Chicken Pox Vaccine?

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That is easier said than done. It is very expensive and many times a diploma is very difficult to obtain. It is a complicated process and not feasible for many.
Hsing is far less expensive than private school. You don’t have to buy any extra food, clothes or provide any transportation; all of which you might have to do even for public school. There are no fundraisers either! Your kids don’t pressure you to have things that other kids have.
I have graduated two high schoolers and the diploma & transcripts were no problem. They both have been accepted into universities, one with a full tuition, academic scholarship.
I do agree that hsing may not be for everyone, but I have not found it to be “expensive or complicated”
Hsing is far less expensive than private school. You don’t have to buy any extra food, clothes or provide any transportation; all of which you might have to do even for public school. There are no fundraisers either! Your kids don’t pressure you to have things that other kids have.
I have graduated two high schoolers and the diploma & transcripts were no problem. They both have been accepted into universities, one with a full tuition, academic scholarship.
I do agree that hsing may not be for everyone, but I have not found it to be “expensive or complicated”
Momsix – My hat’s off to you! Well done, WELL DONE!!!😃
Hsing is far less expensive than private school. You don’t have to buy any extra food, clothes or provide any transportation; all of which you might have to do even for public school. There are no fundraisers either! Your kids don’t pressure you to have things that other kids have.
I have graduated two high schoolers and the diploma & transcripts were no problem. They both have been accepted into universities, one with a full tuition, academic scholarship.
I do agree that hsing may not be for everyone, but I have not found it to be “expensive or complicated”
Maybe this differs from region to region, I wanted to homeschool but I can’t afford it. I pay around $100/year for the public school and $200/yr for CCD. If HS is cheaper than that in my area please let me know because I would surely do it!. I don’t pay extra for food either…I would feed her lunch at home, and I pack her a lunch for school, and I find it hard to believe that they wouldn’t want things that other kids had unless they had no access to T.V or other kids. It is great that it works for you, but I think that it is not actually that easy…unfortunately.

I know this if a little off topic from the chicken pox thing but I do support anyone who wants to homeschool, I think its great. But I myself could never do it, I’ve got four kids 11, 9, 6 & 2 since my first child was born I have really given up me and that is fine but my husband works such long hours and this is shift work so its always rotating and when he is home he is tired so I have very very little help so for the past 11 almost 12 years I’ve been mom and dad and have had little outside help either, once my kids started school, that has been the first time I’ve actually had a little quiet or gotten somethings actually done during the day with just the 2 year old around, I know that is selfish but my kids are going to a Catholic school and I know they are getting an awesome education, I don’t care what anyone says, nobody can be super mom all the time, sometimes, I’m just pretty good mom but I do get tired, worn down and sick too, if you have it in you to homeschool though, I think you are Awesome and way to go but I know for some of us the very idea is no way since we are all in different lives and different situations and not all situations are right for it and I know that if I had my kids home day in and day out with me I would lose my mind, I just really need a little down time and I’m finally getting a tiny bit and it is just so nice to just chill with the 2 year old and read to him or take him for a walk, I’ve been craving it for so long 😃
I don’t homeschool, but only b/c mine are 4 and 1…I don’t know if I will…I’d like to, but have been struggling with it…many reasons, mostly selfish ones :o – I do know that if we get moved to a certain area (not to slam anyone from there) I will hs my oldest for that one year we’re there…not sendign him to public and not paying for a private kindy for one year…kwim? I think hs’ing is awesome, and feel sorry for those who bash it (not here, just seen it everywhere) without understanding it. It’s given such a bad rap…it’s really sad. I can’t wait for the day some CEO or CFO stands up and says “I was homeschooled!” – and silences a nation of naysayers…he he…
My sister hs’s her 4 kids and has a 5th little little one…she takes sooo much heat from my family for it…because they really don’t understand it…“but Johnny is missing out on socialization” and on and on…as if she shackles him to the kitchen table with a book or something…lol – I guess I just can’t stand when people pontificate on things they really have only heard of, and never taken the time to explore and look into…(sadly, I was one of them at one time…but I’ve grown up a lot…he he – or so I’d like to think…)

HSing is not for everyone, and you’re not a “less dedicated” parent if you choose to send your kids to school, but let those who choose to do it do it without the stigma of a “wacko anti-establishment” label, kwim? I went to public school and turned out just fine, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways of doing the educating…that’s all.

