Catholics for a Mario Cuomo president bid in 2008?

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Here is quote from former governor of New York, Mario Cuomo in the May 2, 2005 edition of Time magazine regarding the election of Pope Benedict XVI, “The most one can expect, although it’s less than one can hope for, would be an admission by the Pope that man-made rules are alterable by the church that made them. Even an unannounced but perceptible change in its attitude about contraceptives. Those rules are not enforced in this country. No priest will get up on the pulpit on Sunday and say, ‘Those who use contraceptives should leave the church’.”

Mr. Cuomo’s brief statement is so full of holes, difficult to determine where to begin your critique (Natural law, Catholic moral theology, relativism, morality by consensus …), and exactly captures the misinformed attitudes and intentions of many Catholics in this country.

Here is an insightful commentary by George Weigel about the fold of the flock:
Don’t know much about Mr. Cuomo, but based on what it is said in this excerpt I will not be voting for him for president should his party (DEMocrat? Republican?) nominate him.

Don’t know much about Mr. Cuomo, but based on what it is said in this excerpt I will not be voting for him for president should his party (DEMocrat? Republican?) nominate him.

I’ve lived in NY all my life and endured Mr. Cuomo’s multiple terms. He ran the state into the ground and is completely incompetent, not to mention a hypocrite and a fool.

But, on the bright side, he is nothing more than a “bunt”. Everyone ignores him. Proof: his short-lived media career.
Don’t know much about Mr. Cuomo, but based on what it is said in this excerpt I will not be voting for him for president should his party (DEMocrat? Republican?) nominate him.

Mario Cuomo was the face of the Catholic Democrats in the 80s.
Here is quote from former governor of New York, Mario Cuomo in the May 2, 2005 edition of Time magazine regarding the election of Pope Benedict XVI, “The most one can expect, although it’s less than one can hope for, would be an admission by the Pope that man-made rules are alterable by the church that made them. Even an unannounced but perceptible change in its attitude about contraceptives. Those rules are not enforced in this country. No priest will get up on the pulpit on Sunday and say, ‘Those who use contraceptives should leave the church’.”

Mr. Cuomo’s brief statement is so full of holes, difficult to determine where to begin your critique (Natural law, Catholic moral theology, relativism, morality by consensus …), and exactly captures the misinformed attitudes and intentions of many Catholics in this country.

Here is an insightful commentary by George Weigel about the fold of the flock:
Cumo knows as much about the Catholic faith as knew running New york State. That is very little.
Mario Cuomo has never had my support for any elective office. He was a politician who conveniently used his beliefs to justify his refusal to permit executions in NYS state while he was governor, yet with respect to abortion he proclaimed that while he personally opposed it, he could not do anything about it.
Nope. Won’t be voting for him or Hilllary. (Now, that would be a scary combo, wouldn’t it–one for Prez, one for VP).
I’ve lived in NY all my life and endured Mr. Cuomo’s multiple terms. He ran the state into the ground and is completely incompetent, not to mention a hypocrite and a fool.

But, on the bright side, he is nothing more than a “bunt”. Everyone ignores him. Proof: his short-lived media career.
…very unclear here, so you do or don’t like him…:cool:
Mario Cuomo was the face of the Catholic Democrats in the 80s.
So, does Kerry get his theological advise from this Cuomo character? wonder the “catholic” democratic leaders are not catholic at all…

Cuomo’s time has come and gone. He’s no candidate for national office any more. You can write him off IMO.
Nice generalization.
Name one Catholic Democrat in National office that adheres to Catholic doctrine publically? I’m going to get some popcorn, I’ll be back in about 5 years.
Nice generalization.
Granted, it was. The only democratic catholic leaders that I can think of seem to follow Mr. Cuomo’s “catholicisim”: Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Pelosi, Daschle (no longer a leader)…

I would grant that there are “catholic” republican leaders who may also be “cafeteria catholics”. However, at least some of the leaders are good catholics (Santorum, Jeb Bush, Keating (OK-Gov).

Name one Catholic Democrat in National office that adheres to Catholic doctrine publically? I’m going to get some popcorn, I’ll be back in about 5 years.
You can name me a similar Republican who adheres to Catholic doctrine publically?
You can name me a similar Republican who adheres to Catholic doctrine publically?
Rick Santorum, Sam Brownback, Jeb Bush. That’s just off the top of my head.
Rick Santorum, Sam Brownback, Jeb Bush. That’s just off the top of my head.
Santorum, sure. I don’t know who Brownback is. Bush is the governor of Florida - he’s not in national Office.

Okay, you’ve got three. Maybe, there are three more.
Santorum, sure. I don’t know who Brownback is. Bush is the governor of Florida - he’s not in national Office.

Okay, you’ve got three. Maybe, there are three more.
Sam Brownback is the junior senator from Kansas.
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