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Michael C:
Maybe we can clone humans to perform certain jobs that noone wants and manipulate the way they think. Eventually we can do away with most of the population and only have those people created by science to serve a priviledged few? This is great! Once we control everything who needs God?
Wow, you must not have read what I wrote. No one here is advocating cloning humans, only organs that are needed. Take off the tin foil hat.

Embryonic stem research is the same as abortion. Are you saying that abortion is fine?

I am not sure what you are saying with your comment about the Church pushing things underground?

Be careful not to rely to heavily on science. 🙂
Don’t rely too heavily on blind faith, either.

A lot of the things we mentioned earlier (i.e. fornication, homosexaulity) were more out in the open until Christianity become more widepsread. After that, they went underground so to speak. And by the way, I never said the Catholic Church pushed anything underground, though the Catholic Church was the only one around. I’m just not pointing any fingers, thats all.

I never rely on blind faith and I personally feel that many gifts from God come to us through science. Yet, we and do abuse all of God’s gifts–including science. Embryonic stem cell research is murder, plain and simple.

The Church did not push those things underground, it brought the truth if the depravity to light, which caused some of the activity to become hidden–which is far better then the near worship-like attitude we have today towards many sinful behaivors.
Embryonic stem cell research is murder, plain and simple.
Only when it comes from aborted fetuses. I have no problem when they come from miscarriages.
Wow, you must not have read what I wrote. No one here is advocating cloning humans, only organs that are needed. Take off the tin foil hat.
Your posts inferred that things that are not acceptable are eventually accepted. I will never accept human cloning and neither will the Catholic church. The tin foil hat is off but the straight jacket is buckled tight (I’m typing with my toes).
The Church did not push those things underground, it brought the truth if the depravity to light, which caused some of the activity to become hidden
Same difference.

Taking embryo’s from miscarriages will only lead to greater acceptance of creating embryo’s for destruction.

It is not the same difference. A society that attempts to rein-in its depravity is far more healthy then one that basically is a free-for-all. The Church attempted to rein-in the sins of Rome, and at times it even worked.
Same difference.
I found your posts to be morally offensive. Shame on you! I’d hate to be you come judgement day.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
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