Catholics for "choice" is NOT a Catholic org

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Ani Ibi:
Where are the headquarters of this group? Who is the bishop for that area? email address? As soon as we have that information we can start asking the bishop to ex communicate them.

As for the money trail. As soon as we have that itemized, then we can email the senators concerned, and all pro-life groups and Catholic churches in the country. Maybe having that campaign around a petition would help. There is a link to a free petition creation package on one of the other threads.

The Information is in my Post #29 -

Catholics For a Free Choice
Frances Kissling, President
1436 U ST NW Suite 301
Washington, DC 20009-3997
Phone: 202-986-6093 Fax: 202-332-7995

Archbishop Theodore Cardinal E. McCarrick, Ph.D, D.D.
Secretaries to the Cardinal:
Rev. Edward J. Filardi and Rev. Carlos Benitez, 301-853-4540

Vicar General for Administration and Moderator of the Curia:
Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell,
Episcopal Vicar for the District of Columbia:
Most Rev. Martin D. Holley,

Taylor Street Offices
145 Taylor St Ne
Washington, DC 20017-1008

Pastoral Center Offices
5001 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782
Mail: PO Box 29260, Washington, DC 20017-0260

CC - His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

If anyone finds additional contact information for either Ms. Kissling or Cardinal McCarrick, please post it with this info so that we can have a COMPLETE list.

Please, also post any replies, even the infamous “form letters” that you receive. If you received the same form letter as has already been posted, just note the number of the post and who posted it first. Also, post any media interviews where you thinkany of them refer to us. This way, we’ll be able to track the effect we’re having on “Catholics to Slaughter the Pre-Born”.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Brothers and Sisters- Francis Kissling and CFFC have complained to the IRS about The Catholic church and Priests for Life, claiming that they’re (we’ve) missused our Tax exempt 501(c)(3). This is MY Reply:

Catholics For a Free Choice
Frances Kissling, President
1436 U ST NW Suite 301
Washington, DC 20009-3997
Phone: 202-986-6093 Fax: 202-332-7995

Subject - 501(c)(3)'s and Glass Houses

Dear Ms. Kissling:

I noticed that you’ve filed complaints with the IRS regarding the Charitable Tax-Exempt Status of various Catholic entities, including Priests for Life, which have spoken out in opposition to you and Planned Parenthood on the subject of Abortion. These organizations have done nothing that you haven’t done, except to take the other side of the issue from you and Planned Parenthood, which also have and use the 501(c)(3) status to assist in fundraising.

And, to provide food, health care, Mental Health services, shelter. schools and emergency relief to the poor in 5 continents, Neither you nor Planned Parenthood can claim to have done any of these things, except for the claimed “Reproductive Services” (Abortion and Contraception) provided to the poor at government expense.

Naturally, all of the things that I listed will have to be lessoned if you and Planned parenthood are successful. The Catholic Church simply will not have as much money to feed and house the poor if you succeed in getting the IRS to remove the Catholic Church’s 502(c)(3) Exemption for doing exactly what you and Planned Parenthood are doing.

Since Planned Parenthood has the same exemption and does even more political activity and lobbying than Priests for Life, I can’t understand your objection to organizations within the Catholic Church having and using the 501(c)(3) Exemption. Unless, you’re trying to say that only people who agree with you politically should be allowed to participate in our country’s political process and still keep that Exemption. Ms. Kissling, IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE TRYING TO SAY??

If so, may I remind you that there are those of us who disagree with your agenda just as strongly as you disagree with the Catholic Church, and that, “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones?”

Ms. Kissling, I’m not suggesting that I’m going to file a complaint with the IRS tomorrow. Unlike you, I happen to believe in FREE SPEECH! What I’m suggesting is that you and you friends should drop your complaints with the IRS against the Catholic Church and the various organizations within the Church. including Priests for Life, or Catholics all over this country of ours will be forced to file the same complaints against you and Planned Parenthood.

Thank you for your prompt and courteous attention.

Name and Address in Original

I’m asking ALL of you towrite her, confirming that you agree with this letter and that you’ll join in the complaints to the IRS. and, Then please note that you’ve done that here.


