
That’s a fair question, as I suppose it could look like that from your point of view.Are you having one of those leftover teenage rebellius attitude? “I’ll jump to the cliff just because you said not to” meantality?
Of course, by “rebellious” there is a slight connotation that I am “rebelling” against authority as if I considered you as having authority over me so I’m “getting away” with something here. If I look at you as a brother and friend, then I am free to take your advice and act on it or not depending on what credibility I assign it and whether I find it important to appease you.
Actually it was the compelling nature of the Cloud of the Unknowing that drew me back in. The article you kept insisting I read asserted that CP is in violation of the Cloud’s advice – clearly not what I had remembered from the Cloud. Therefore I got out the Cloud and went through it enough to find the quoted part, in chapter 39 I think (maybe it was 34) so that I could find context. By that time the Cloud had hooked me and I was all excited about contemplation again, and since CP is where I learned much of what I knew about contemplation, and it was Wednesday, and I had a chance to go because my son got sick and didn’t need to go to scouts, I took the chance to go pray.
That said, since I know you want to hear a confession out of me, I’ll grant your wish. Here it is. I did feel some juvenile satisfaction in telling you about it, even though I could easily had covered for it by claiming that I was honestly warning you as a beloved brother that your style of arguing drives me and perhaps others farther away from your side than toward it.
