I almost feel bad saying this, but I’ve been watching Sabrina, and I like the show. I think the writer is probably Catholic, because they get a lot of things right. For instance, someone refers to Satan as the father of lies. And they talk about exorcism - and how only the Catholics can do it. They also discuss limbo, and get that mostly correct too. They also have a scene where the witches are literally eating another witch as part of a ceremony. If you’ve ever listened to the former Satanic priest Zachary King, he describes something very similar in his talk “Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice”. And the witches and warlocks who are really into Satanism are very heavy handed and no fun at all. In fact, everyone fears them. We find in one episode, where Sabrina is on trial, that she is excused because she was baptized in a Catholic church. Her defense counsel presents her baptismal certificate to the court as evidence. Sabrina rebels against these things - but does learn magic, and some evil spells. She says that she only attends the school for witches is so that she can learn to conjure the devil so she can destroy him. So even though some of the witches do say things that we would never say, and do praise their dark master, I think the writers are building towards Sabrina possibly renouncing the Satanic and moving towards Christianity. How counter cultural! I would NEVER let my son watch this though. He can’t access it as he has a disability, and I don’t let him see me watch it. If anyone has questions I’ll be happy to answer. I’ve now seen all 10 episodes. God bless you all. I completely understand many who don’t wish to watch this or support it. I just wanted to see what they were going to say about Catholicism and Satanism. The jury is still out. But my money is on Catholicism being made to look good eventually in this series. I truly hope I’m correct.