Blessed are those who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Excellent Michael,I am on mine and I thank you for all the e-mails and addresses you have provided:) Please you guys lets do this and ask others to write,e-mail and call.God Bless,Lisa
So many voices telling me which way to go
So many choices come from those who think they know
There’s a way that seems right to a man, but it only brings him death
I wanna go the way that leads to life till I draw my dying breath
Don’t wanna be a manpleaser
I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just wanna have the wisdom to discern the two apart
Don’t wanna be a manpleaer
I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just wanna do the things that please the Father’s heart
Some make a sacrifice and never let it show
Some make a point of letting everybody know
Some will live their lives as unto men, and they have their reward
I just wanna do everything I do with all my heart unto the Lord
I just want my life to glorify His Son
To make my Father proud that I’m His child before I’m done
No need to pat me on the back or stop to shake my hand
I just want to hear my Father say, “well done”, “well done”
I just want to hear my Father say, "well done


“There’s a way that seems right to a man, but it only brings him death” says it all, don’t you think?!
Excellent Michael,I am on mine and I thank you for all the e-mails and addresses you have provided:) Please you guys lets do this and ask others to write,e-mail and call.God Bless,Lisa

I figure that, even if what I’m saying has NO effect on her. I can include it in my correspondence with the Bishops. It’s a simple matter of forwarding all the letters.

Goodnight, and God bless Michael
So many voices telling me which way to go
So many choices come from those who think they know
There’s a way that seems right to a man, but it only brings him death
I wanna go the way that leads to life till I draw my dying breath
Don’t wanna be a manpleaser
I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just wanna have the wisdom to discern the two apart
Don’t wanna be a manpleaer
I wanna be a Godpleaser
I just wanna do the things that please the Father’s heart
Some make a sacrifice and never let it show
Some make a point of letting everybody know
Some will live their lives as unto men, and they have their reward
I just wanna do everything I do with all my heart unto the Lord
I just want my life to glorify His Son
To make my Father proud that I’m His child before I’m done
No need to pat me on the back or stop to shake my hand
I just want to hear my Father say, “well done”, “well done”
I just want to hear my Father say, "well done


“There’s a way that seems right to a man, but it only brings him death” says it all, don’t you think?!
Well said, Petra-Godpleaser (You can always choose that as your new name!)

Good Night, Momofone.

God bless, Michael
Last week, The American Family Association had called a boycott on Ford which you will have noted Ford Foundation is a major contributor of CFFC but only yesterday LifeSite reported they have called it off until Dec. 2005. Whatever happened to be as wise as serpents and as meek as doves?

Nothing is going to change short of a massive boycott campaign to alert people how big business is contributing to the destruction of the moral foundation of America.
I agree. Campaign Life Coalition should be on this but once again has dropped the ball.
Last week, The American Family Association had called a boycott on Ford which you will have noted Ford Foundation is a major contributor of CFFC but only yesterday LifeSite reported they have called it off until Dec. 2005. Whatever happened to be as wise as serpents and as meek as doves?

Nothing is going to change short of a massive boycott campaign to alert people how big business is contributing to the destruction of the moral foundation of America.
If I’m not mistaken, AFA called the boycott due to Ford’s support of the gay agenda. I say we ignore AFA’s cancellation of the boycott, as it has nothing to do with Ford’s support of abortion. Since Ford is still showing support for pro-abortion groups, the boycott is still on in my opinion.
Look at this bs from there site

Nonetheless, Catholics for a Free Choice’s principles in regard to abortion include both respect for a woman’s right to choose abortion and a commitment to treating fetuses with respect.

They are such hipocritical relitivistic people.:mad:
A commitment to treating fetuses with respect?!?! Does THAT make any sense??? C’mon, how do you treat a fetus with respect when you just ripped it to pieces?!!! Graphic, I know, but it’s the truth! Treat the “fetus with respect” by allowing him/her to live!
Momofone said:
A commitment to treating fetuses with respect?!?! Does THAT make any sense??? C’mon, how do you treat a fetus with respect when you just ripped it to pieces?!!! Graphic, I know, but it’s the truth! Treat the “fetus with respect” by allowing him/her to live!

The first clue is the use of the word ‘fetus’ instead of ‘baby.’ What do they call respect? A decent burial instead of going down the garbage disposal? Sheesh!!!

Lisa N
Ani Ibi:
I agree. Campaign Life Coalition should be on this but once again has dropped the ball.
Ani Ibi:

As a general rule, boycotts don’t work, not unless you have a LOT of publicity and public support and complaints and goals that are easy to explain to the membership and the general population.

I sold cars and trucks for 5 years both retail and fleet and both foreign and domestic from 1991 to 1995 until the acustic tumor and other difficulties knocked me out of the business.

Most Cars are sold from Mar-Early Aug (end of model year sales) and Late Sept-Early Nov (Beginning of Model Year), with a break in Late Aug-Early Sept when dealers have little or no stock. Almost NO cars are sold during late Nov-Early Feb.

ANY Campaign against an auto manufacturer that begins in December is destined to fail. So few cars are sold then that the dealers won’t notice the difference.

These people either don’t know better, or they don’t believe that the boycott would succeed, or some of the leadership don’t want it to succeed. None of these are good choices and, possibly, should require a change in leadership.

