Catholics for "choice" is NOT a Catholic org

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Why can’t women be a part of this group? Abortion involves WOMEN. Why can’t women take part in Missionaries of the Gospel of Life?

Can some one explain this to me?

This is to be a ORDER of PRIESTS who will be trained for a specific ministry, and they’re trying to train as many PRIESTS as can receive the training in as short a time as possible. They’ll be offering Masses RIGHT ON THE SIDEWALKS in front of the clinics! They will offer the Sacrament of Healing to any and all who need it, with in front of the clinic! And they will act as priests in leading these ad hoc congregations in prayer.

They plan to hear Sacramental Confessions from the women who have the abortions, the employees of the clinics and the abortionists themselves!

They may be performing EXORCISMS of the Clinics and of the people who enter and leave RIGHT THRE ON THE SIDEWALK!This is an PRIESTLY assault on the gates of hell itself, and their will be casualties,

Bella3502, to do this, they’ll need to be PRIESTS of God and of the Catholic Church. They’re also making sure the sexual scandal that have followed many of the Protestant efforts will have a harder time getting a foothold. The best way to do that is to keep men and women apart.

Bella3502, thanks to the betrayal in the Senate 10 days ago, many of them will end up going to jail for violating the new laws that will be passed to protect “Abortion Rights”. and, Eventually, they may be leading acts of Civil Disobedience, using the strategy of Satyagraha.

I’m telling you that many of them will be arrested and others will be injured and maligned. some may even become martyrs. That will hold true for some of the people they are leading, in spite of their best efforts to keep them safe.

I hope helps with your concerns. Please pray for them. I don’t know if they know the danger they’ll be getting themselves into.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Church Militant:
One cannot leave it up to a badly formed conscience to offer right moral decisions about this issue.

Worse, when one who is steeped in sin miscounsels another in a moral issue the recipient’s cupability is reduced but the “counselor’s” is exacerbated.

Some people feel that this is a moral issue that has little consequence… I feel that it is one that may well be the downfall of our nation and all of civilization. What will happen when there is a massive epidemic…a plague (if you will) or a real world war breaks out again and all these countries that have pushed abortion and ABC for all these years find that their populations and societies cannot recover?
Jeremias 8:11** And they healed the breach of the daughter of my people disgracefully, saying Peace, peace: when there was no peace.
Ezechiel 13:10** Because they have deceived my people, saying: Peace, and there is no peace: and the people built up a wall, and they daubed it with dirt without straw.

2nd Kings 9:22 And when Joram saw Jehu, he said: Is there peace, Jehu? And he answered: What peace? so long as the fornications of Jezabel thy mother, and her many sorceries are in their vigour.
Isaias 59:8** They have not known the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their steps: their paths are become crooked to them, every one that treadeth in them, knoweth no peace.

Psalms 114:6 The Lord is the keeper of little ones: I was little and he delivered me.
Church Militant:

I’m afraid that you’re right. Our Lady of Fatima talked about a judgment, or a series of judgements as payment for our society’s wrongdoing. She wasn’t just talking about America, but we’re definitely included.

We can pray for our country’s conversion, and we can act to help it along as best as we can, and we can beg God for mercy and forebearance, but sooner or later He’ll decide that He’s seen enough, and he’ll act to force the isue Himself.

The only question will be, when he does, will He be ending the world? or, Will this be one more series of chastisements to bring about repentence?

I have to admit that I don’t know.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
The whole site is diabloical:mad:

I’m afraid you’re right, and people give themselves willing over to this devil.

They don’t believe in the Devil. It makes his job easier for him.

The Devil is real, and we don’t hear about it. because Theologians have psychologized that part of the Gospel.

That’s worse than dangerous, because it leads the sheep astray.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
I don’t know but if enough people complain to the Bishops and to Rome maybe we can.Their sites are awful:mad:
Will I be excommunicated if I have an abortion?

The official Canon Law of the church at the present time states that anyone who commits the sin of abortion automatically excommunicates herself from the church. To commit the sin of abortion, you have to think that an abortion in your case, with all the circumstances of your life and your pregnancy, is a sin against God. You then have to decide that you are going to do it anyway, thus going against your conscience.

The Catholic church officially teaches that the conscience of an individual is supreme. If you carefully examine your conscience and then decide that an abortion is the most moral act you can do at this time, you are not committing a sin. Therefore, you are not excommunicated. Nor need you tell it in confession since, in your case, abortion is not a sin.

If you do feel you committed a sin by having an abortion, you can seek reconciliation with the church by speaking to a priest in the sacrament of Reconciliation (confession).
How can they do this? These people know their evil actions and they are trying to tear down the Church. They know that what they say is not in like with Catholicism.
How can they do this? These people know their evil actions and they are trying to tear down the Church. They know that what they say is not in like with Catholicism.
Their “mandate” to our new POPE!:bigyikes: This is insane!…irst100days.htm
Look at this,Jimmy you are right they are trying to take the Church down:mad:
Lisa4Catholics said:
Look they attacked CA and Priests for life big time:mad:

Their reflecdtion on our Late Popes death:mad: :banghead:
Their “mandate” to our new POPE!:bigyikes: This is insane!
:tsktsk: :eek: :bigyikes:


Has someone ever filed on Catholics For Free Choice’s 501(c)(3) incorporation? I mean, the sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander!

