Annunciata,Hi Gnome,
I think I responded to your remark that the CCR was not Catholic and I said that if it has the approval of the HF that was good enough for me….
I left the CCR many years ago due to the human element that creeps into any group…mostly stemming from PRIDE. I left and pursed other ways of worship within the Church and find all worship of God beautiful!! However, that beautiful sharing and praying and praising together for each other in the CCR is calling to me….
Recently in our parish we formed a new prayer group called The Rosary Group lest anyone have the misconception that it is Charismatic. This is rather sad but it is due to our pastor who claims to be Charismatic and he’s really not…everyone knows it…by the fruits…(he gives it a bad rap)…I just keep praying for a Charismatic Prayer Group will come near…or better still maybe this is how it will begin with Mary…
People are hungry for God! Why must there always be this dissention …can’t we just accept each other as we are…none of us is the same…we were all created uniquely and have our own special relationship and way we pray to God.
I never said CCR is not Catholic, that was someone else.
Will pray for your Rosary group.