Childfree - the next wave of evil

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This site is MUCH more interesting

Omigod. I have to quit reading because I’m hurting from laughing.

That’s about the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time!!

Under the FAQ “How can I help” we have:
Finally, you can help by spreading the word. Talk to people. Proselytize shamelessly. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Get on the radio or TV. Be a nuisance. Cause trouble. Piss people off, especially your breeding friends. Carpe diem.
6. I’ve already procreated. Can I still join?
Absolutely! So long as you don’t have any more. We have a number of members with children, and we even have a member whose son joined too. What’s done is done. What matters is your commitment now.
The Church has only one commandment, and it is “Thou Shalt Not Procreate.” In addition, we have four “pillars” or principles, which are Suicide, Abortion, Cannibalism and Sodomy.
Note that cannibalism is only required for those who insist on eating flesh, and is strictly limited to consumption of the already dead. Also note that sodomy is defined as any sexual act not intended for procreation: fellatio, cunnilingus, and anal sex are all forms of sodomy and are still illegal in some parts of the United States.
And this one is my favorite:
5. Do I have to kill myself?
Of course you don’t have to kill yourself! If you really want to, though, wait until after you’ve joined the Church. That way, you automatically become a saint, without any additional paperwork. Don’t forget to leave a note thanking and/or blaming the Church, and feel free to will us your estate, if you have one.

I’m choking from laughing so hard.

In my experience, people who don’t have children, but want to have them, or wish they could have them, usually use the word “childless”, not “childfree”. That “childfree” website specifically states that they use the term “childfree” instead of “childless” because they consider themselves “free of the loss of personal freedom, money, time and energy that having children requires” (their words). They don’t sound like they’re talking about couples with a fertility problem.

I’ve never been married, and hence, have no children (and now I’m too old), and I might call myself “childless”, but not “childfree”. I hesitate to blanket-label those people “selfish”, though. As a never-married person, I’m used to getting unfairly tarred with that “selfish” brush (I’m selfish because I haven’t been fortunate enought to find the right man? Give me a break!), and I don’t like to sling that label around too casually.

Crazy Internet Junkie Society
****Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag

For various reasons, I’m also “Childless”. I made some stupid decisions over the space of 20 years that pretty much eliminated that option for me… Luckily, I don’t hear that too much.

I’m sorry you do - It’s simply proof that people can be stupid… Then you have the people who gave the Chronicle reporter a hard time because she had 2 children and was pregnant with a 3rd, which she was insisting on keeping (in spite of pressure from her fellow liberals).

The question for you is: If you had found a man who was husband material and marrying him, would you have done everyithing within reason and the Teaching of the Church to have Children?

I think your use of the term “Childless”, meaning that you wanted children completely differentiates you from the people who use the term “Childfree” and do everything possible to NOT to be burdened with children.

Part of the difference is this, Carol, I believe you would help a fellow human in need.According to the websites these people have, they avoid that at all costs.

Those are some of the differences.

I think these are somethings to consider, and we do have a right to consider ALL their actions in their TOTALITY.

Blessed are they who act to stop the slaughter of the Innocent, Michael
Sadly, my grown son is one of the “childfree” generation. He doesn’t belong to that group (thank God) but has swallowed the overpopulation myth, doesn’t plan to marry his GF, and is markedly self centered. I pray for him daily, and welcome any prayers anyone else would like to add.
I can’t figure out how I had a son like this, except that I raised him in a protestant church, which he refused to attend after 11 as he was being harassed by a pastor.
And I paid thousands for his college education, where he learned all this nonsense. A minor detail, but I wish there were someone I could sue.
Sadly, my grown son is one of the “childfree” generation. He doesn’t belong to that group (thank God) but has swallowed the overpopulation myth, doesn’t plan to marry his GF, and is markedly self centered. I pray for him daily, and welcome any prayers anyone else would like to add.
I can’t figure out how I had a son like this, except that I raised him in a protestant church, which he refused to attend after 11 as he was being harassed by a pastor.
And I paid thousands for his college education, where he learned all this nonsense. A minor detail, but I wish there were someone I could sue.
How old is he? There may still be hope.

