Catholics for "choice" is NOT a Catholic org

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Can we force them to disavow these heretical statements?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Can we force them to disavow these heretical statements?

Lisa N
I don’t know but if enough people complain to the Bishops and to Rome maybe we can.Their sites are awful:mad:
Will I be excommunicated if I have an abortion?

The official Canon Law of the church at the present time states that anyone who commits the sin of abortion automatically excommunicates herself from the church. To commit the sin of abortion, you have to think that an abortion in your case, with all the circumstances of your life and your pregnancy, is a sin against God. You then have to decide that you are going to do it anyway, thus going against your conscience.

The Catholic church officially teaches that the conscience of an individual is supreme. If you carefully examine your conscience and then decide that an abortion is the most moral act you can do at this time, you are not committing a sin. Therefore, you are not excommunicated. Nor need you tell it in confession since, in your case, abortion is not a sin.

If you do feel you committed a sin by having an abortion, you can seek reconciliation with the church by speaking to a priest in the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession).
This is unbelievable:mad: :mad: :mad:

Liturgy of Affirmation for making a difficult decision

This liturgy affirms that a woman has made a good and holy decision. It provides strength and healing after making a difficult decision. It brings closure to an often intense and emotional process. It is intended to be celebrated with friends.

Gathering: The celebrant invites friends, and if appropriate the partner, to gather in a circle. She welcomes them and introduces the liturgy.

Song: A favorite, comforting song, one that the woman likes.

Prayer: Blessed are you, Holy One, for your presence with _____ (name of woman).

Praised be you, Mother and Father God, that you have given your people the power of choice. We are saddened that the life circumstances of _____ (woman’s name or, if appropriate, woman’s name and her partner’s name) are such that she has had to choose to terminate her pregnancy. Such a choice is never simple. It is filled with pain and hurt, with anger and questions, but also with integrity and strength. We rejoice in her attention to choice.

Our beloved sister has made a very hard choice. We affirm her and support her in her decision. We promise to stand with her in her ongoing life

Blessed are you, Holy One, for your presence with her.

Reading: Choose a poem, reading, or scripture verse that captures the message of the liturgy.

Sharing: The celebrant invites the woman (and her partner) to speak about her (their) decision to have an abortion. If there is a symbolic gesture that expresses her (their) feelings such as sprinkling flower petals, or sharing dried flowers invite her (them) to incorporate.

Blessing of ______ (name of woman):

_______ (name of woman), we love you very deeply. As a sign of our affirmation of you and of your choice, we give you this bowl and this oil. Oil soothes the bones that are weary from making a difficult decision. Oil strengthens and heals. Oil…(add sentences that reflect what the woman spoke in her story.)

We bless you with this oil. (Each person takes oil from the bowl and anoints the woman’s hands, face, feet, neck, shoulders and/or head. Each closes the blessing by embracing her.)

______ (name of woman), the bowl is a tangible symbol of this day. When times are difficult—and such days come to each of us—look at this bowl and remember our love for you.

Closing song: A blessing song like the following closes the liturgy. “Blessing Song” from the album Circling Free © 1983 by Marsie Silvestro

Bless you my sister, bless you on your way

You have roads to roam before you’re home

And winds to speak your name.

So go gently my sister let courage be your song

You have words to say in your own way and

stars to light your night.

And if ever you grow weary and your heart song

has no refrain

Just remember we’ll be waiting to raise you

up again.

And we’ll bless you our sister, bless you in our


And we’ll welcome home all the life you’ve

known and softly speak your name.

And we’ll welcome home all the self you

own and softly speak your name

Bless you my sister, bless you on your way.

Liturgies by Diann Neu, feminist liberation liturgies and co-director of WATER, the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual in Silver Spring, MD
Oh my heavens! Is it really this disgusting? How could anyone ‘affirm’ this decision and celebrate it. These women need an exorcism not a prayer circle.

