CCR: The Spirit or a (demonic) spirit?

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Dear friend

You are a suspicious one.

You are a closed book

You are not able to open your heart

You are infact asking God to come in where He is suspected and not trusted

Well if any friend of mine did not trust me, there is very much most probablitlity no matter how much I would try and convince them , they would still reject me and not trust me.

The problem lies with you and not with God and it is ALL a matter of TRUST

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

So what about us Orthodox Catholics who have never experienced the CCR??? Are we not a part of the legitimate Catholic Authority? Is the Holy Father a member of the CCR? If not, is he not a member of the Catholic Authority? I am not being slanderous, but I just don’t believe it is so.
Yes, Annie,

So many people criticize authentic CCR, which they have never experienced because of a bad experience with a group which is not subject to legitimate Catholic authority.

People who know nothing about legitimate CCR should stay out of these discussions, and should definitely be careful of being so judgemental. They will answer for the slander they give.
So what about us Orthodox Catholics who have never experienced the CCR??? Are we not a part of the legitimate Catholic Authority? Is the Holy Father a member of the CCR? If not, is he not a member of the Catholic Authority? I am not being slanderous, but I just don’t believe it is so.
Dear friends

This religious intolerance even within our own ranks is aborrent! We are all worshipping the same Christ Jesus are we not? The trouble with human psychology is the need to be of a certain clan and that alone is acceptable and that alone will be deemed as sufficient and anything outside of it is therefore wrong and should be destroyed. How small minded!

You have no foot-hold on God, God has the foot-hold on you and all of us will be held by His premise and His alone. Whether people differ in spirituality is not the issue, it is how you fair as a human being that is of issue and I see nothing of Christ in this constant condemation of those who clearly love Christ.

Learn to love each other, though your spiritualities may be different, as the east is, as the west is, the Lord will claim and He made each as unique and beautiful , but all those who adhere to Him and persevere until the end will see salvation. The Lord desires to lose no single soul…

God bless you and much love and peace to you

So what about us Orthodox Catholics who have never experienced the CCR??? Are we not a part of the legitimate Catholic Authority? Is the Holy Father a member of the CCR? If not, is he not a member of the Catholic Authority? I am not being slanderous, but I just don’t believe it is so.
Very few lay persons are part of the legitimate Catholic authority, and no lay person is in any authority, unless it was given to him by a legitimate source. If anyone professes to be in authority over CCR, let him present his credentials.
I am confused…so, if you are a part of the CCR, then are you in the authority? If not, then are you inferior?
Very few lay persons are part of the legitimate Catholic authority, and no lay person is in any authority, unless it was given to him by a legitimate source. If anyone professes to be in authority over CCR, let him present his credentials.
Furthermore, if the Holy Father is not a part of CCR, then according to your assumption, he s not in any authority…He has great credentials.
Very few lay persons are part of the legitimate Catholic authority, and no lay person is in any authority, unless it was given to him by a legitimate source. If anyone professes to be in authority over CCR, let him present his credentials.
I am confused…so, if you are a part of the CCR, then are you in the authority? If not, then are you inferior?
Yes, you are confused. I never said I was in authority. Read my posts–I said there is a valid chain of authority—Prayer group with legitimate Catholic leadership, belongs to a Conference, belongs to a diosesan organization, belongs to the NSC (National Service Committee) I am just asking anyone who criticizes legitimate CCR to show their credeentials.
Furthermore, if the Holy Father is not a part of CCR, then according to your assumption, he s not in any authority…He has great credentials.
The Holy Father IS the credentials for anything Catholic, and he supports CCR.
So what about us Orthodox Catholics who have never experienced the CCR??? Are we not a part of the legitimate Catholic Authority? Is the Holy Father a member of the CCR? If not, is he not a member of the Catholic Authority? I am not being slanderous, but I just don’t believe it is so.
Greetings dumspirospero,
Are you speaking of Orthodox Catholics with a capital O or a small orthodox. I am an orthodox Roman Catholic who has experienced CCR and I know Orthodox Catholics who have, too. I have known Catholics from all of the various Rites who are part of the Charismatic Renewal and, in fact even leaders and speakers.
Yes, the Holy Father is a Catholic Charismatic by virtue of his very extreme Pastoral Gifts. He has been granted Gifts and Graces due him by his Position as the Head of the Church. Not only does he possess these Special Gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT, but as head of the Church has a rightful place in every ministry in the Church.

