Anyway, every week we would have a charismatic Mass, where the gifts of the Holy Spirit would be manifested during certain points of the Mass, there was very lively music, and after the consecration we would all come up around the altar.
Some of this, I discovered years later, was indeed liturgical abuse. Everyone’s hearts were in the right place, but it was abuse nonetheless. You have to go by what the GIRM says for the conduct of the Mass, and you can’t add to it. Plain and simple. That’s hard for a lot Catholics to swallow, but “them’s tha rules”.
Much of what you may see in a charismatic Mass that is abusive is done out of ignorance, not malice. So if you see it happening, just grin and bear it until you can talk to the pastor. Also, charismatics should not manifest the gifts unless it is a specifically designated charismatic Mass, and only within the bounds of what the GIRM allows. Otherwise you risk scandalizing the non-charismatics, and worse, disrupting the Mass.