Hi,The Roman Catholic Church is one of the 23 churches that makes up the Catholic Church. I am a member of the Byzantine Catholic Church, it is not Roman.
It may pain you to read in the NEW ADVENT which is the Catholic Encyclopedia where is stated that the Vatican views the Eastern Rite Churches as schizonists and the Protestants as hereticts.
Also, issued on September 5, 2000 *DOMINUS IEUSUS *Vatican Document and Letter 00-211-JB the primacy and supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church was re-asserted and that only the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, is indeed the successor of Peter. All others are to be referred to as ecclesial communities.
*DOMINUS IEUSUS *was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Roman Catholic Church, and ratified by Pope John Paul II.
It appears the Vatican tolerates the Eastern Rites Churches only, the term Catholic can sometimes be loosely used.