May I join you in the “confusion?”
I slightly disagree with puzzleannie: there is one and only one Church established by Jesus Christ.
That Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
We, Catholics, firmly believe and profess that the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church IS (or subsists in) the Catholic Church. Eastern Churches (Oriental and Eastern Orthodox) also believe and profess in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church!
Further, we believe that the Catholic Church, as first described by St. Ignatius of Antioch as such, IS the Church established by Jesus Christ on Peter (or on Peter’s faith); that she is THE universal Church, where God’s sacramental ark of salvation is in its fullness.
Thus, every Church or ecclesial community professing to be the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic MUST be in communion with the See of Peter (or the Barque of Peter), or, at least recognize the universal shepherdic role of the successor of Peter (Petrine Office) to maintain the oneness (the unity) of Christ’s one and only Church.
Sadly, there is a factual disunity of the “Church” best exemplified by the millenium-long “separation” or “estrangement” between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Churches, and, later, the Catholic Church and protestantism. To the first, Pope John Paul II has partly committed his pontificate to our reunification so that the Church can again breathe with “two lungs!”
With that in mind, various Eastern Churches have come, at various times, into “communion” with Rome, the See of Peter. Thus, there are currently 22 Eastern Churches in the Catholic Communion which, together with the Roman Catholic Church (or Latin Church), is THE Catholic Church.