Catholics Stand Up And Attack

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Why does it seem, at least to me, that we are the ones always defeinding our Faith. We should be the ones attacking (in charity of course). We have the fullness of faith. The road to salvation comes through ROME!!!1 We should be the ones asking the Protestant–“where is sola scriptura in the BIble?” Where is faith alone? what about Matthew 16:17-19----?? How do u know what the canon is without an infallible authority to tell which books are inspired and which arent?? WHY DO WE ALWAYS WAIT TO DEFEND THE FAITH??–GET UP ASK THE QUESTIONS TO THEM------THEY ARE THE ONES WHO NEED TO THE FULLNES OF TRUTH----SO LETS GO GET UP ATTACK THE UNTRUTHS OF NOT ONLY PROTESTANISM BUT JUDAISM ISLAM MORMONISM ETC------
It is appropriate that we do not go on the attack. Protestants can come up with every abstract theory they want, but at the end of the day the mere fact of the Church’s existence for 2000 years blows away most of the basis of their arguments. The Truth is fortress that holds no matter how much people bang their heads against it. If a non-Catholic says, “I simply don’t believe the Church’s claims” and leaves it at that, not much to be said. But of course they never leave it at that and instead say, “I don’t believe the Church’s claims because…” And it is the because that always gets them into trouble and it is here that you go on the offensive as it were.

Why does it seem, at least to me, that we are the ones always defeinding our Faith. We should be the ones attacking (in charity of course). We have the fullness of faith. The road to salvation comes through ROME!!!1 We should be the ones asking the Protestant–“where is sola scriptura in the BIble?” Where is faith alone? what about Matthew 16:17-19----?? How do u know what the canon is without an infallible authority to tell which books are inspired and which arent?? WHY DO WE ALWAYS WAIT TO DEFEND THE FAITH??–GET UP ASK THE QUESTIONS TO THEM------THEY ARE THE ONES WHO NEED TO THE FULLNES OF TRUTH----SO LETS GO GET UP ATTACK THE UNTRUTHS OF NOT ONLY PROTESTANISM BUT JUDAISM ISLAM MORMONISM ETC------
Hi,Marineboy, Defending is not attacking. Make up your mind. Read Ephesians 6;11. Put on the Armour of God and STAND FIRM. :confused: God Bless
typical wimpy catholics you are–we are suppose to attack all herseies arent we?? or are we suppose to wait for the heretic to launch and attack?? c’mon wake up!!! p.s. Protestanism is a heresy!!!
typical wimpy catholics you are–we are suppose to attack all herseies arent we?? or are we suppose to wait for the heretic to launch and attack?? c’mon wake up!!! p.s. Protestanism is a heresy!!!
Well then, why aren’t we then? It seems like we keep things to ourselves and the other religions keep things to themselves too. So? A thought came to my mind once: if we should love ALL people, then we should be telling them the truth!:yup: But then, another thought came after that: how many people who aren’t RC are going to listen anyway?

If anyone is a wimpy Catholic, it’s me (well, I’m preCatholic so to speak 'cause I’m not confirmed yet! Bummer!)!
Telling people the truth doesn’t mean telling them all of it at once. A religious brother at my parish always says you have to “meet people where they’re at.” I approach every person in my life in a different way and try to bring them truth. I tell them when I know something is wrong and support their decisions to do what is right. I support God and my faith every day, even if I don’t attack Protestants or my non-Catholic friends.

God bless.
typical wimpy catholics you are–we are suppose to attack all herseies arent we?? or are we suppose to wait for the heretic to launch and attack?? c’mon wake up!!! p.s. Protestanism is a heresy!!!
I am incredibly disappointed that you resorted to calling me a typical wimpy catholic. I have read your posts elsewhere and usually agreed with you. You are basically biting someone who is mostly on your side.

I for one am quick to undercut Protestant arguments and demonstrate that their Sola Scriptura is a thouroughly un-Biblical and arbitrary human tradition. But I don’t see any need to go where they live and spam and make an obnoxious, triumphalistic jerk of myself. Perhaps there is some confusion between us about what constitutes attack.

I know how you feel marineboy, if anyone, anyone says anything about the Church, I will stand and defend it. I have no problem attacking heresies, that is why I have signed up with other boards and defend Catholicism. Any chance I get to attack erroneous teaching I take advantage of it.

I don’t know if you are really a marine or not, I used to work with marines for 4 years and can understand the marine mindset.
Hoorah Marine Corps!

But I do understand the need to listen and correct firmly but with love and understanding. Like our first pope said,
Peter 3:14-16
But even if you should suffer because of righteousness, blessed are you. Do not be afraid or terrified with fear of them,
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame.

Catholics are not wimpy in the least, though you might find some who act it, it is hard for many to be the minority or to be constantly harassed for your beliefs.

