I know what the real presence is Exporter and it’s an interesting concept, but no, I do not believe in it. I believe that God is sovereign and can be present everywhere. I am highly suspect, however, of the idea that priests all over the world posess the power to turn wine and wafers into the true physical body and blood of Christ every day at every Mass. The Lord has already sacrificed himself for us. This sacrifice only needed to occur once and does not needs to be recreated.A Question for you , Andyman.** Do you believe in the Real Presence?** That is the Doctrine that Jesus is in the Eucharist body, soul and divinity.
The idea of eating the real body and blood of Jesus Christ is not something that I take lightly. The way I understand the Bible is the Jesus was speaking metaphorically at the last supper. When I go to church and we have what protestants call the “Lord’s Supper” we do not believe in the real presence but rather that what we are doing is purely a symbolic act. Even after Jesus’ resurrection, early christians did not practice this. Things known as *agape *meals or feasts would take place in which christians would have huge feasts recreating the last supper. They did not believe they were eating their God during these feasts.
I’d love to talk about this more with you. I don’t think this thread on celibacy is the place to do it. You should start a new thread on this topic where everybody can discuss the real presence and it’s implications. God Bless you exporter.
In Christ,