When and where? And were those “attacks” based on actual data, or already existing interpretations only? The point is that the method of constant and unrelenting scrutiny in science is based on facts and facts only.
The dogmas and doctrines of any religion are not based on new discoveries and facts. And those dogmas are not simply “proposed” by the Church, they are presented as ultimate “truths”, which cannot be questioned on penalty of heresy and maybe even excommunication.
Sure there are differences in opinion. But neither side can support their views based on facts.
The principal reason for the difference is that scientific truths are claims of “fact” and testable by factual data, whereas religious claims are not statements about factual reality but of “absolute” and eternal reality. As such, it is in the very nature of that reality that it is not subject to human revision.
A “Divine” plan for humanity is just that. It originates with God and not human beings, so it is not in the “jurisdiction” of human beings to question it. Certainly, you can “choose” to ignore it or deny it applies to you, but if it actually is of “divine” origin you cannot make a claim that it is subject to human approval. On what basis? That humans know
more than God?
That would be like, not just claiming that laws of physics are “discoverable,” but that they are also subject to revision based upon human caprice, aspiration or the
supreme nature of human intellect.
The fact that God has “revealed” divine truths to us has taken care of the “discovery” aspect, but we are still obliged, because they are truths to understand and apply them to our lives. The debate may be about how or when they apply, but certainly not about “if” they apply, given that God has “ordained” them.
It is exactly for this reason that one ought not be so quick to dismiss claims about God’s existence and will for humanity. The implications are of utmost importance. I would leave no “stone unturned” looking at my own competence and motives before even thinking about questioning what the burden of “revealed” doctrine holds true.
You are claiming that factual data is necessary to prove what God has ordained, but what would this data look like? What does factual data look like to prove ethical claims?
Moral law is likewise “obligatory.” We cannot just claim,
“I don’t have the ‘factual’ proof that murder is wrong, so I refuse to believe it is. Sure people around me claim it is, but I need proof.” No matter how forcefully others will argue that it ends life, is evil, etc., if you don’t accept that there is a moral “nature” to this kind of claim, that is of a type different from factual claims, you could still hold that ending a life cannot ever be proven to be “factually” wrong.
No such proof exists. It is purely a category error.
You go to Africa and stand in the middle of the savanna. A lion comes up to you and devours you despite all your protests that it is wrong, the lion is acting immorally, etc. You are forgetting, however, that the lion is “being” a lion and not subject to your “human” system of behaviour. Same with God – God is being God. He has full rights to BE God merely because He IS God. Just as the lion is not subject to your standards of existence – the lion won’t listen to you anyway.
As Vox Day says in The Irrational Atheist:
I am as arrogant as anyone (and more than most, I’m told), but on the day when I meet my Maker, the Creator Lord of the universe, I fully intend to set new speed records in performing a full proskynesis complete with averted eyes. It’s not so much the biblical confidence that “every knee shall bow” that makes me skeptical about this theoretical atheist machismo in the face of the Almighty, it’s the part about how even the demons believe . . . and tremble. I don’t know what it takes to make a powerful fallen angel shake with terror just thinking about it, but I have a feeling that neither Richard Dawkins nor Bertrand Russell will be wagging their fingers at God and criticizing Him for insufficient evidence on the day their disbelief is conclusively destroyed.
All atheistic posturing aside, you are only a man after all and not God. How can you possibly hold God to account for all He is and does? That seems, not only the height of arrogance, but just utterly foolish, akin to the man standing up in protest against the lion’s behaviour as he is getting ripped apart and devoured.
Well God didn’t “prove” to me that He exists, you might claim. Perhaps not, but do you really think the lion will sit down with you and explain his intentions, just because you think he ought to? The burden is on you to make yourself enlightened about lion “behaviour.”
I am sure you will take great comfort in the fact that after being devoured you can sit in the lion’s stomach commiserating with anyone else so foolish as to stand up to the lion’s miscreant behaviour. The rest of us “cowards” will stand back and remain completely puzzled by your senseless behaviour, even if in your mind you are convinced that it was the “heroic” thing to do since lions are such “immoral” beasts.
I apologize beforehand that I will not stand “with you” before God shaking my finger, I just don’t have that much confidence in my ability to know all the particulars of what it takes to “be God.” I know myself and my limitations.