Not external, but different.But is it a good idea? To have an external entity investigate the bishops?
Before 1960 the bishop of a diocese had more ability to hold his priests accountable. He himself was held accountable by officials at the Vatican, by the papal Nuncio, by his archbishop Metropolitan.
Since V2, there is far more collegiality. There’s a lot more lay leadership in the diocese. That’s not bad, but did not bring accountability. The clergy and religious regard the bishop more as “first among equals”. The Metropolitan is mostly just a ceremony function since 1960. The papal Nuncio and Vatican Curia have less power now, consultants.
Now there’s the Conference of Bishops, where every bishop is equal, and it is strongly influenced by lay staffers. They work there full time, bishops fly in for a couple weeks a year.
The media is howling for more committees! This continues the miserable path of the last 60 years. A better solution is to restore the 1960 chain of command.
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