Those who want to boycott Ford should do so now, and include Lincoln-Mercury as well, and should encourage as many of their friends and acquiantances (the WEB makes for a LOT of Acquiantances) to buy other makers’ cars as well.

I understand GM is in dire straights and could use the business. The NUMI plant in California (GM-Toyota cooperative) makes a quality product.

Chrystler has been making some innovative products - I like the HEMI’s - They sound great, although the technology is over 35 years old.

And, if you check the Moroni stickers on the cars for content, you can find foreign makes with American Content and made in America. It just takes some searching.

So, FORD/Lincoln-Mercury isn’t the only game in town.

If you want to WAIT to buy or lease a car, because of something that’s coming next year, or a “Life Situation”, that’s fine, too.

But, remember, a boycott does no good unless you do 2 things: 1) Don’t buy the product from the people you’re boycotting; 2) BUY the product from someone else. Otherwise, you’re just like me - not in the market to buy or lease a new car.

I hope this helps to define what needs to be done.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Lisa N:
The first clue is the use of the word ‘fetus’ instead of ‘baby.’ What do they call respect? A decent burial instead of going down the garbage disposal? Sheesh!!!

Lisa N

You asking for something that might be INCONVENIENT for these people and for the “Mothers” and the ABORTIONISTS!

You know, they’re going to claim that we’re being judgmental!

Of course, if they think we’re being judgmental, just wait until they meet those babies’ Creator! I understand He’s none too happy with their version of “respect”.

And, then , She has the gall to threaten the Church with attacks on its Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) status!

Progrees report on the e-mail - The E-mail at Catholics For Free Choice refused to accept the e-mail, because I’m not on their “Friends” list!

I guess it’s time to send it via snail mail:

Catholics For a Free Choice
Ms. Frances Kissling, President
1436 U ST NW Suite 301
Washington, DC 20009-3997
Phone: 202-986-6093 Fax: 202-332-7995

So, send the e-mail first, and then send it via snail mail.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Brothers and Sisters:

I forgot, the FORD brands NOW INCLUDE: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Volvo, Jaguar, Mazda and Land Rover…

Please note - There are competing brands and competing cars for each slot! I believe we can come up with a Car, Truck or SUV competitor for each and every member of the “Ford Family of Cars and Trucks”. If all else fails, I’ll go into the local FORD dealership and ask.

The boycott was originally over FORD’s support of the GayRights Agenda. It’s harder to get support for boycotting those pushing the Gay agenda than Pro-Abortion absolutists, because it’s easier for the Culture of Death to caricature the first as mean spirited and intolerant. In spite of the Supreme Court’s convoluted logic, and that of Pro-Abortion Absolutists, most people know deep inside that abortions (supported by FORD) are wrong and disordered…

With these, we’re talking about active participation in the slaughter of babies, not trying to sell cars to what many believe (Falsely - MSM propaganda) to be 10% of the population. That now takes this from being an ECONOMIC issue to being a more purely MORAL one.

I really do wish the bishops would speak clearly on this and LEAD. Instead, I’m sure the Bishops are afraid to publicly support the Boycott either because the jobs that would be lost if it were successful or because of the Anti-Catholic groups who would file complaints with the IRS about the Church’s Tax Exempt Status.

Hopefully, seeing Catholics talk about the issue in places like this will encurage the Bishops to act.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Traditional Ang:
Brothers and Sisters:

I forgot, the FORD brands NOW INCLUDE: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Volvo, Jaguar, Mazda and Land Rover…

Please note - There are competing brands and competing cars for each slot! I believe we can come up with a Car, Truck or SUV competitor for each and every member of the “Ford Family of Cars and Trucks”. If all else fails, I’ll go into the local FORD dealership and ask.

The boycott was originally over FORD’s support of the GayRights Agenda. It’s harder to get support for boycotting those pushing the Gay agenda than Pro-Abortion absolutists, because it’s easier for the Culture of Death to caricature the first as mean spirited and intolerant. In spite of the Supreme Court’s convoluted logic, and that of Pro-Abortion Absolutists, most people know deep inside that abortions (supported by FORD) are wrong and disordered…

With these, we’re talking about active participation in the slaughter of babies, not trying to sell cars to what many believe (Falsely - MSM propaganda) to be 10% of the population. That now takes this from being an ECONOMIC issue to being a more purely MORAL one.

I really do wish the bishops would speak clearly on this and LEAD. Instead, I’m sure the Bishops are afraid to publicly support the Boycott either because the jobs that would be lost if it were successful or because of the Anti-Catholic groups who would file complaints with the IRS about the Church’s Tax Exempt Status.

