The married life represents an attachment to the things of this world. If a man is married, he has an interest in pleasing his wife and in devotion to her; if he is celibate, he is free to pursue only the things of the world to come, and to strive to please only He who will reign in eternity. While celibacy requires a great sacrifice, and adherence to chastity according to that station, it allows one to be more fully spiritual than earthly.
Now that is an interesting approach to sacrament versus charism.
I suggest that you read Paul’s comments on love: love is patient, love is kind… The practical application of those words by Paul is anything but “attachent to things of this world”. It is the attachment to things of this world that prevents or inhibits love. True love is self-emptying.
If celibacy, which is a charism, is so much better than a sacrament, why didn’t Christ institute celibacy as a sacrament? And please, how is celibacy more “spiritual” than “earthly”? Are you really saying that the sacrament of marriage is more “earthly” than “spiritual”?
Can we spell Jansenism? Do we really have to skirt around that heresy again?
And do we really need to slam all of our Eastern rite Catholic priests?
And is it really true that following the command of Genesis “be fruitful and multiply” is somehow less “spiritual” than being a crochety old maid or batchelor?
Some people are given the gift, the charism of celibacy. Many of them enter a professed life of celibacy in an order. If they are women, obviously priesthood has nothing to do with it. If they are men, again, priesthood may have nothing to do with it.
Other people are simply not given the gift of intimate union with another person. They are celibate by default, often because of personality quirks. And while they are “free” to persue “things of the world to come”, many are in less persuit of those things than someone trying to empty themselves in love of spouse.
Or maybe I’m mistaken: the sacrament of marriage is not a means of sanctification, and loving my spouse is not a means or salvation for me and my spouse, and our children???