Really? All human death is evil. All evil effects have evil causes. What is the evil cause of the innocent one’s death? Physical evils by definition have no moral agency in their cause.Throwing the switch is killing indirectly. Throwing someone onto the track is killing directly.
If another bystander whose spouse was the innocent one threw the switch back then did the second bystander indirectly kill the five? No, neither bystander’s intent can change the moral object of the act which is to directly kill.
Exhausting the physics between the hand of the moral agent and the foreseen evil outcome does not change the directness of the evil effect to the act. What is using a broomstick to push someone onto the track, direct or indirect? What is throwing a rock at his head to cause him to fall onto the track? All are the direct causes of the innocent one’s death because there is no mediating moral cause.
The fetus dies directly of starvation, not by trauma at the hand of the surgeon. The surgeon is the indirect cause having excised diseased tissue with the fetus in situ. Unlike the indirect abortion, the innocent one dies directly at the hand of the bystander.