Hopefully, seeing Catholics talk about the issue in places like this will encurage the Bishops to act.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael

If we want this to be something of concern, we need to keep each other informed of this and to remind each other regarding the state of affairs.

CATHOLICS FOR A FREE CHOICE as an orgainization is NOT going away, unless we make it!

Since CFFC has taught manifestly false doctrine about the nature of human life and cause the same to be taught and believed, we need to do this. If we don’t, people will aways have reason to believe that the Catholic Church is of two minds when it comes to the issue of Abortion.

Not only do you need to write the leters, you need to post them and any replies you might get here on the board. That way, we can know if we’re getting anywhere.

This is a vital subject, CATHOLICS FOR A FREE CHOICE has impugned the good name of every decent God fearing Catholic in this country, and there is no reason any of you should put up with it, esp., since putting up with it is NOT a demonstration of CHRISTIAN CHARITY or of the VIRTUE OF PATIENCE

I hope this makes what needs to be done clear.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. 👍 Michael
Dearest Holy Father,
I am writng you over the concern of Catholics including myself over a group called Catholics for a free
This group is totally in rebellion with Church teachings on a range of issues and encouraging others to rebel.They are also running a campaign that uses Our Lady of Guadeloupe as an abortion rights intercessor:(The group also runs a site called condoms for life,the motto is good Catholics use condoms:( They have rituals of prayers they call a liturgy for women getting an abortion.This group encourages homosexual and lesbian lifestyles on their site and is working to try to cause confusion and dissent.Thankyou for your time Holy Father,I pray this group causes you no trouble.God Bless you,Lisa Montgomery
Dearest Holy Father,
I am writng you over the concern of Catholics including myself over a group called Catholics for a free
This group is totally in rebellion with Church teachings on a range of issues and encouraging others to rebel.They are also running a campaign that uses Our Lady of Guadeloupe as an abortion rights intercessor:(The group also runs a site called condoms for life,the motto is good Catholics use condoms:( They have rituals of prayers they call a liturgy for women getting an abortion.This group encourages homosexual and lesbian lifestyles on their site and is working to try to cause confusion and dissent.Thankyou for your time Holy Father,I pray this group causes you no trouble.God Bless you,Lisa Montgomery
Good job, Lisa. Did you cc. or fwd the Archishop of Washington, D.C.?

Archbishop Theodore Cardinal E. McCarrick, Ph.D, D.D.
Secretaries to the Cardinal:
Rev. Edward J. Filardi and Rev. Carlos Benitez, 301-853-4540

Vicar General for Administration and Moderator of the Curia:
Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell, 301-853-4520
Episcopal Vicar for the District of Columbia:
Most Rev. Martin D. Holley, 301-853-4563

I bet all 3 of them use the same e-mail address, but I think we need the Cardinal’s private e-mail for this one. The office hours are from 8:30am-5pm M-F. I just called. The main line doesn’t pick up voice mail, and nothing picked up the line for his secretaries.

If someone who’s closer (preferably someone in EST) could call the office until they get that e-mail and then post it, I’d be very grateful. My suspicion is that it will take a few phone calls.

I’ll produce a simple sample letter to send as soon as that’s been done. Otherwise, we need to use snail-mail and whatever we’ve got.

Thank you, Lisa.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Traditional Ang:
Good job, Lisa. Did you cc. or fwd the Archishop of Washington, D.C.?

Archbishop Theodore Cardinal E. McCarrick, Ph.D, D.D.
Secretaries to the Cardinal:
Rev. Edward J. Filardi and Rev. Carlos Benitez, 301-853-4540

Vicar General for Administration and Moderator of the Curia:
Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell, 301-853-4520
Episcopal Vicar for the District of Columbia:
Most Rev. Martin D. Holley, 301-853-4563

I bet all 3 of them use the same e-mail address, but I think we need the Cardinal’s private e-mail for this one. The office hours are from 8:30am-5pm M-F. I just called. The main line doesn’t pick up voice mail, and nothing picked up the line for his secretaries.

If someone who’s closer (preferably someone in EST) could call the office until they get that e-mail and then post it, I’d be very grateful. My suspicion is that it will take a few phone calls.

I’ll produce a simple sample letter to send as soon as that’s been done. Otherwise, we need to use snail-mail and whatever we’ve got.

Thank you, Lisa.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Thanks for the E-mails Michael I will write them as well and foward the letter to the Holy Father.God Bless,Lisa
Apparently, George Soros gives them money:nope: I did a google search,I will find some corperations we we can actually boycott.
Thank you. My family will join in any boycott. As for George Soros we all still need to pray for his soul even if it is hard to do.

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