In regards to Gregorian chant, pipe organ, and Latin having a “pride of place” or “being especially suited to the Roman Rite”, it comes down to this: is this pride of place de facto or de jure? In most places, they will say something like this, “Oh gregorian chant is wonderful and has a place as the crown jewel of Mass music, but it is not something we can do here.” What they are doing is paying lip service to chant’s “pride of place”, but if you were to stumble into the parish on any given Sunday, you’d be hard pressed to actually see its pride of place. This is a simple de jure “pride of place” that, in reality, has no impact on weekly parochial life.
Latin is coming back…
Everything old is new again
P.S. That’s not me on the blog
Latin is coming back…
Everything old is new again
P.S. That’s not me on the blog