I was pretty anti-baby and pro-sex and anti-commitment and all that throughout college and a few years after. My mother always said she’d love us no matter what, but her personal opinion was that if you don’t have children you’re really missing out on something.

They were married and tried desperately to have children for years until my oldest brother was born, and died hours later. Finally they had my big brother and me, and they loved us greatly.

Anyway, I finally got caught and had to decide whether to marry seeing as how our second child was on the way :o and did, and now we have six delightful children who are worth more than gold. What an incredible mindset change. If it can happen to a scum like me, it can happen to nearly anyone.

Children are our future. They are what we give to the world that will last beyond our own lifetimes. My goal at any moment in my role as parent is to get them and me to the place where if I died I would do so in peace, confident that their guidance has been sound and they will not turn from it.

I’m not surprised by their popularity. We’re all aware of how many people have been infected by the culture of death; this seems to be a logical permutation of Secularism.

Viki - RJ Neuhaus wrote a very interesting essay which examines the link between protestantism & Secularism. I think you can read it at . But don’t lose hope - a good friend of mine recently did an about-face from being anti-Christian, anti-life, anti-commitment, and in many cases quite self-serving into an engaged & evangelical Christian who is considering joining the Catholic Church. It has been said that colleges & universities are islands of repression in seas of freedom. My experience at a secular university was typical - children, organized religion & chastity were the source of all the world’s problems; condoms, agnosticism/atheism, birth control pills, marijuana & Noam Chomsky were the remedies. I’m fortunate that so many people were blatantly anti-Christian while preaching the culture of death ideology or I could have been subtlely programmed.

I’ll have to remember to pray for the people involved with this website/organization.
I’m sure this website has to be illegal. Anyone know of a way to report it?

They claim they only advocate cannibalism of the already dead, but if you click on cannibalism under thier “four pillars” they tell you how to murder a person for food.

If I can find out who thier ISP is, I could shut them down, but I’m not that big of a hack.
Actually, it depends where their server is located. For example, The Pirate Bay, which hosts thousands of torrents to download illegal software, while people have repeatedly attempted to shut them down, they are located in Sweden so nobody can do anything about it.

Also, knowledge is no crime, although using that knowledge sometimes is. If something gets way out of hand, they might take it down, but if there was information on how to, for example, make household explosives, they can’t do much. Although most servers have a TOS which you have to follow.
If you read the link, you will see that these people are choosing to be childless. In fact they don’t even like the term childless, because they say that it implies that they didn’t choose to be without chldren. That is why they call themselves childfree.
I call them selfish…
Traditional Ang:
The question for you is: If you had found a man who was husband material and marrying him, would you have done everyithing within reason and the Teaching of the Church to have Children?
The answer to that is “Yes!” As a matter of fact, I’d be open to it now, if God were to decide to work the same miracle for me that He did for Sarah and Elizabeth (and if I were married). 🙂

I have an uncle who likes to say “Children are a blessing.” That’s what I think of when I see a large family.

Crazy Internet Junkies Society
****Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
Well, it would almost be funny if it WASN’T real. Unfortunately it is. If you clicked on thier pictures (DON’T) you’d see that. Heck, even look up the person who wrote it. Her name is Karin Spaink. She’s nuts.
I had no idea how big of a thing this was until recently. Check this out:
My first reaction to seeing this web-site is to say; thank God people who don’t want children and express this type of ego-centric personallity aren’t having them. Hopefully, aren’t getting pregnant either because we all know what their solution would be, sadly.
This movement is gaining popularity in Europe:eek:
Never mind Europe it is closer to home than many realize !!

