Catholic view of Islam

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Something everyone should read:

This guy is over the top sarcatic and has some anti-Catholic tendencies too but he knows Islam for what it is. This excerpt pretty much sums up his thesis:
For the answer to that question, let’s turn to the book that introduced the world to this demonic spirit. The name Lucifer is only mentioned once in the entire Bible. In the midst of his prophecy on World War III—the all Islamic war to be launched against Israel in the last days—Isaiah says this about Islam and its dark spirit: “The rule of the oppressor [nagras: one who uses tyranny to harass, tax, and oppress, i.e., Islam] will come to an end. Those who smote [nakah: to strike, exile, murder, punish, or slaughter] the Jews in rage and anger with unceasing blows, and in fury subdued [terrorized] the nations with relentless aggression, will be prosecuted. Hell itself will be moved. The pompous gloating leaders, arrogantly swelling with pride and boastful speech will be brought from their graves like maggots spread out. How you have fallen, cast out of heaven, O Lucifer, the one with the brightness of the morning star. You have been cast down to the earth and diminished. You used prostration to weaken the Gentile nations. You boasted ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will exalt my throne above God. I will abide in the meeting place on the most sacred Mount [Moriah—home of Lucifer’s most flamboyant shrine: the Dome of the Rock]. You said, ‘I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit…. The offspring of the wicked will not rise up to inherit the land [Israel] or rule over the earth.” (Isaiah 14 amplified from the original Hebrew.)
The prophet Isaiah connected many of the dots for us. He reveals that Lucifer was a fallen angel and that pride led to his ruin. He is destructive, leading men to their doom. And he wants to be worshiped in place of Yahweh. Further, he connects Lucifer to Islam by saying that he is the inspiration of those who oppress the Jews and covet their land. The fact he uses “prostration” to weaken the Gentile nations is quite a clue.
“Satan” is Lucifer’s title. It means “The Adversary.” John, in Revelation, writes: “I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, or Satan. He bound him for a thousand years. He shut him up so that he could no longer deceive the nations.” (Revelation 20) Satan is a derogatory title for Lucifer—a spirit who deceives and leads men astray. Lucifer, of course, detests “The Adversary” title, as he wants to be God, not God’s opponent. Adverse means unfavorable, unpleasant, poor, or undesirable. It’s not the kind of image a spirit who wants to be worshiped would be fond of having hung around his neck.
Understanding Lucifer and his disdain for the Adversary, or Satanic title, is central to understanding the spirit that underlies Islam, the spirit that enticed and inspired Muhammad to such egregious behavior. Paul, speaking to the Corinthians of the false doctrine and prophet to come said: “I am concerned that just as Eve was deceived and beguiled by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may someday be corrupted. For if someone comes and preaches another Yahshua who is different, if you receive another spirit, or hear a different Gospel, you may be susceptible. I may not possess eloquent speech or be an Apostle who requires your obedience, but I know what is true and have manifest it to you…. The truth of Christ is in me. And I will continue doing this in order to cut the ground from under those who would seize the opportunity to boast about. For such men are false prophets, deceitful teachers, masquerading as messengers of God. And no wonder, for Satan transfigures and disguises himself into an angel of light .” (2 Corinthians 11 amplified from the original Greek.)
Paul is saying that Lucifer will transform himself into the image of an angel and deceive men using a false prophet. The messenger will be boastful, yet speak eloquently; he will be deceitful, yet require obedience. He will come with a new Gospel. He is speaking of Muhammad and his Qur’an.
By putting these things together we discover that Lucifer, as presented in the Bible, is a perfect match for Allah, the demented and deceitful spirit of the Qur’an. And we know that Lucifer hates the Satanic title. So now, the only pieces of the puzzle that remain are why Lucifer chose to disguise himself as Gabriel and why he chose Muhammad to be his prophet.
The Hebrew word for “angel” means “messenger.” And the angel named Gabriel was only called to deliver three messages. The first is to Daniel. He told the prophet the exact day the Messiah would enter Jerusalem, five hundred years in advance of the occasion. He spoke of the destruction of the Temple, which followed Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Then Gabriel told Daniel that Satan would cause great devastation that he would defile Mount Moriah in the last days. The second and then final time we hear from Gabriel is in the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. Gabriel relays a message heralding the birth of John the Baptist—the one who announced the Messiah’s arrival. And he told Mary she would give birth to Yahshua, the Son of Yahweh. In other words, Gabriel had only one job: announce the arrival of the Messiah. Lucifer chose to impersonate him because his Muhammad was the counterfeit Messiah. So now we know who the players are and why they are acting so devilishly.
Craig Winn
Prophet of Doom