I will not though, make posts like those guys who jump in here attack the Church (just to save us Catholics) and make the Church look bad by being rude. That is why I try to be a little reserved and just stand up for the truth and correct what I see wrong when I can.
typical wimpy catholics you are–we are suppose to attack all herseies arent we?? or are we suppose to wait for the heretic to launch and attack?? c’mon wake up!!! p.s. Protestanism is a heresy!!!
We don’t have to attack, we don’t have to defend; that’s the job of the Holy Spirit. Christ will be with the Church even to the end of the world and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Scylla, well said…Marine boy, your posts really make you look like a boy, very immature and not very constructive. You really should be suspended or at least reprimanded in some way for the real hate you display in your posts, whether you mean it intentionally or not. It’s people like you who really scare away Protestants who want to discover the beauty of the Catholic faith.
typical wimpy catholics you are–we are suppose to attack all herseies arent we?? or are we suppose to wait for the heretic to launch and attack?? c’mon wake up!!! p.s. Protestanism is a heresy!!!
Dude…check your history.
The Catholic Church does not attack heresies. We answer them, and insure that our own do not fall into them. What you are espousing (though I can certainly understand why you feel this way!) would make us just as bad as the Prots…God Forbid!
Pax vobiscum,
hello marine boy, I think that you need to remember that not even our Lord felt like he need to answer to heresy even in the face of his own death. Also remember what St Francis said Preach often and sometimes use words. I think this one statement says alot and one I really try to live by. Mother Teresa was also very known for her quite way of just listening to others and many people converted because of her. I too feel that we are being attacked much too much but we don’t need to act like children and stoop to their level besides we must understand that those who attack must not know what they are doing or else they would never do it.🙂
The Pope had issued a directive for Churches to step-up their missionary activity. I am all for prosteltyzing the Catholic faith and vehemently defending it against all attacks. But I am not for using my religious beliefs to attack anybody.
This is par for the course for a post by marine boy. He’s a kid; ignore him and hopefully he’ll go away before he turns too many people away from Catholicism.
Well Marineboy, you are definitely **not **lukewarm 👍.

I also think you have a point, but perhaps evangelize would be a better word than “attack”. In this I would whole heartedly agree. Some of our seperated brethren are in grievous error, I immediately think of Jehovah Witness, Oneness Pentecostals, Mormons, and those dumb-dumbs who dance around with snakes in West Virgina.😛 Are we not guilty of being wimps if we do nothing to help those who are so far gone into the fruits of the Reformation that their souls are in danger?

However, evangelizing the world can be accomplished in several ways. One post suggests that we meet people on their level and lead them through dialog to the fullness of the Truth. Now, I have found many Protestants are not really antagonistic to the Church. What I do with them is ask them questions, find out what makes 'em tick. Pentecostals are the easiest since they seek holiness as we do. Now who’s church has the best and greatest examples of its members reaching a state of holiness, hmmmmmmm?:hmmm: Here is what practicing what the Church teaches and following the examples of the saints can really come in handy.

I am also proactive among people who are not antagonistic to the Church, but don’t know what the Church teaches. I have gone into work, and said to my protestant friends, “You know what I heard? Some yo-yo said that Catholics worship Mary! How ridiculous is that!”

Of course, because of the Protestant misinterpretations all of them thought we DID worship Mary. I had a great time explaining the Churches teachings on Mary and the Communion of the Saints. They listened to me because I listen to them.

Now, as the world falls deeper into sin, it simultaneously falls deeper into despair, and as Christians we have a duty and obligation laid upon us to search out the lost and help them return to the mercy and grace of God through the sacraments of the Church. We should definitely be out on the street corners bringing 'em in to Church.

As for anti-Catholics, some are genuine believers in their own ideas, and think they are doing good. But I must confess, I wonder sometimes if people like Lorraine Boethner aren’t in fact anti-Christian as much as they are anti-Catholic. Think about it, the Reformation is an abject failure, the Church remains the pillar and foundation of truth. An agent of the Enemy would do well to keep people in the miasma of the Reformation rather than walk in the clarity of the Church. People like that **should **be rebuked.

Keep up the faith, Marineboy, but remember our best victories come when we convert our enemies, not when we beat them in arguments. Although, I do have this daydream about standing outside a fundie church after services handing out Catholic tracts… 😃

In His Mercy,
ITS AM HOW YOU PEOPLE CREATE STRAW A ARGUMENTS–I AID ATTACK UNTRUTHS—WHICH OBVIOUSLY MEANS TO, AS I SAID IN MY ORIGINAL POST, PRESENT THE QUESTION TOT HE PROTESTANT OR MUSLIM BEFORE HE SAYS IT TO YOU–in other be offensive—who said anything about being uncharitable or beng obnoxious–c’mon people stop with these straw man attacks–and to the clown who said “check your history? we answer herseies!!”–well genius yes we do but we also state where they are wrong and tha is what I am sayong–obviously we answer them–there has to be a heresy for us to attack it—no offense but that was a stupid statement–
i can imagen if we do… the non catholics would think its a sign of the apocalips…lol…
ITS AM HOW YOU PEOPLE CREATE STRAW A ARGUMENTS–I AID ATTACK UNTRUTHS—WHICH OBVIOUSLY MEANS TO, AS I SAID IN MY ORIGINAL POST, PRESENT THE QUESTION TOT HE PROTESTANT OR MUSLIM BEFORE HE SAYS IT TO YOU–in other be offensive—who said anything about being uncharitable or beng obnoxious–c’mon people stop with these straw man attacks–and to the clown who said “check your history? we answer herseies!!”–well genius yes we do but we also state where they are wrong and tha is what I am sayong–obviously we answer them–there has to be a heresy for us to attack it—no offense but that was a stupid statement–
Yo chill!:rolleyes: You don’t have to yell at us. Why can’t you say your points without sounding as if we’re all pathetic because of this, that, whatever!:tsktsk:
marineboy, this post started out better than your rampages against Robert Sungenis, but you have quickly taken to insulting other members in it. Can we discuss this without calling people stupid?
The harder we insist other people adopt our points of view when they already have an aversion to it, the more we push them away.

The best way to defend our faith is to shut our yaps once in a while and live the faith. We get so obsessed telling everybody and their dog they are wrong – ostensibly out of kindness to them – that we forget all the lessons Jesus taught us about humility.

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