That is easier said than done. It is very expensive and many times a diploma is very difficult to obtain. It is a complicated process and not feasible for many​

It’s very time consuming and the burn out rate is high. I homeschooled for three years, figured out I was doing more harm than good and put them in the public school.
It was a difficult transition for my oldest, but I think it is best he learns to deal with life rather than living under my wing.
However, I am fortunate to live in an extremely small town and this place is 30 or so years behind the “real” world.
Also, for those who do successfully homeschool their children good for them, I think that’s just ducky.
LilyoftheValley, if you don’t mind me asking what state are you from?
I’m from a small rural MN town and we are also pretty behind and the population is small as in one church for each faith, one grocery store, a couple gas station, one clothing store, you get the picture, we are fourtunate that we are not very far from a larger town where they have alot more so when we need to buy things we can’t find in our little town we don’t have to go further than 30 minutes but I’m glad that we chose to live in a small town with small town values, thats how I grew up and I really am glad that we can still find a small town setting to raise our children 🙂
This is the first I’ve heard of the moral concern. However, I did have my kids vaccinated against chicken pox, and so far one of them got it anyway. Vaccines are no guarantee.
I was thinking of getting the vaccine.

I have not contracted a case of chickenpox, and I am almost 42.

When I was a fresman in college in the spring of 1983, my youngest brother contracted chickenpox and he was sick for nearly two weeks. He infected another brother and he was sick for more than two weeks. Then, my oldest brother (they are all younger) got it the worst. He missed almost three weeks of school. He was covered with weils. He could not bathe. He was miserable. Somehow, I did not get infected even though I was in the same house during six weeks of incubation period. I was terrified and it affected my grades.

A high school classmate of my best friend contracted chickenpox as an adult and died from it. Kids can recover - it’s very dangerous for adults.
so I’m worried and I am female so it introduces many more issues when you throw in pregnancy (birth defects if mom catches it while pregnant) – with small children, it’s bound to enter my house…the question is will this happen while I am pregnant…ugh. The docs say for me it will be two shots a month apart, and not to get pregnant until at least a month after the second shot…eep…that’s a little scary…not only that, but after all this discussion, I still haven’t heard if the church has taken a position on this…

anyone found out yet? Tx…I’ll post it to the apologists too…see if they have any sage advice
My sister in laws day care lady never had chicken pox as a child and when she was pregnant with her second child her son got the chicken pox and then the mom got it and she lost the baby at four months pregnant and the doctor said it was because she (the mother) got chicken pox and in most cases a mom who is pregnant and never had the chicken pox and she gets it the baby will not live 😦
Chicken Pox in Adults:
I had this at 33. Right about then a drug came out called Zovirax. It really is a drug for herpes, but it is effective in treating chickenpox. I had to bully my doctor into giving it to me, but he did and I was only ill and uncomfortable for 3 days. By the 4th day I was nearly myself again.
I did not suffer any side affects from this med. or the chickenpox but there is some question about how much immunity you get from the disease if you suppress the symptoms/duration by taking Zovirax. I figured I went 35 years without it, I could go 35 more! And that was 10 years ago.
Anyway it is something to check out.
Oh I went on to having 4 more healthy children after this, one conceive only a month after the chicken pox was over!
I was against my children getting the CP vac, wanting them to get it the “old fashioned way” but then it was pointed out that with the majority of children getting the vaccine, the chances of my kids catching the Chicken pox was getting smaller & smaller and I didn’t want to risk them having to go through it as an adult so I got the shots for all of them.

I belive the vaccine was pushed on us because working mothers can’t afford to miss all that work to stay home for a week or two with their sick children. 😦
We don’t vaccinate for anything anymore. First daughter received Hep B in hospital and later at 2 months along with DTap, Polio, Prevnar, Hib and who knows what else. She will not receive any more, nor will she receive the chicken pox vaccine. The majority of vaccines are not long-lasting. Giving kids the vaccine rather than letting them contract immunity from the illness itself is setting them up for chicken pox at a later age when the vaccine wears off. I’ve done lots of research on both sides of the fence and this article pretty much sums up what my husband and I both feel:
Also, I wouldn’t recommend Children of God ) - COG -as recommended by another poster. They are a cult that has quite a disturbing history - so I have heard from from a former member.
When my generation were children, our parents would send us to play with any child in the village who had chicken pox so that we could contract the virus ourselves. 😃
My parents did the same thing but it never worked. Then I ended up getting chicken pox when I was 22! :banghead:

My parents did the same thing but it never worked. Then I ended up getting chicken pox when I was 22! :banghead:

I’ve never had them – tested negative…so I’m a little worried. I posted to the apologist forum, but no one ever answered…:crying:
For a really thorough examination of this issue visit which stands for Children of God for Life. They have a tremendous amount of documentation to explain the situation and even offer a few alternatives.
I use this site to check out any NEW developments in vaccines. There are alternatives and we use them. When I find that they are doing research on NEW stuff I ask for further information. They usually get back to me the same night. Love this site.
Sorry about the mistake on Children of God for Life. I only read the “Children of God” - they are the cult. But Children of God for Life is entirely different. My apologies. 🙂
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