In short - Islam is Lucifer’s answer to Christ. Unable to duplicate God’s feat of becoming flesh, because creation is not within his power, he chose a pagan of questionable character to begin with to spread his ‘gospel’. In the centuries since Islam has attacked Christianity and Judiasm relentlessly, they are obsessed with the destruction of the Jewish people because Lucifer is obsessed with the destruction of God’s chosen people.
The Koran and Hadith chronicle the rise to power of a truly evil doctrine. Lucifer always wanted to be God, now he has about 1 billion + worshippers.
Lucifer is laughing at us as his followers hold 2 of the 3 holiest sites in Christianity and the European continent now refuses to defend itself. I predict that by 2050 St. Peters will join Solomon’s temple and St. Sophia’s as a defiled, Muslim mosque. I hope I’m wrong, but unless we get a pope that will call for a Crusade instead of apoligizing for them I don’t see how Europe will survive this century.
Very interesting thread, well I hope that like the phase John XXIII and the communism dissapeared with John Paul II, this phase with islam dissapear, remember God is with us, greetings
Paul is saying that Lucifer will transform himself into the image of an angel and deceive men using a false prophet. The messenger will be boastful, yet speak eloquently; he will be deceitful, yet require obedience. He will come with a new Gospel. He is speaking of Muhammad and his Qur’an.
By putting these things together we discover that Lucifer, as presented in the Bible, is a perfect match for Allah, the demented and deceitful spirit of the Qur’an. And we know that Lucifer hates the Satanic title. So now, the only pieces of the puzzle that remain are why Lucifer chose to disguise himself as Gabriel and why he chose Muhammad to be his prophet.
The Hebrew word for “angel” means “messenger.” And the angel named Gabriel was only called to deliver three messages. The first is to Daniel. He told the prophet the exact day the Messiah would enter Jerusalem, five hundred years in advance of the occasion. He spoke of the destruction of the Temple, which followed Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Then Gabriel told Daniel that Satan would cause great devastation that he would defile Mount Moriah in the last days. The second and then final time we hear from Gabriel is in the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. Gabriel relays a message heralding the birth of John the Baptist—the one who announced the Messiah’s arrival. And he told Mary she would give birth to Yahshua, the Son of Yahweh. In other words, Gabriel had only one job: announce the arrival of the Messiah. Lucifer chose to impersonate him because his Muhammad was the counterfeit Messiah. So now we know who the players are and why they are acting so devilishly.
Craig Winn
Prophet of Doom
In short - Islam is Lucifer’s answer to Christ. Unable to duplicate God’s feat of becoming flesh, because creation is not within his power, he chose a pagan of questionable character to begin with to spread his ‘gospel’. In the centuries since Islam has attacked Christianity and Judiasm relentlessly, they are obsessed with the destruction of the Jewish people because Lucifer is obsessed with the destruction of God’s chosen people.
The Koran and Hadith chronicle the rise to power of a truly evil doctrine. Lucifer always wanted to be God, now he has about 1 billion + worshippers.
Lucifer is laughing at us as his followers hold 2 of the 3 holiest sites in Christianity and the European continent now refuses to defend itself. I predict that by 2050 St. Peters will join Solomon’s temple and St. Sophia’s as a defiled, Muslim mosque. I hope I’m wrong, but unless we get a pope that will call for a Crusade instead of apoligizing for them I don’t see how Europe will survive this century.
Well written.

What isnt discussed enough is that Islam is a faith of works. Ishmael was a son of the flesh not faith. Issaic, the son of promise is the son of faith.
Moslems attempt to reach God by their works but God is seperated from all except through the bridge of faith in His Son Jesus. The Jews and Christians, peoples of the Word and of faith are neccesarily opposed to those of the flesh.
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