Church Militant Action Arm

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Ha, okay seriously though, is the Action Arm a good idea?
I support appropriate actions against those involved in abuse cover-ups. That said, it sounds as if Voris is proposing a sort of “lay Catholic Gestapo.” Vigilante type actions never end well.
If anything criminal is being done by bishops and clergy, we’re supposed to report it to the police, not to Church Militant. And I would hope that people do report it to the police.

This whole video sounds like they want their very own Project Veritas. Good luck with that.

Or perhaps they are trying to recruit some more disgruntled clergy to feed them leads.
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As I understand it, they are proposing that those that know something incriminating come forward so that Church Militant may report it to the authorities themselves. If you knew something fishy was going on in your diocese, I don’t think you would want to risk going up against the bishop, his lawyers, and your possible excommunication.
Honestly, it’s too late for that. I guess now it’s out of the frying pan and into the flame.
Does CM think Catholic laity are on the whole less corrupt than the bishops? Let’s say there are about 300 bishops in the US.

I am thinking of the 300 Catholic laity I know best. A high percentage of them are married/remarried outside the Church, cohabitating, support, or at least accept, legal abortion and gay marriage. Many drink excessively, don’t go to Mass on Sunday, apparently teach their children nothing about the Faith, etc.

Now any agency that insists lay Catholics hold lay Catholics accountable will likely go broke, but enticing laity to hold bishops accountable is a cash cow.
Not going to Mass, accepting abortion, and teaching your children nothing about the Faith are not criminal offenses. I’m not sure what there is to report when there’s no consequences.
Is Church Militant going to make some kind of “magic mirror” video where they say, “I can see Mr. Jones missing Sunday Mass again for the third week in a row! Mr. Jones better stop that right now or he’s going to hell AND we’ve also reported him to his Bishop!”

Drinking excessively might be a criminal offense if you punch people, destroy property or drive a car while you’re drunk.
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Why would lay hold lay accountable? They are not in positions of power and have no authority over anyone in the Church. Bishops, on the other hand, are protectors and guardians of the faithful. Bishops abusing that authority and power should obviously be held accountable.
Why would lay hold lay accountable? They are not in positions of power and have no authority over anyone in the Church. Bishops, on the other hand, are protectors and guardians of the faithful. Bishops abusing that authority and power should obviously be held accountable.
The laity years ago did hold the Laity accountable. Do you think the local bishop has more influence over the 20 something than his father?
Why would lay hold lay accountable?
Because fraternal correction is an age old expectation of the Church.
True. 90 percent of lay accountability was done by extended family, by fellow parishioners, by fellow Catholics in the work force, voting booth, etc.

In my state, which has a large Catholic population, the prolife party ended due to lack of interest. The laity do little work to elect prolifers, and allow the election of pro abortion Catholic politicians; then they complain about the bishops, why don’t they do something.
I trust the Holy Father…

Not this , which as Tis Bearself said one of these days they will go to far.
I think it’s a good idea, at least in principle, even if it doesn’t catch on and become widespread.

Some are just too critical of CM, simply because they are CM and Michael Voris and in their eyes, nothing they do has merit. You can easily go back and read dozens of responses on this forum of people criticizing CM for always pointing the finger, but never offering ideas on how to help.

Now they offer up an idea on how to help and again, more criticism. At least they’re trying. I only wish something like this was done decades ago.
I mean, of course we should hold each other responsible for our wrong doings. What I mean is you don’t see lay people using episcopal authority to launder money and violate seminarians.
No one said you shouldn’t. Would you rather the bishops investigate their own dioceses?
Are the laity responsible for the sexual abuse in seminaries and the laundering of money that belongs to the diocese?
I watched the first 30 or 40 seconds. Voris can really dish out the strong language and rage. That’s the standard formula for getting attention on the internet.

This isn’t the first plan of that sort that I’ve seen. Did Voris push this idea several months ago under a different name? Maybe it wasn’t him but some other outraged Catholic blogger. I don’t have time to look it up right now, and why bother? “Someone is wrong on the internet!”
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