From the time of Christ, His followers were called Christians, although they disguised their Faith for many years to avoid the persecutions. There is still in existence a letter written by St. Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, which calls the Christian religion the “Catholic Church.” This letter was written in 110 A.D. while he was enroute to be executed for his Faith. The Church of Rome, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, headed by the Vicar of Christ, St. Peter and his successors, is and remains in full union with ALL of the teachings of Christ under the guarantee of Christ Himself. The protestant revolters have used and continue to use the ruse that Catholics are not Christian, but protestants are. They claim Catholics fell away from the teachings of Christ. They make this claim in contradiction to the very bible they hold as the sole revelation of God’s Word.
I also know many people, ex-Catholics and never-have-beens, who claim that Catrholics are not Christian. Some call themselves Lutheran. What does that tell you? To be Catholic means you belong to the “universal” Church. To be Lutheran must mean you belong to a Church founded by Martin Luther, an ex-Catholic priest who could not maintain control of his morals, so he declared that no one could follow the Ten Commandments and “reformed” his Catholic Faith into the “image and likeness” of his own weaknesses. Therefore, less than 500 years ago Christianity appeared? Does that mean that Christ failed totally in His establishment of a religion, but Martin Luther has come to the rescue? And he based his religion exclusively on the bible which the “failed” Catholics produced by gathering from 1000’s of documents, declaring which “inspired,” giving titles, dividing into chapters, and then into verses.
The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is THE Christian Church.