Catholic Tracts?

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I bought the Sunday Visitor pamplets on “10 Questions Catholics are asked most often.”
I believe they cost .50 cents- or something. I figure it’s well worth the investment and buy them in English and Spanish. I left them in the Church pamphlet holder- not sure what it’s called and they quickly started disappearing. At first I thought maybe someone threw them out because I didn’t ask permission but there are always some left telling me that they are not being thrown away.
I also bought a few of the booklets Catholic Answers puts out- also in Engish and Spanish- Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth- again, if you spend $20 you get 20 and you can have them with you to pass them out. You never know when someone is contemplating leaving the church.
Good luck.
We also use the Our Sunday Visitor pamphlets. THey are inexpensive, well done and they have a variety of topics.
Grotto Press’s “cartoon tracts” are great. You can get a sampler set of the 25 different tracts for 5 bucks plus shipping. Colorful, orthodox and full of Bible quotes. They are smaller than the typical tract physically which makes them good for placing in letters/bill payments you send out in the mail.

Here is the link to the sampler set:
Are there pamphlets I can leave at doors that explain Catholic belief and practice? This would be really nice, especially in my city where there’s less than 6% Catholics! :bible1:

Is there a certain company that makes pamphlets? Does Catholic Answers?
I just want to reiterate everyone else’s recommendation for Our Sunday Visitor’s pamphlets. They have a large library on a variety of topics, and they are pretty solid. For evangelization purposes, Top Ten Reasons to Come Back to the Catholic Church is a good one.
  1. pamphlets from St. Martin de Porres Lay Dominican Community … 270-325-3061 … ask for their catalog. They are folded to fit in the literature rack. Large variety of titles and they will send a variety.
  2. Catholic Answers tracts are excellent.
Does anyone know if there is other websites that sell Catholic tracts?

The type of thing I am looking for is a tract, the same size as Jack Chick Tracts, that goes over basically all Catholic beliefs and backs them up. I need it to be pocket-sized for ease of distribution and spreading. If no such thing exists, then we have an opportunity for a new way to spread the gospoel.
I have some Joe Hardhat ones but they’re easy on the art. I’d like to make some more eye-catching ones.
Although I am not familiar with them, I know that sells sets of Catholic tracts for distribuion.

God bless,
Also, if you can find anything by Rosalind Moss, get your hands on it! I love learning from her. She comes from a Jewish bakground. Just search her on Google.
I use what I think are some excellent ones from Christero Communications, Sasketchewan, Canada. They are 8" by 11", but they tri-fold, & fit easy in pockets, even if they’re folded in half.
Hi everyone. What are some websites out there where I can find some good Catholic tracts for reasonable prices at? 🤷:confused:
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