Lisa N

**New Antiabortion Community Founded
**Father Frank A. Pavone, director of the antiabortion group, Priests for Life, has announced the formation of a religious community that focuses solely on “life issues.” The men-only group, Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, will be based in Amarillo, Texas, and will train its members in voter-registration drives, lobbying and using the media to promote its antichoice views. Amarillo Bishop John W. Yanta, spiritual director of the community, claimed that the group was “going to act like Jesus” and refused to rule out aggressive strategies in the pursuit of its goals.
Catholics for a Free Choice
Catholics for a Free Choice works in the U.S. and internationally to shape and advance sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice, reflect a commitment to women’s well-being, and respect and affirm the moral capacity of women and men to make sound decisions about their lives.

Advocates for Youth
Advocates for Youth is dedicated to creating programs and promoting policies which help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health.

Choice USA
Founded in 1992 by author and activist, Gloria Steinem, Choice USA protects and advances reproductive choice.

Dignity is the largest and most progressive national lay movement of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics, our families, and our friends.

Equality Now
Equality Now is an international human rights organization dedicated to action for the civil, political, economic and social rights of girls and women.

Pro-Choice Public Education Project
PEP is a collaborative project governed by the country’s leading national pro-choice organizations dedicated to building the next generation of pro-choice leaders and supporters.

The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) is a national, nonprofit organization which affirms that sexuality is a natural and healthy part of living.

Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom
SYRF is a program of the Youth Initiative of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. The Coalition consists of more than forty faith groups, including Protestant, Jewish and Unitarian Universalists, and represents the mainstream views of people of faith on reproductive health issues. TeenWire
Get information and news about teen sexuality, sexual health and relationships.
Lisa4Catholics said:
Spiritual Youth for Reproductive Freedom SYRF is a program of the Youth Initiative of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. The Coalition consists of more than forty faith groups, including Protestant, Jewish and Unitarian Universalists, and represents the mainstream views of people of faith on reproductive health issues.

This reminds of a quote I read somewhere from some priest (I kept the quote but forgot the rest:o )

Whether being mainstream is a good thing depends on what the stream is and where it’s going. If you’re mainstream in the Niagara River fifty yards above the Falls, you’ve got a problem.
This reminds of a quote I read somewhere from some priest (I kept the quote but forgot the rest:o )

Whether being mainstream is a good thing depends on what the stream is and where it’s going. If you’re mainstream in the Niagara River fifty yards above the Falls, you’ve got a problem.
Well they are definately in the wrong stream:eek:
Come on…one of youse Catholics must know of the $15 million bucks given to “Catholics for a Free Choice” in a short for years and know who gave the money.

Or don’t you want to name names?

Intimidated by the attacks on your church? Beaten down by the endless slanders against Pius XII?
The men-only group, Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, will be based in Amarillo, Texas, and will train its members in voter-registration drives, lobbying and using the media to promote its antichoice views.
Why can’t women be a part of this group? Abortion involves WOMEN. Why can’t women take part in Missionaries of the Gospel of Life?

Can some one explain this to me?
Why can’t women be a part of this group? Abortion involves WOMEN. Why can’t women take part in Missionaries of the Gospel of Life?

Can some one explain this to me?
I am sure they will open itup to women too.They have a limited budget.I am sure if women show interest they will work on that.God Bless
Why can’t women be a part of this group? Abortion involves WOMEN. Why can’t women take part in Missionaries of the Gospel of Life?

Can some one explain this to me?

it’s a priestly order, and only men can be priests. They formed a priestly order because there are already several women’s religious orders focused on the same thing. This is simply the first priestly order.

Also, there is a lay component, and has been for years: Priests for Life, which is what this priestly order grew out of. Priests for Life is run by Fr Frank Pavone, who is now also the head of the Missionaries of the Gospel of Life. PFL is open to all people of good will who want to see an end to abortion. You can learn more about it here:

God bless.
One cannot leave it up to a badly formed conscience to offer right moral decisions about this issue.

Worse, when one who is steeped in sin miscounsels another in a moral issue the recipient’s cupability is reduced but the “counselor’s” is exacerbated.

Some people feel that this is a moral issue that has little consequence… I feel that it is one that may well be the downfall of our nation and all of civilization. What will happen when there is a massive epidemic…a plague (if you will) or a real world war breaks out again and all these countries that have pushed abortion and ABC for all these years find that their populations and societies cannot recover?
Jeremias 8:11** And they healed the breach of the daughter of my people disgracefully, saying Peace, peace: when there was no peace.
Ezechiel 13:10** Because they have deceived my people, saying: Peace, and there is no peace: and the people built up a wall, and they daubed it with dirt without straw.

