Absolutely. Sadly, however, that is often how they are taught, and often how they are perceived.The Church’s teaching on properly ordered sexuality and the sixth commandment are not “rules”.
The issue may be with the teacher(s); not everyone is comfortable discussing the subject; not everyone is creative enough to know are understand different approaches; and not everyone is adept at dealing with a listener who is uncomfortable for whatever reason. I am sure there are a number of other reasons which can be added.
And the issue may be with the student. Something which may be age appropriate but “short and sweet” may never be expanded upon; catechesis from the best of teachers may never occur later for a host of reasons. Society - both as one’s acquaintances and the devil’s workshop - the media - present an extremely secularized version of what sex is about and it is cacophony one rarely escapes, There are students who could read and absorb the Theology of the Body, and students not capable of grasping most of it. And by the time one is capable of moving beyond fairly straightforward rules one may have become so secularized that deafness has resulted.