Cdl. O’Malley Launches Inquiry Into Gay Misconduct At Seminary

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Clericalism in its various forms, which Pope Francis has warned about, I believe is the primary reason. For example, if the Vatican’s prohibition against permitting homosexuals and their supporters into seminaries was obeyed, clericalism would make it appear to many bishops that there would be a perceived “unacceptable” drop in new priests to replace aging priests.

Any action, including “rooting them out” that results in reducing seminarians is a frightening prospect to such prelates. And imagine the year-long uproar from hypocritical media about “homophobia” in the Church!
Can you please define clericalism? I want to be sure I know what it means.

Thanks in advance.

Can you please define clericalism? I want to be sure I know what it means.

Thanks in advance​

I define it as an exaggerated claim of self-importance, clerical privilege and power. Also an unhealthy quest for advancement in rank, which can lead to, for example, “No, no, that never happened on my watch!”

Clericalism Continues To Thrive In The Church

March 25, 2017
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Thanks for the article. I have never heard of The Wanderer before either.

I think I underdtand now what clericalism is.
Isn’t that an inevitability in any organization? The problem in the church as I see it as an outsider is a lack of checks on power. A vast hierarchy has developed over nearly two thousand years, and every crisis and schism in the Church has occurred fundementally as a resistance to a central authority that some factions of the Church and laity have viewed as either blind to their needs, or even acting in opposition to the n those needs. Whether it was liturgical disagreements, corruption or, as we are now, the abuse scandals, it all comes down to men who have been bequeathed vast power and influence using that influence to their own betterment.

I view the abuse scandal as a long road to hell paved with good intentions. The desire to protect the Church from scrutiny and, yes, possibly even condemnation, overrode every sense of morality, ethics and common decency. I get why it happened, and I think that most of the clergy are decent and honest people, but they became actively or tacitly complicit out of fear. Mix that with the inevitable ladder climbers and you have the perfect conditions of a nightmare.

I have an enormous respect for the Church, even if I have a decidedly different world view. I believe Western Civilization owes the Church an enormous debt. But the Church has steadily been drawing on that bank, to the point that is now nearly completely discredited itself. There’s not a lot of moral authority left, and it needs to reform rapidly, to demonstrate not just in word, but in deed. It needs its own internal Counter-Reformation, and I think Francis is the man to do it, but he’s got a vast and fossilized edifice below him, propped up by the hyper-conservative factions in the Church who still seem to be under the impression that they somehow are masters of events. If they succeed , the Church will become as impotent and disunited as the Anglican Communion.
You had me pretty much on your side, until the last three lines.

The Holy Father, a man close to God, and for whom I would take a bullet, has surrounded himself with a Svengali-type group of advisers that are textbook examples of clericalism–ironically, exactly the type that the Pope routinely criticizes.

And to your opening question: yes, a type of clericalism is most certainly an inevitability in any organization. Our Lord chose to institute an organization peopled by both bastards and saints. When we get to heaven we can tell Him how we would have done it better:wink:
Hmm, I thought the archdiocese only got a percentage of the regular Sunday collection.

So they benefit even though they are not named as a beneficiary ? Not doubting that what you say is true but I’ve never heard of that.

I’m curious to know what percentage the Archdiocese gets.
And imagine the year-long uproar from hypocritical media about “homophobia” in the Church!
Who cares what those Satan serving sodomites and hedonists say or think ? (SSA, I pass no judgement on. I can only pray that they make the right decisions)
Amen, friend. Of course WE shouldn’t care what they think. My point to 7_Sorrows was that people affected by clericalism/careerism would care very much about what the media says, which tends to freeze them into inaction.
The Holy Father, a man close to God, and for whom I would take a bullet, has surrounded himself with a Svengali-type group of advisers that are textbook examples of clericalism–ironically, exactly the type that the Pope routinely criticizes.
I sense a huge disconnect here. The Pope is a terrific human being… who has chosen knaves as his advisors?
I understand your sense of disconnect.

Let me be more clear. Pope Francis, IMHO, is uncontrollably driven by a passion and perceived duty to be a super father and shepherd to those in his flock who suffer, i.e., people who are born into poverty or who are victimized by of the rich and powerful; people who, because they chose to enter into invalid active marriages or active homosexual relationships, are unable to receive Communion which they crave; people who are trapped in human trafficking; etc.

In that sense, I believe Francis “is a terrific human being”, and, as evidenced by many of his purely theological talks and writings, a person close to God. Yes, like all of us, he most certainly has his faults, and he has never denied it. Unlike all of us, those faults unfortunately are magnified by his world-leadership position and by his semi-deference to his chosen gaggle of strange advisers; advisers who would have him cross Catholicism’s white lines.

Francis is a curious mix of liberalism and orthodoxy. The Holy Spirit does not guard the Church against human weakness, just against falling into official doctrinal error resulting from that weakness. The Holy Father is very much aware of that fact.

So, the disconnect you have correctly perceived is something I live with, secure in the faith that the Holy Spirit will not permit the disconnect to become fatal.
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