We often forget this. I think we should remind ourselves of it more often.
PPS This is getting very tiring—people say they have a new assignment and are leaving, but never leave, and suspended people just sign up under a new name and continue whatever they are doing.
1 Maria:
All, I think this will help you to have some idea of what the Pope sees for the CCR.


Thursday, 14 March 2002

we all know you hate the charismatic maria so give it a rest!! You are small minded and see no room of the fusion with charismatic with Orthodox…what will you do next??? And the world hopes for peace while Catholics squabble amongst themselves??? You have no idea of what differing spirituality is nor do you care
Originally Quoted by puzzleannie:

All I can tell you is, if your spirituality, choice of religion, choice of parish, standard for judging various Christian individuals, movements and sects, is their success in meeting your expectations, you are in for a lifetime of disappointment, and will have effectively insulated yourself against any genuine spiritual development and experience of God’s presence. You have defined for yourself already what a valid indication of that presence will be, rather than allowing it to proceed from God.
I think that everyone rightfully expects some consolation, however minimal, from their religion. However, I beleive that it is wrong to ultimately judge a religion based on what one gets out of it. Quite honestly, if my primary concern were to “get something out of religion” I would have joined a Baptist or fundamentalist group. However, I base my faith, not ultimately in meeting certain expectations, but in being grounded in truth. There are many groups out there that claim to be the truth, and they even present miracles or words of God to back their portrayals of truth, but this does not mean that they are of truth. Look at the Buddhists and the Wiccans. Both claim supernatural experiences that contradict the Christian faith, even though for them these supernatural experiences are often examples of Love and Peace. Not all that appears good is necessarily of God.

There is a story in the New Testament about how Paul brings the word of God to a people called the Bereans. Rather than accept Paul immediately, the Bereans are cautious and look through the Scriptures to make sure that what Paul says is true. There is another story in the New Testament in which a woman, who appears to be on the side of the apostles, tells the people to accept the apostles because they are bringing them a gospel. Although she appeared to be on the side of the apostles, the forces of evil use her against God’s kingdom.

I agree that much of the CCR “appears” legitimate. However, how can I know for sure? I pray to God that He direct me on the road to truth. And yet, it seems that I am surrounded by various individuals, each claiming religious truth. My best friend is very holy, claims a strong relationship with God, but he believes that not many Catholics will go to heaven, since they aren’t “saved.” One priest friend claims that my spiritual dryness is the result of depression from alcoholism in the family. A friend (outside my group) who claims the gift of discernment disagress and says the spiritual dryness is solely the result of demons afflicting me. My charismatic group on the other hand has explicitly stated that it does not sense any demons in me. The only way I can know who is right is to pray to God for discernment. “Look to the Church,” some may say. “The Pope sponsors the CCR,” they might continue. How can I do this when I am not even sure if the Western Church is really the Church? Why is the Orthodox Church, which more closely resembles the early Church, not the Church? Why is the Church not simply a group of simple believers in Christ, as the Reformers upheld? And if there is but one Church (not necessarily the Roman Catholic Church), what are we to make of those religious experiences outside of the Church? These questions affect me in my discernment. They are questions concerning the most fundamental of my beliefs. And I am glad that God is putting me through this so later on I will know what I truly believe.

In any case, I am most concerned about pursuing Truth. It is true that I desire God’s presence, but, despite what you might think or say, I desire it primarily as a confirmation that I am on the right track in pursuing Truth. I do desire healing, and I will not deny that. However, I understand that God may not be ready to heal me now. I have thought that perhaps He is leading me away from this Church so that I might be healed in the Church, which is closer to Truth–if indeed the Roman Catholic Church is not the Church.

