Catholics for a Mario Cuomo president bid in 2008?

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Hate to admit it but I used to love this guy. He is a great speaker and very glib and self-effacing, or used to be. But that was way back when, circa 1984, long before I became a Catholic and realized how heretical he is. I think they have the goods on him or else he would have run in 1992 the way people wanted him to. Clinton never could have gotten the nomination if Cuomo had run, but after messing with everyone’s heads Cuomo backed out and I think maybe there was some info on him or his son–some corruption or affair or something because I think he did want it.
You can name me a similar Republican who adheres to Catholic doctrine publically?
Senate Republicans: Sam Brownback, Kansas; James Bunning, Kentucky; Susan Collins, Maine; Michael DeWine, Ohio; Peter Domenici, New Mexico; Mel Martinez, Florida; Lisa Murkowski, Alaska; Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania; John Sununu, New Hampshire; David Vitter, Louisiana; George Voinovich, Ohio.

Senate Democrats: Maria Cantwell, Washington; Joe Biden, Delaware; Chris Dodd, Connecticut; Richard Durbin, Illinois; Tom Harkin, Iowa; Ted Kennedy, Massachusetts; John Kerry, Massachusetts; Mary Landrieu, Louisiana; Pat Leahy, Vermont; Barbara Mikulski, Maryland; Patty Murray, Washington; Jack Reed, Rhode Island; Ken Salazar, Colorado.

House Republicans: Bob Beauprez, Colorado; Sherry Boehlert, New York; John Boehner, Ohio; Kevin Brady, Texas; Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida; David Camp, Michigan; Mike Castle, Delaware; Steve Chabot, Ohio; Chris Cox, California; Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Florida; Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida; Phil English, Pennsylvania; Michael Ferguson, New Jersey; Mike Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania; Mark Foley, Florida; Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska; Luis Fortuno, Puerto Rico; Vito Fossella, New York; Virginia Foxx, North Carolina; Phil Gingrey, Georgia; Gil Gutknecht, Minnesota; Mark Green, Wisconsin; Melissa Hart, Pennsylvania; Kenny Hulshof, Missouri; Henry Hyde, Illinois.

Also, Walter Jones Jr., North Carolina; Bobby Jindal, Louisiana; Mark Kennedy, Minnesota; Peter King, New York; Steve King, Iowa; Joe Knollenberg, Michigan; Ray LaHood, Illinois, Frank LoBiondo, New Jersey; Dan Lungren, California; Connie Mack, Florida; Michael McCaul, Texas; Thaddeus McCotter, Michigan; Patrick McHenry, North Carolina; John McHugh, New York; Timothy Murphy, Pennsylvania; Bob Ney, Ohio; Anne Northup, Kentucky; Devin Nunes, California; Butch Otter, Idaho; Richard Pombo, California; Jon Porter, Nevada; George Radanovich, California; Rick Renzi, Arizona; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida; Ed Royce, California; Paul Ryan, Wisconsin; Joe Schwarz, Michigan; Clay Shaw, Florida; Chris Smith, New Jersey; John Sullivan, Oklahoma; John Sweeney, New York; Patrick Tiberi, Ohio; and James Walsh, New York.

House Democrats: Joe Baca, California; Xavier Becerra, California; Timothy Bishop, New York; Madeleine Bordallo, Guam; Robert Brady, Pennsylvania; Mike Capuano, Massachusetts; Dennis Cardoza, California; William Clay, Missouri; Jim Costa, California; Jerry Costello, Illinois; Joe Crowley, New York; Henry Cuellar, Texas; Peter DeFazio, Oregon; Bill Delahunt, Massachusetts; Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut; John Dingell, Michigan; Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania; Anna Eshoo, California; Lane Evans, Illinois; Charlie Gonzalez, Texas; Raul Grijalva, Arizona; Luis Gutierrez, Illinois; Brian Higgens, New York; Maurice Hinchey, New York; Ruben Hinojosa, Texas; Tim Holden, Pennsylvania; Paul Kanjorski, Pennsylvania.

