Chile anniversary rallies turn violent as churches burned, police fire tear gas

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Chile anniversary rallies turn violent as churches burned, police fire tear gas​

SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Chileans gathered in the central square of Santiago to mark the one-year anniversary of mass protests that left over 30 dead and thousands injured, with peaceful rallies on Sunday devolving by nightfall into riots and looting.

People gathered early in the day in demonstrations downtown and in cities throughout Chile that gained size and fervor through the evening. Many touted signs and rainbow colored homemade banners calling for a “yes” vote next Sunday in a referendum over whether to scrap the country’s dictatorship-era Constitution, a key demand of the 2019 protests.

The demonstrations, while largely peaceful early on, were marred by increasing incidents of violence, looting of supermarkets and clashes with police across the capital later in the day. Fire truck sirens, burning barricades on roadways and fireworks on downtown streets added to a sense of chaos in some neighborhoods.

I believe the news is in one article, that 2 churches were attacked, not a great number but one was totally destroyed.
They are voting on a referendum this week in days I understand that can change their constitution. I think we are all suppose to hope they don’t make these changes. I don’t know exactly what the changes are. We are bound to find out more.

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Chile has been called the gem of South America, does one think that doesn’t deserve a like? Because of their economy that was set up in the '70s or so.

Or does one prefer the great suffering that the people of Venezuela go through nowadays? Or what Cuba has gone through, people fleeing with just the shirt on their backs over treacherous waves to reach Florida for about 50 years?

That’s quite a presumptuous statement to make… about others.

Chile has had a somewhat positive functioning system and look at other Latin American countries? Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico. Honduras, etc.

Also, what happened in Chile predated but is similar to what happened here in the states.

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Someone posted it in the Catholic News section, the steeples came down with pictures, I saw that. I did not realize this was some positive to some people.
And to do so we must eradicate personal freedoms, establish a secret police, erect concentration camps, and commit mass murder. Got it. These values are not conservative. Full stop. These values are not Catholic. Full stop. But it’s good to know where some of the more radical “right wingers” on CAF stand.
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can tell you this… there are certain members on this forum who I would never want to meet in a dark alley. The open support for mass murder is truly chilling.
Except that WH didn’t advocate it.
He was endorsing a Pinochet style dictatorship… that’s the topic at hand. What am I not understanding ?
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Cuba had about the highest standard of living in Latin America under Batista. One could call him a totalitarian too. And they had a strong economy and not because of some great control which the Mafia had on the island, it wasn’t like that. actually.
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Such a shame… I didn’t even know there were protests in Chile. This doesn’t even get covered in Argentinian news 😑
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We’ve another thread already going about this here
Chile anniversary rallies turn violent as churches burned, police fire tear gas World News
Chile anniversary rallies turn violent as churches burned, police fire tear gas SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Chileans gathered in the central square of Santiago to mark the one-year anniversary of mass protests that left over 30 dead and thousands injured, with peaceful rallies on Sunday devolving by nightfall into riots and looting. People gathered early in the day in demonstrations downtown and in cities throughout Chile that gained size and fervor through the evening. Many tout…
Apparently protesters already tried to burn down, and significantly damaged, that St. Francis Borgia church used by the Carabinieri back in January of this year.

It will be interesting to see if the violence affects people’s attitudes about the Constitution. It does not seem like the ordinary citizens of Chile are happy about this destruction.
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I am not interested in all the dictator discussions.

I said a rosary for Chile this evening and asked the Blessed Mother to please just straighten them out. I’m sure she will fix it.

Our Lady Undoer of Knots, St. Joseph, St. Teresa of the Andes, and St. Alberto Hurtado, please pray for Chile. Thank you. Amen.
Such a shame… I didn’t even know there were protests in Chile. This doesn’t even get covered in Argentinian news 😑
They probably don’t want Argentinians to get ideas.

Although to be honest, the last time I saw any Chile coverage in the US news was years ago when they were rescuing those guys from the mine.
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Pinochet=/=mass murder. End of story. Also, accusing me of not holding conservative values is a compliment. Conservatives could not conserve the woman’s bathroom.
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I apologize…there was definitely hyperbole in my response…but to be clear, you are saying that totalitarianism is sometimes necessary?
Apology accepted. Let me clarify exactly where I stand. Under the current system of anarcho-tyranny, I am most certainly not free. With a more authentically right-wing nationalist government, I as a right-wing nationalist would be free, regardless of what form that government took. So I face a choice.
  1. Corporations cancelling people for not being woke, BLM and Antifa mobs disrupting daily life, selective law enforcement against those who defend themselves, and ingrates denigrating the deeds of men greater than they ever could be.
  2. Men in snazzy uniforms stomping out communism albeit restricting some of my rights on paper, (in practice cultural Marxism negates those rights).
It is a pretty easy choice. Right wing authoritarianism is an inevitable reaction to communism.
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“Muerte al Nazareno”

“Death to the Nazarine”
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My favourite thing about Pinochet is that his government kidnapped babies from poor families to sell them to wealthy western families. He was just a stooge of western capitalists, an absolute degenerate.
Men in snazzy uniforms stomping out communism albeit restricting some of my rights on paper
“I’m tired of woke corporations cancelling people. We need paramilitaries to cancel people instead!”

I say well done to the Chileans. Whenever we hear about how rich and successful a country is the narrative always ignores the great mass of impoverished people that such wealth is built on. Half of the working population earn a wage very close to the minimum wage, and can’t and shouldn’t tolerate an increasing cost of living.
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