Euthanasia legislation passes first reading

There seems to be no end to the assault on life and family as the political elite of this country seem determined to destroy this nation.
As we were finishing the layout of the newsletter we got word of** Bill C-407**, “An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (right to die with dignity).” This legislation is not only about promoting euthanasia for the terminally ill. **This bill does not restrict euthanasia being committed by only medical practitioners. And this bill does not assure competence on the part of the person wanting euthanasia. **

The legislation exempts from criminal charges medical practitioners or anyone assisted by one, who purposely causes the death of a person who is suffering “physical or mental pain without any prospect of relief” or the terminally ill. While the private members bill – sponsored by Francine Lalonde (BQ, La Pointe-de-I’lle) – appears to provide “limits,” the experience in Belgium and the Netherlands, two countries with legal euthanasia, has shown all such “safeguards” to be ineffective.The fact is that the only two limits (that the person requesting assisted suicide be at least 18 years of age and that the request be made twice, ten days apart by an individual while “appearing to be lucid”) in C-407 will not ameliorate the damage this bill will cause**, namely the erosion of all protection for vulnerable people whom a compassionate society is supposed to care for and protect**. Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the** Euthanasia Prevention Coalition**, says that with this legislation Canada will get to the same place in a day that the Netherlands took** 20 years** of sliding down the slippery slope to arrive at**.** He said people with disabilities and those who suffer chronic pain deserve to have their physical and psychological pain treated – not death. Debate on second reading is scheduled on or after June 29 if the House is still sitting.

Action Item: Contact your MP and urge them to vote against C-407. Send a letter, postage free, to the House of Commons, Ottawa, K1A 0A6 or find the email address on the parliamentary website at If you need help contacting your MP call us at (416) 204-9749 or 1-800-730-5358.
Yipes. Well, what do you expect from Satanists, though. Suicide, abortion, sodomy, cannibalism, I’m sure Satan adores all these things.

After all, he’d love it if we all killed ourselves, because then who would worship God?
The radical feminist movement in the 70’s and 80’s convinced many women that marriage and childbearing were orpressing them- denying them their true freedom and happiness.
As a baby boomer, I remember these arguments well.
I remember reading aritcles in womens magazines extolling the virtures of childlessness.
I remember one article from the early 80’s written by a woman
who said childfree was the way to go. You would:
Have more disposable income
Have a more spontanueous sex life.
Be able to concentrate more on your career
Be able to travel, follow your dreams, ect.
It was an article promoting the DINC lifestyle.
I know a large number of women my age who have no children and now it’s too late.
Then you see a lot of women my age who bought into these lies but are deperatly ttc at the last minute-often using morally wrong methods,having children w/o husbands, ect.
For me, fortunatly I did get married late in life and God blessed us with 2 beautiful dc.(natural conceptions)
It was a close call.
I think a lot of these childfree by choice are going to bitterly regret their decisions late in life-if not at the Last Judgement.
I want to add that I am not at all speaking of those who have no children through no fault of their own(infertitilty, health problems,hystorectomy, ect.)
Also, I am not speaking of single people who have chosen a life of singleness, either.
I’m only speaking of married couples who deliberatly were not open to life.
Originally Posted by deb1
If you read the link, you will see that these people are choosing to be childless. In fact they don’t even like the term childless, because they say that it implies that they didn’t choose to be without chldren. That is why they call themselves childfree.
I call them selfish…
Consider just HOW selfish they are!

It is OUR children who will be paying the taxes that support them in their old age. I just bet none of them seriously intend to kill themselves when they reach retirement and can’t financially support themselves. Not that I advocate that.

I am talking worldwide here. It is a problem in most countries in the developed world.

I read some of the instructions for “preparing meat” Couldn’t read all of it, too sick. All I could think of was that movie Silence of the Lambs where that sicko kept that girl down in the hole.
We consider ourselves childFREE - free of the loss of personal freedom, money, time and energy that having children requires.
These people are really undescrivable. Their sheer stupidity is reason enough to remove them from the gene-pool.

I say bravo! Be childless (the proper term), the rest of the world will be simpler and most likely better off once you and your perversed ideologies are gone.
“The meek will inherit the earth”

I always read ‘meek’ as obedient. Combine the above promise with God’s command to ‘go forth and multiply’ and it makes sense.
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