Also, Marcy Kaptur, Ohio; Patrick Kennedy, Rhode Island; Dale Kildee, Michigan; Dennis Kucinich, Ohio; James Langevin, Rhode Island; John Larson, Connecticut; Dan Lipinski, Illinois; Stephen Lynch, Massachusetts; Ed Markey, Massachusetts; Jim Marshall, Georgia; Carolyn McCarthy, New York; Betty McCollum, Michigan; James McGovern, Massachusetts; Mike McNulty, New York; Cynthia McKinny, Georgia; Marty Meehan, Massachusetts; Robert Menendez, New Jersey; Michael Michaud, Maine; George Miller, California; James Moran, Virginia; John Murtha, Pennsylvania.

Also, Grace Napolitano, California; Richard Neal, Massachusetts; James Oberstar, Minnesota; David Obey, Wisconsin; Frank Pallone, New Jersey; Bill Pascrell, New Jersey; Ed Pastor, Arizona; Nancy Pelosi, California; Charlie Rangel, New York; Silvestre Reyes, Texas; Lucille Roybal-Allard, California; Tim Ryan, Ohio; John Salazar, Colorado; Linda Sanchez, California; Loretta Sanchez, California; Jose Serrano, New York; Hilda Solis, California; Bart Stupak, Michigan; Ellen Tauscher, California; Gene Taylor, Mississippi; Mike Thompson, California; Nydia Velazquez, New York; Peter Visclosky, Indiana; and Diane Watson, California.
You can name me a similar Republican who adheres to Catholic doctrine publically?
How about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia? Actually he might be a bit of a “radical traditionalist,” but I’m not sure.
How about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia? Actually he might be a bit of a “radical traditionalist,” but I’m not sure.
I just did a quick google and it seemd Justice Scalia rejects the new catechism’s stance on the death penalty. He says it’s the Church trying to be “more relevant.”
Senate Republicans: Sam Brownback, Kansas; James Bunning, Kentucky; Susan Collins, Maine; Michael DeWine, Ohio; Peter Domenici, New Mexico; Mel Martinez, Florida; Lisa Murkowski, Alaska; Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania; John Sununu, New Hampshire; David Vitter, Louisiana; George Voinovich, Ohio.

Senate Democrats: Maria Cantwell, Washington; Joe Biden, Delaware; Chris Dodd, Connecticut; Richard Durbin, Illinois; Tom Harkin, Iowa; Ted Kennedy, Massachusetts; John Kerry, Massachusetts; Mary Landrieu, Louisiana; Pat Leahy, Vermont; Barbara Mikulski, Maryland; Patty Murray, Washington; Jack Reed, Rhode Island; Ken Salazar, Colorado.

House Republicans: Bob Beauprez, Colorado; Sherry Boehlert, New York; John Boehner, Ohio; Kevin Brady, Texas; Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida; David Camp, Michigan; Mike Castle, Delaware; Steve Chabot, Ohio; Chris Cox, California; Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Florida; Mario Diaz-Balart, Florida; Phil English, Pennsylvania; Michael Ferguson, New Jersey; Mike Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania; Mark Foley, Florida; Jeff Fortenberry, Nebraska; Luis Fortuno, Puerto Rico; Vito Fossella, New York; Virginia Foxx, North Carolina; Phil Gingrey, Georgia; Gil Gutknecht, Minnesota; Mark Green, Wisconsin; Melissa Hart, Pennsylvania; Kenny Hulshof, Missouri; Henry Hyde, Illinois.

Also, Walter Jones Jr., North Carolina; Bobby Jindal, Louisiana; Mark Kennedy, Minnesota; Peter King, New York; Steve King, Iowa; Joe Knollenberg, Michigan; Ray LaHood, Illinois, Frank LoBiondo, New Jersey; Dan Lungren, California; Connie Mack, Florida; Michael McCaul, Texas; Thaddeus McCotter, Michigan; Patrick McHenry, North Carolina; John McHugh, New York; Timothy Murphy, Pennsylvania; Bob Ney, Ohio; Anne Northup, Kentucky; Devin Nunes, California; Butch Otter, Idaho; Richard Pombo, California; Jon Porter, Nevada; George Radanovich, California; Rick Renzi, Arizona; Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida; Ed Royce, California; Paul Ryan, Wisconsin; Joe Schwarz, Michigan; Clay Shaw, Florida; Chris Smith, New Jersey; John Sullivan, Oklahoma; John Sweeney, New York; Patrick Tiberi, Ohio; and James Walsh, New York.

