Christianity or Islam?

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Today’s first reading includes one of those prophecies I mentioned. From Hosea (Old Testament, long before Christ was born):. ‘He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, to live in his presence.’
You can’t compare articles of faith because they cannot be proved. But you can compare Jesus and Mohammad as historical characters. The historical Jesus was basically poor, celibate and was killed by the authorities. Mohammad was wealthy, had 50+ wives and lead the troops into battle to conquer/convert tribes and nations, died like a king. Your choice.
Have you investigated Judaism? From my own biased perspective, I recommend you do. There is much wisdom and truth to be found therein. But if you do decide to study the tenets and teachings of Judaism, go to the source, which includes Jewish websites and books written by believers of the faith.
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Original Sin is one of those eminently reasonable doctrines I mentioned – who can deny that we’re all inclined towards sin, sinners in need of Mercy? And sin is an offense against the INFINITELY good God. As such, we need a Savior. Jesus is the only one who fits the bill – the GOD-MAN is the only one who could reconcile humanity with God.
So do you think Mohammad had it better than Jesus with more than 50 wives?!
How did Jesus treat sinners? “You’re sins are forgiven”

Sharia Law still calls for stoning of adulterers and cutting off the hands of thieves.

I believe the voice of God in your soul will give you the right answer between the two options even before your intellect can process it. 🙂
Why not Judaism?

But why Christianity? Or why Islam?
If you can’t make up your mind, the Bahai religion teaches the essential worth of all religions and that they are all fundamentally unified in purpose, though varied in different ways.
What matters is the truth, not a compromise. Did Jesus rise bodily from the dead? Baháʼí denies that he did, so is unable to explain Christianity and claims our central belief is false. It’s the same attempt at “correction.” It does accept that Jesus was crucified, so it contradicts Islam. What is the truth? Baháʼu’lláh claimed to be another “manifestation of God.” Why would we need another “manifestation” if we have an “Incarnation”?

It makes more sense to start with Judaism, and then decide if you believe in Jesus. If you do, then there is no need to add another prophet.
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I have talked to a muslim man from morocco a few times in person. I found that it was very difficult to reason with him. Whenever I showed him examples of muhammad behaving immorally or being contradictory he would say that he was special and god allowed him to do these things.

What is your story that brought you to Christianity what was the biggest thing?
What made me leave Islam was the fact that Muhammad contradicted the Qur’an (as I said earlier in this thread). I don’t know how it is in the Shi’i tradition, but in the Sunni tradition, Muhammad is believed to have been guided by Allah at all times, so muslims take that literally and learn to imitate him (regardless of what he was doing). If one can prove that he contradicted the Qur’an, the Sunni school of thought falls hopelessly to the ground because that means that he was not entirely guided by Allah.

What brought me to Christianity was the Gospel message. I fell in love with the idea that God loved me so much that He took on the penalty [of sin] upon Himself (a penalty that I myself deserved). He was willing to be lied about, betrayed, beaten, spat upon, beaten, scourged and crucified in order to save me. It feels good to be loved by anyone, but to think that God, the one who created the Heavens and the earth, loves me that intensely, that is a message that Islam doesn’t even come close to because they believe that God cannot become a man.
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Doesn’t Islam condemn homosexual behavior? If so, what is the verse about washing male genitalia about? Also, if so, how can necrophilia be tolerated if homosexuality is not?
It is a common misconception about Judaism that the laws, rites, rituals, commandments, and sacrifices are for the unique purpose of salvation. They are NOT. They are for the purpose of striving toward making mankind more righteous so that they can lead a good, meaningful life on earth. And even this, noble as it appears, is not exactly the primary reason for the commandments. The primary reason to follow the Law is that G-d commanded we do so, and G-d knows best what is good for us to do. Personal salvation, in the Christian sense, may be a by-product of the Law but it is not the essence of Judaism.
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According to the Hadith Mohammed killed prisoners-of-war from the Banu Qurayza after the Battle of the Trench. Jesus never went to war or killed anyone; in fact he saved lives (eg the woman taken in adultery).

Mohammed also had a seven year old wife. Jesus was chaste all his life.

These two facts alone should give you yours answer.
Im not at all wary about comparing the founder of Christianity with the founder of Islam.
I just described it in the first part of the post. In Christianity the relationship between humanity and God is a relationship between children and a father. In Islam the relationship between humanity and God is a relationship between slaves and a master.
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What about if we focus on the important point: Mohammed, himself, was the founder of Islam and was a mass murderer, polygamist and paedophile,.

Jesus established a New Covenant and led an exemplary life.
I would have to agree. In addition, there are differences of opinion on everything; music, dating, etc. Even how to perform ghusl. So basically millions of Muslims prayers are invalid because they bled a lot one time and their scholar taught them the wrong way of ablution?
Chose Christ.

Jesus came to live and die as one of us. For our salvation, he bore in his very body all our pain, sorrow, and and sin. He was abandoned by his closest followers (except for St. John) – even betrayed by one.

He suffered unimaginably – all for us. His beard hairs were ripped from his face. He was spat upon. Romans scourged him with a flagellum that ripped the skin from his body. A crown of thorns was driven onto his head. Then he walked through the streets of Jerusalem as he carried his cross. And when he arrived at the place of execution, he was nailed to a cross, and left to die there. But victory came when he rose from the dead, defeating death forever. Through his sacrifice, we are redeemed and given his Gospel to live by. And at the end of our earthly journey, he will lead us to eternal glory.

Who else would do that for you? Mohammed the warrior? I think not.

Follow the True God, whose mercy is without measure.
That does not make sense from the text and is not a reasonable explanation. It’s the ancient dilemma: either God or a bad man. So it is for the New Testament: either divine or a deception. The gospels are claiming to describe observed facts. See John 19–20. The writer is claiming eyewitness testimony to a crucified and bodily resurrected Jesus. Either the writer is telling the truth or lying.
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Right near the end I almost laughed, I imagined if he was a character in a fantasy book, Muhammad the Blood-Letter, Son of Abdullah The Man of a Hundred Camels, Son of Abdul-Muttalib The Digger of Zamzam
And they claim an eyewitness account. That either really happened, or is an incredibly elaborate hoax.
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