Well, its a little too late for us anyways, we had all our kids vaccinated already, and as far as the aborted fetus, from what I have read, these were from two babies in the 60’s??
Anyways, again, it is a personal decision that each parent must make, my brother in law is a doctor and he has seen the downside of not getting your kids vaccinated, so many awful stories that would make your heart ache.
It is something for each parent to prayfully consider, it was for us, not even a question, it was just that simple and for anybody else, that is up to you and if you don’t want to, gee, simple, don’t
Kamz- I have noticed from my limited time on this forum that you are a really gentle soul (and I mean that as a compliment), you are very careful that people don’t hurt each other’s feelings, make each other feel bad, etc. That is a good quality to have.
I just want to say that, #1- it matters not a bit wether this was done to these babies in the 60s or yesterday- they were killed for the purpose of providing this vaccine- much like what people working on embryonic stem cells are doing today. If they succeed, 40 years from now people will be having the debate we are here “The horrible thing has already been done, people DIE from these diseases, we should just use these treatments”(would THAT be acceptable?)
#2- Did you read my above post about how the CP vaccine does not last forever? So- having your babes vaccinated with this vaccine, guarantees nothing other than short term immunity, leaving them suceptable when the disease is more dangerous- as adults, or- of course, they’ll need another vaccination for it, and another, on and on. Whereas- actually getting CP will give lifetime immunity.
#3-It is very bothersome to me on a Catholic forum for someone to say that this was not an
issue for them at all. IMNSHO- it SHOULD be an issue for any faithful Catholic. Yes, after prayerful consideration (esp. in light of the fact that this
may not have to be done again), one could choose to use the vaccines. But- IMO- it should be done with sadness and great difficulty. It should not ever be an easy, no- brainer decision to do something like this.
As I said above- it is simple moral relativism to suggest that the severity of a disease would decide the morality of this issue.
kamz- we can disagree here, and we can even try to convince each other. There
are certain things that are “we can agree to disagree” and “this is morally neutral, parents can do whatever they wish and we are all great people” etc. IMO- this is
not one of those things. I would not say that someone who has examined this issue fully(after prayerful consideration) and with great sadness and has decided to use the vaccines at this point, while fighting the issue and lobbying for a vaccine made in a moral way- would be wrong. I will say that IMO, someone not giving it a second thought and using these vaccines without an
issue and doing nothing to ensure it does not happen again, would be in the wrong morally, as a Catholic.
Yes, people can make different decisions ultimately on this issue (in the abscence of an official Church stance), but- I think all should be saddened by this issue and should be doing something to keep this from happening again.
I can’t say it more clearly- some things are morally neutral - this is not one of them.
So- I encourage everyone to go to
www.cogforlife.org and see what you can do to help. Educate those around you (how many of us didn’t find out about this until after using these vaccines?). And PRAY PRAY PRAY!