House Democrats: Joe Baca, California; Xavier Becerra, California; Timothy Bishop, New York; Madeleine Bordallo, Guam; Robert Brady, Pennsylvania; Mike Capuano, Massachusetts; Dennis Cardoza, California; William Clay, Missouri; Jim Costa, California; Jerry Costello, Illinois; Joe Crowley, New York; Henry Cuellar, Texas; Peter DeFazio, Oregon; Bill Delahunt, Massachusetts; Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut; John Dingell, Michigan; Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania; Anna Eshoo, California; Lane Evans, Illinois; Charlie Gonzalez, Texas; Raul Grijalva, Arizona; Luis Gutierrez, Illinois; Brian Higgens, New York; Maurice Hinchey, New York; Ruben Hinojosa, Texas; Tim Holden, Pennsylvania; Paul Kanjorski, Pennsylvania.

Also, Marcy Kaptur, Ohio; Patrick Kennedy, Rhode Island; Dale Kildee, Michigan; Dennis Kucinich, Ohio; James Langevin, Rhode Island; John Larson, Connecticut; Dan Lipinski, Illinois; Stephen Lynch, Massachusetts; Ed Markey, Massachusetts; Jim Marshall, Georgia; Carolyn McCarthy, New York; Betty McCollum, Michigan; James McGovern, Massachusetts; Mike McNulty, New York; Cynthia McKinny, Georgia; Marty Meehan, Massachusetts; Robert Menendez, New Jersey; Michael Michaud, Maine; George Miller, California; James Moran, Virginia; John Murtha, Pennsylvania.

Also, Grace Napolitano, California; Richard Neal, Massachusetts; James Oberstar, Minnesota; David Obey, Wisconsin; Frank Pallone, New Jersey; Bill Pascrell, New Jersey; Ed Pastor, Arizona; Nancy Pelosi, California; Charlie Rangel, New York; Silvestre Reyes, Texas; Lucille Roybal-Allard, California; Tim Ryan, Ohio; John Salazar, Colorado; Linda Sanchez, California; Loretta Sanchez, California; Jose Serrano, New York; Hilda Solis, California; Bart Stupak, Michigan; Ellen Tauscher, California; Gene Taylor, Mississippi; Mike Thompson, California; Nydia Velazquez, New York; Peter Visclosky, Indiana; and Diane Watson, California.
**Thank you JLW. This list is great! **
Mario Cuomo was the face of the Catholic Democrats in the 80s.
Please let me modify that:

Mario Cuomo was the face of the Catholic Pro-Abortion Democrats in the 80s
rastell said:
**Thank you JLW. This list is great! **

We should send each of these pols an earmarked Catechism and several JPII encyclicals, eh??
Um, how are you defining “adhering to Catholic doctrine publicly”? Because neither Patty Murray nor Maria Cantwell of Washington state is pro-life at all–they both get high marks from NARAL, NOW & Emily’s List in fact.

Interestingly, Dino Rossi, the once-elected-still-possibly-Governor of our state is also a Catholic and pro-life. Keep the prayers coming! The trial over last November’s election scandal starts this week I think! We may have a faithful Catholic governor yet! 🙂
The Hidden Life:
Um, how are you defining “adhering to Catholic doctrine publicly”? Because neither Patty Murray nor Maria Cantwell of Washington state is pro-life at all–they both get high marks from NARAL, NOW & Emily’s List in fact.

Interestingly, Dino Rossi, the once-elected-still-possibly-Governor of our state is also a Catholic and pro-life. Keep the prayers coming! The trial over last November’s election scandal starts this week I think! We may have a faithful Catholic governor yet! 🙂
Just so I am not misunderstood, my list was not of FAITHFUL Catholics, but of all professed Catholics in Congress.

Patti “Osama Momma” Murray and Maria Cant"be"well are indeed dissenting Catholics.
What a brilliant theologian Cuomo has turned out to be - far surpassing Benedict XVI.

Why should we resort to consulting our catechisms or papal encyclicals to figure out what is changeable or unchangeable?
We’ve got Mario now! :rolleyes:
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