ok to wear?
If it’s a Catholic t-shirt, that must mean it fits everybody perfectly. 😉

sorry - couldn’t resist
I wear a St Benedict’s cross (on the outside of my shirt), priests wear a collar,nuns wear a habit etc etc. A T-Shirt is just another form of outward sign to the world!
If it’s a Catholic t-shirt, that must mean it fits everybody perfectly. 😉

sorry - couldn’t resist
No need to apologize. 😉 :tiphat:
What are some pretty good Catholic T-shirt sites anyway? I only know of a few…
Thanks for the info. I gotta have one of those Tee shirts. I hope they have some with a front pocket.
I just got a Catholic tee that says “Proud to be Roman Catholic”, I’m hoping it will open up people enof to talk to me about my beliefs. The web address I bought from was

Please no repremands for the “Roman” part, I already saw that posting and don’t really find it an important question. To an outsider, it will get the message across. I think on this site some get alittle caught up in proving thier point instead of Loving.

“Love one another”-Jesus
What are some pretty good Catholic T-shirt sites anyway? I only know of a few…
Biblically Correct and Totally Catholic T’s. Both will be at the NACHE conference in VA next month 🙂 —KCT
Carrie Andrews:
I just got a Catholic tee that says “Proud to be Roman Catholic”, I’m hoping it will open up people enof to talk to me about my beliefs. The web address I bought from was

Please no repremands for the “Roman” part, I already saw that posting and don’t really find it an important question. To an outsider, it will get the message across. I think on this site some get alittle caught up in proving thier point instead of Loving.

“Love one another”-Jesus
**This company is owned by friends of mine. Their products are nice. **

Yes, I agree that we can evangelize and catechize and maybe even remind someone to pray.

I will be unashamedly Catholic and not a closet-Catholic either.


I saw the “Save the baby humans” slogan at the bottom of your reply. Is the original from a t-shirt or a bumber sticker? If a t-shirt, where can I get one?

I’d love a t-shirt with a baby seal on an ice floe holding up a sign that reads, “Save the baby humans!”

In Christ’s peace and joy,

Robin L.
I also love the great bumper stickers that are out there!

CD4 does make them? They should come to this forum and tell thier story of how they started and why.
I wear a charm on my charm bracelet that says Proud to be Catholic because I am proud that I’m Catholic and if it opens up discussion thats pretty good too.
I didn’t even know they had t shirts like this and they are in really good taste, I’m going to order one, I think they are really in excellent taste and they look nice too! 🙂
I am on a college campus, and I plan to buy like 10 shirts for the beginning of the school year to wear for the first 2 weeks.
Bringing Catholicism to a secular, private campus.
God Bless,

Let’s let our Catholic T-shirts remind us to behave in such as way as to be a positive witness in our actions to the Faith as we wear them . . . 🙂

Similarly, when one sticks on a Catholic bumper sticker, one’s driving needs to present a positive witness. . .
I got shirts from Totally Catholic for me & the kids - good quality & good messages. They’re great conversation starters!

Once I forgot what I was wearing. A woman in a book store said - I’m Catholic too. I was surprised & asked how she knew - she pointed to my shirt. Oh yeah. :o We had a great conversation!
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