2nd Kings 9:22 And when Joram saw Jehu, he said: Is there peace, Jehu? And he answered: What peace? so long as the fornications of Jezabel thy mother, and her many sorceries are in their vigour.
Isaias 59:8** They have not known the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their steps: their paths are become crooked to them, every one that treadeth in them, knoweth no peace.

Psalms 114:6 The Lord is the keeper of little ones: I was little and he delivered me.
This is unbelievable:mad: :mad: :mad:

Liturgy of Affirmation for making a difficult decision

This liturgy affirms that a woman has made a good and holy decision. It provides strength and healing after making a difficult decision. It brings closure to an often intense and emotional process. It is intended to be celebrated with friends.

Gathering: The celebrant invites friends, and if appropriate the partner, to gather in a circle. She welcomes them and introduces the liturgy.

Song: A favorite, comforting song, one that the woman likes.

Prayer: Blessed are you, Holy One, for your presence with _____ (name of woman).

Praised be you, Mother and Father God, that you have given your people the power of choice. We are saddened that the life circumstances of _____ (woman’s name or, if appropriate, woman’s name and her partner’s name) are such that she has had to choose to terminate her pregnancy. Such a choice is never simple. It is filled with pain and hurt, with anger and questions, but also with integrity and strength. We rejoice in her attention to choice.

Our beloved sister has made a very hard choice. We affirm her and support her in her decision. We promise to stand with her in her ongoing life

Blessed are you, Holy One, for your presence with her.

Reading: Choose a poem, reading, or scripture verse that captures the message of the liturgy.

Sharing: The celebrant invites the woman (and her partner) to speak about her (their) decision to have an abortion. If there is a symbolic gesture that expresses her (their) feelings such as sprinkling flower petals, or sharing dried flowers invite her (them) to incorporate.

Blessing of ______ (name of woman):

_______ (name of woman), we love you very deeply. As a sign of our affirmation of you and of your choice, we give you this bowl and this oil. Oil soothes the bones that are weary from making a difficult decision. Oil strengthens and heals. Oil…(add sentences that reflect what the woman spoke in her story.)


I wonder if I can also use the bowl - (Where’s the symbol for someone tossing his cookies when you need it??)

And, do these people have a DVD or VCR available so they can see what, exactly, they’ve done??

Maybe some ULTRASOUNDS of the baby the woman just killed because of her “Life situations”!

BTW, did you notice the DRIED DEAD FLOWERS?? Even these people know they’re doing something very wrong!

And, What was that bit about the partner?? Aren’t men supposed to take responsibility to MARRY the women they impregnate? or, IS THAT NOTION JUST OLD FASHIONED? Just like the one that you don’t kill the baby because she’s inconvenient!

And, Did you notice they acted as if whoever want through this abomination was going to do it again??


May the Good Lord have mercy on us and not repay us according to our unjust deeds! Because if He does, Momofone’s right, this place’ll look like Sodom and Gomorrah after God “Overthrew them”.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Why can’t women be a part of this group? Abortion involves WOMEN. Why can’t women take part in Missionaries of the Gospel of Life?

Can some one explain this to me?
Maybe because they are already involved here

And that a companion male community had to be started 😉
Traditional Ang:

I wonder if I can also use the bowl - (Where’s the symbol for someone tossing his cookies when you need it??)

And, do these people have a DVD or VCR available so they can see what, exactly, they’ve done??

Maybe some ULTRASOUNDS of the baby the woman just killed because of her “Life situations”!

BTW, did you notice the DRIED DEAD FLOWERS?? Even these people know they’re doing something very wrong!

And, What was that bit about the partner?? Aren’t men supposed to take responsibility to MARRY the women they impregnate? or, IS THAT NOTION JUST OLD FASHIONED? Just like the one that you don’t kill the baby because she’s inconvenient!

And, Did you notice they acted as if whoever want through this abomination was going to do it again??


May the Good Lord have mercy on us and not repay us according to our unjust deeds! Because if He does, Momofone’s right, this place’ll look like Sodom and Gomorrah after God “Overthrew them”.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
The whole site is diabloical:mad:
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