I am glad if you have found Truth in the Roman Catholic Church. However, please have some empathy for me. I have not found that Truth yet, even though I might be residing in it.
Must you argue? Are we not all Catholic? I avoid these CCR threads because of the very things that are being said. Is there no peace? Why must ‘CCR’ people be so defensive?

Isn’t this thread about diserning about CCR? Hasn’t the poster made up his mind? Why must it continue with nasty remarks?
This applies to a few of you not just one.

Peace to all of you,
Must you argue? Are we not all Catholic? I avoid these CCR threads because of the very things that are being said. Is there no peace? Why must ‘CCR’ people be so defensive?

Isn’t this thread about diserning about CCR? Hasn’t the poster made up his mind? Why must it continue with nasty remarks?
This applies to a few of you not just one.

Peace to all of you,
Jen…thank you: I appreciate your kind words.

My only goal is to help people who show an interest in the CCR to see that there is much more to this movement within the Church than what we hear about on internet message boards.

I cannot comprehend why this offends anyone.


I would agree that getting your point across is important. I would like to also add that the tone of this thread has a feel of defensiveness to the point of how dare you not be okay with me. People listen when they aren’t put on the offensive. How to do this, I don’t know but most of the ‘CCR’ threads are long and spattered with this feeling of defensiveness. It’s almost like you aren’t comfortable enough in ‘your’ (not you specifically) own shoes to keep the jabs out the discussion.

I understand the "CCR’ is approved by the Pope. That’s all I need to know. Do I have any interest in being a part of it? Not right now in my life.

Peace and Love,

I would agree that getting your point across is important. I would like to also add that the tone of this thread has a feel of defensiveness to the point of how dare you not be okay with me. People listen when they aren’t put on the offensive. How to do this, I don’t know but most of the ‘CCR’ threads are long and spattered with this feeling of defensiveness. It’s almost like you aren’t comfortable enough in ‘your’ (not you specifically) own shoes to keep the jabs out the discussion.

I understand the "CCR’ is approved by the Pope. That’s all I need to know. Do I have any interest in being a part of it? Not right now in my life.

Peace and Love,
Dear friend

I am not part of the CCR movement, but I have seen attacks on the CCR here that are not called for nor with substance. The CCR is approved by the Pope and it is not something for everyone but because of that it does not mean that those it is not for should then mount a war against it

Drop it!!!

God bless you and much love and peace to you


I would agree that getting your point across is important. I would like to also add that the tone of this thread has a feel of defensiveness to the point of how dare you not be okay with me. People listen when they aren’t put on the offensive. How to do this, I don’t know but most of the ‘CCR’ threads are long and spattered with this feeling of defensiveness. …Jen
Jen, I rarely get involved with the debates about the Charismatic Renewal. It is truly a waste of time, because there are folks who jump into a thread the minute they see the word, “Charismatic”. geared up and ready to do battle. This is folks who are very opposed to the Renewal.

However, I direct you to the name of this thread and then question asked. Is the Renewal being led by the Holy Spirit or a demonic spirit. If this is a sincere question, and I am guessing it is, then it needs to be addressed and answered.

If this sounds like being overly defensive to you, so be it. I would suggest you take the answers in context and be sure you are judging what you are reading, correctly.
Jen, I rarely get involved with the debates about the Charismatic Renewal. It is truly a waste of time, because there are folks who jump into a thread the minute they see the word, “Charismatic”. geared up and ready to do battle. This is folks who are very opposed to the Renewal.
Ah Roberta—you are always like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day (But didn’t the Spirit come in the gentle breeze?) I, too hate these debates, but I hate worse for some lurker to see this defamation of CCR and possibly believe what is being said.
However, I direct you to the name of this thread and then question asked. Is the Renewal being led by the Holy Spirit or a demonic spirit. If this is a sincere question, and I am guessing it is, then it needs to be addressed and answered.
You are far more charitable than I in dealing with someone who by her own admission has seen authentic CCR and would speculate in such a horrible way. I felt as though I had been slapped in the face.
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