Christopher Columbus - how can Catholics admire him and name organisations after him?

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That’s a good point. I remember how the Romans were considered civilized versus the Germanic barbarians. One society was fine with slavery and the other wasn’t. Guess which.
Well, it’s interesting how you completely ignored my mention of Native Americans.

You see, when it comes to trading slave traders, they only care about profit in the worst way and not so much skin colour or social justice.

One slave is too many, and I don’t think anyone is going to argue the Irish situation is comparable to the estimated 100 million Black Africans who have been historically sold into slavery–or died being forced to march across the Sahara. But the fact is people are so quick to deny what happened to the Irish all because of a political narrative in the USA in the year 2018.
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But the fact is people are so quick to deny what happened to the Irish all because of a political narrative in the USA in the year 2018.
This is why Ireland should be one country and not divided into two. Northern Ireland belongs to the Irish people and not to the British empire. I don’t agree with the tactics of the IRA of course, but they are right about northern Ireland. I can’t go along with the English enslaving the Irish people and stealing their land from them.
That’s a good point. I remember how the Romans were considered civilized versus the Germanic barbarians. One society was fine with slavery and the other wasn’t. Guess which.
The Roman Empire was the place to be, back in the day. Indoor plumbing, all sorts of impressive public works throughout the empire like aqueducts and roads. The slavery issue isn’t what made them civilized.
This thread is about the naming of Catholic organisations not about opinions of past evils and their comparative iniquity.
Well, that’s fine if you think Ireland should be the whole island. I don’t really have a strong opinion on the matter myself, but the IRA did do some really bad things, obviously.
You are aware that the people of Northern Ireland have repeatedly voted to remain part of Great Britain right? They don’t want to be part of the rest of Ireland.
Pretty much Catholic priest i have talked to say its disappointing to hear that schools put Columbus down and degrade him.
Columbus was a great man
Much of the damage done by Columbus was done by disease. At that time, science wasn’t advanced enough to weaponize disease, or to even recognize the disease as being something biological. It’s pretty unfair to hold him to the standards of later persons. Big difference between him unknowingly spreading disease to the islands down there and decisions such as the later sending small pox infected blankets to aboriginal peoples.

Similarly, comparing him to the Nazi death camps is incorrect. The Nazis knew what they were doing; whether the folks at all levels knew exactly how it was being done at any specific particular location might be open to debate (Zyclon-B vs. diesel exhaust vs. who knows what), but they knew that genocidal activities were taking place.

I’m not saying that Columbus didn’t to the loot, rape, and pillage thing; he probably did. I’m saying that to blame him for the deaths from disease, and the subsequent large-scale looting, raping, and pillaging of the Conquistador group is wrong. Let’s say that Columbus managed to kill 10,000 people through disease exposure, does not the Church teach that such would not be a sin if Columbus had no idea that the act of stepping ashore would transmit that disease?
It is poor scholarship to derive historic events based on a lack of evidence.

Murders - by Columbus?

Rapes - by Columbus?

Executions - by Columbus?

Are you ever going to put up evidence for your claims?
There was an article in the Guardian newspaper that says that Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand ordered an investigation into the allegations against Columbus and a resulting document said that Columbus cut off people’s ears, tongues and noses, regularly used torture, paraded women naked through the streets and sold them into slavery.

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