CFFC pushes an agenda that’s every bit as partisan as that of Priests for Life! In fact they do even more politicizing than Priests for Life and theirs is against the Church whose copywrited name they’ve INFRINGED!

So, who on the forum belongs to a non-profit 501(c)(3), and has standing to do this deed? or, Who wants to write the letter suggesting this to Priests for life?

I mean, if these hell-bound heretics want to fight that dirty, I see no reason why we shouldn’t respond in kind to preserve our faith and our freedom! Otherwise, they’ll be able to dictate what’s preached from OUR pulpits!

Catholics For a Free Choice are located at
Catholics for a Free Choice
Frances Kissling, President
1436 U ST NW Suite 301
Washington, DC 20009-3997
Phone: 202-986-6093 Fax: 202-332-7995

The Archbishop over these people is
His Eminence Archbishop Theodore Cardinal E. McCarrick, Ph.D, D.D.
Secretaries to the Cardinal:
Rev. Edward J. Filardi and Rev. Carlos Benitez, 301-853-4540
Vicar General for Administration and Moderator of the Curia:
Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell, 301-853-4520
Episcopal Vicar for the District of Columbia:
Most Rev. Martin D. Holley, 301-853-4563

Taylor Street Offices
145 Taylor St Ne
Washington, DC 20017-1008
Pastoral Center Offices
5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782
Mail: PO Box 29260, Washington, DC 20017-0260

I hope this gives enough information. I just hope that Cardinal McCarrick has the Virtue of Fortitude. If he doesn’t posses it, start forwarding e-mails here:

Remember to be polite and specific, partly because of where the e-mails will be forwarded.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Their “mandate” to our new POPE!:bigyikes: This is insane!…irst100days.htm
Look at this,Jimmy you are right they are trying to take the Church down:mad:
Look at this bs from there site

Nonetheless, Catholics for a Free Choice’s principles in regard to abortion include both respect for a woman’s right to choose abortion and a commitment to treating fetuses with respect.

They are such hipocritical relitivistic people.:mad:
The worst thing about this site is it is evil in the name of good.
Thankyou,Michael and Jimmy for your responses,I will be writing ,calling and e-mailing,this is rediculous:mad: Does anyone here know how to start an online petition???
This thread ties in neatly with Karl Keating’s eLetter for this week on how the ModSquad is rejecting the Papacy. It is not only thr RadTrads that are taking this path. We need to see groups like this excommunicated. The sooner the better.

I am sure they will open itup to women too.They have a limited budget.I am sure if women show interest they will work on that.God Bless
Because the group modelled itself after a women’s group called Sisters for Life. All we need is a third order of laity.
Another place to email is The Catholic League. The various chapter offices are listed here:

Questioning the incorporation, copyright infringement is a good idea. Exposing the money trail is also a good idea.
Ani Ibi:
Another place to email is The Catholic League. The various chapter offices are listed here:

Questioning the incorporation, copyright infringement is a good idea. Exposing the money trail is also a good idea.
Apparently, George Soros gives them money:nope: I did a google search,I will find some corperations we we can actually boycott.
Catholics for a Free Choice was at the World Youth Day in Toronto distributing condoms and they put up a few anti-Catholic billboards around the city which had to be taken down because of the backlash. They were also behind the movement to oust the Holy See from the UN with Joanne Manning, author of “Is the Pope Catholic?” leading the call.

LifeSite News Oct. 26, 2004.

“CFFC receives large-scale funding from U.S. tax shelter foundations. For example according to an article in the July 15, 2002 Insight in the News, in 2001 it received the following: Ford Foundation ($4.4 million), Packard Foundation ($3.8 million), The MacArthur Foundation ($1.6 million), Hewlett Foundation ($600,000), Buffett Foundation ($375,000), the Turner Foundation ($150,000). It received a staggering $15 million from such foundations between 1996 and 2000 and has continued to be funded with additional millions since then, with the Ford Foundation being its biggest donor and George Soros also being part of its stable of generous contributors.”
Last week, The American Family Association had called a boycott on Ford which you will have noted Ford Foundation is a major contributor of CFFC but only yesterday LifeSite reported they have called it off until Dec. 2005. Whatever happened to be as wise as serpents and as meek as doves?

Nothing is going to change short of a massive boycott campaign to alert people how big business is contributing to the destruction of the moral foundation of America.
We need to see groups like this excommunicated. The sooner the better.PF
Where are the headquarters of this group? Who is the bishop for that area? email address? As soon as we have that information we can start asking the bishop to ex communicate them.

As for the money trail. As soon as we have that itemized, then we can email the senators concerned, and all pro-life groups and Catholic churches in the country. Maybe having that campaign around a petition would help. There is a link to a free petition creation package on one of the other threads.
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