I totally agree with you on all points. I pray that it will not happen, not because I think women are inferior (I’m a woman, thank you), or that they aren’t ‘capable’ (capability is not the issue, but people tend to get confused and think it is), but because of what you said; the whole point of a woman ‘deacon’ (non ordained, often the wife of a male deacon) was to assist at the NUDE baptisms of women. Unless the entire Catholic world wants to (in its thirst for going after the ‘purity’ of the 'original early worship/lifestyle) go back to segregated churches (male/female) and segregated nude baptisms, there is no point to making up a title to ‘appease the women’ in order to provide a faux kind of "see, you’re equal, we have male deacons and female deaconettes, except the males are ordained and the women not, and the males can give homilies and the women not, and oh wait if you aren’t doing everything EXACTLY THE SAME then we will argue and fight and some rebel groups will HAVE the women do exactly what the men do, and the leaders in the church will throw up their hands and say, “Well, after all, we can claim the ordination for a deacon is somehow completely different, and we don’t want to lose their wonderful people, and it will give the Church PR points so we will, without changing anything on the books, give our bishops authority to 'let what is existing exist”) Grrrr