Catholics Don't Understand Church History

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One can minister without being granted authority. That’s a simple fact.
There is a difference between say baptizing someone (which is more germaine to discussion) than helping someone cross the street.
There is a difference between say baptizing someone (which is more germaine to discussion) than helping someone cross the street.
That’s a bad example. In an emergency, a non-Catholic or non-Christian or even an atheist can perform a Catholic baptism, and requires no special permission to do so. He just needs to use water and say the correct words of baptism, with the intent to baptize.
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That’s a bad example.
Bad example of what, little authority or excercise of ?

Baptism or forgiveness of sins thru the gospel is certainly more authoritative than being a greeter or helping someone cross the street. As a matter of fact not sure there is anything more powerful, the demonstrative power to make one a child of God.
The point is God doesn’t need to confer a special authority on people in order for them to baptize. There are a number of other sacraments that do require God to confer a special authority on a priest via Holy Orders before the priest can administer the sacrament to others.

We’re all born with whatever authority we need to baptize. We can baptize as easily as we can help a person cross the street.
We’re all born with whatever authority we need to baptize. We can baptize as easily as we can help a person cross the street.
The exception makes the rule.

The rule is Christs disciples are to preach the gospel to all nations, and baptize in His name, to remit sins and reconcile to God, per His instruction and authority thereof.

No one is born a disciple. All need to be born again and become a disciple. That anyone can perform a water baptism is an exception, but most baptisms are done by a disciple/ believer.And besides, God has already done the work thru His Word and gift of faith before hand in the desiring participant/ candidate.(certainly not the work of just anyone or an atheist).
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The rule is Christs disciples are to preach the gospel to all nations, and baptize in His name, to remit sins and reconcile to God, per His instruction and authority thereof.
Who was He talking to when He spoke of remmiting sins?
to remit sins
Only priests can “remit sins”.

We’re all given authority to baptize; we’re not all given the authority to remit sins.

Edited to add, I see by your profile you’re Protestant. No surprise, since your responses in this thread are frequently not in accordance with Catholic teaching on the sacraments.
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Who was He talking to when He spoke of remmiting sins?
I was not necessarily referring to sacrament of confession, but the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation more commonly associated with baptism.

Is that a Catholic teaching, that what was ever said to the apostles in gospels is only meant for bishop/presbyters, and not for priesthood of all believers ?
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God remits them.

Muting now because I see this whole discussion as another case of a non-Catholic derailing a thread that was about a different topic. Have a nice day.
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I was not necessarily referring to sacrament of confession, but the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation more commonly associated with baptism.
Which is an effect not an action of the baptizer.
Well, technically a priest absolves sins in persona Christi, so it’s not the priest forgiving sins in that situation either. But he must possess authority to act in this regard or the sins are not forgiven.
Which is an effect not an action of the baptizer.
Correct as I posted,

“.And besides, God has already done the work thru His Word and gift of faith before hand in the desiring participant/ candidate.”

The “besides” brings us full circle to the factual decree, even by the CC, that there is salvific grace and spiritual life and nourishment in communities of “seperated brethren”.

We have brought much fruit and much salvation of souls and baptisms. As was pointed out by Catholics here, much due to authority of foundational church, even the CC. We do not say we are not “catholic” in that sense but agree.
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God remits them.

Muting now because I see this whole discussion as another case of a non-Catholic derailing a thread that was about a different topic. Have a nice day.
Tisbear, I am surprised at your response here for it seems somewhat out of character for you. I have gone back to the beginning of this thread to try to figure out what the original topic really was and it not only seems nebulous but I think the responses from most posters confirm that it was rather a vague and unhelpful topic. Numerous Catholic responders in the previous 200 posts have also gone off topic.

It seems a bit uncharitable and hypocritical to announce you are muting because a non-Catholic has again gone off topic. Is there some unwritten rule that only Catholic posters are allowed to stray off topic? If the issue is that it is off topic, it should not matter what the religious affiliation of the poster is. Also, this is the non-Catholic Religions section.
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