Church pews emptying because

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**Full study report at:

Huge UK Church Survey says Pews Emptying Because Christianity no Longer Preached**

Public wants church’s to cease being ‘silent’ and ‘lukewarm’ in face of moral collapse

LONDON, March 7, 2005 - With Christian moral values and legal protections under assault on all sides, it is commonly said that the reason pews are emptying is that traditional religion is not relevant. A new survey of thousands of churchgoers in the UK says the opposite however, and indicates that the emptying of the churches has been caused mainly by preaching and pastoral care that has been emptied of moral or doctrinal Christian content.

The results of the year-long survey of 14,000 UK residents by the interdenominational Ecumenical Research Committee has been called ‘surprising’ by mainstream secular and Christian media. The overwhelming response is to call on churches “to robustly defend moral values with conviction and courage and cease being ‘silent’ and ‘lukewarm’ in the face of moral and social collapse.”

The survey itself asked four simple questions and avoided ‘tick-box’ responses in favour of written letters. The huge response was a surprise in itself and reflected a growing frustration and anger felt by many ordinary people about the direction of churches and society in general. Responses displayed a widespread sense of frustration and anger at what was happening to the churches in Britain and Ireland. Many gave variations on the response, “Why hasn’t a survey like this been done before, so we can speak?” “At last, someone is listening, thank you so much.” “Thank you for the chance to express our beliefs without fear.”

Several ‘traditionalist’ Anglican clerics said that they had “to keep their own views to themselves in case their bishop, who held opposing beliefs, would remove them from their diocese.” Many Catholics in North America have written that a similar situation exists there in which the churches are controlled exclusively by bishops and lay administrators who brook no Christian opposition to their officially sanctioned left-liberal dissent from the faith.

91% of responses followed a uniform theme that the decline in traditional Christian moral and doctrinal teaching has caused the outflux of congregations. They listed the lack of apologetics, the reasoned defence and explanation of Christian doctrine, as one of the main reasons for the collapse. “It’s a myth today that the people of this country have rejected Christianity; they simply haven’t been told enough about it to either accept or reject it,” wrote one respondent.

Thousands of letters also cited the lack of emphasis on the holiness of God and the need for personal moral conversion. The desire for teaching on holiness, was prevalent and has been influenced, said the authors, by Mel Gibson’s film, the Passion of the Christ. Many responded that the churches now teach easy forgiveness; an attitude that ‘God loves me anyway,’ and that there is no need to attend church or live a morally demanding Christian life.
The overwhelming majority of respondents were vehemently opposed to ordaining homosexuals and blamed the churches for the rise in pedophilia scandals because of the prevalence of homosexuals in the clergy. **

Some celibate homosexuals wrote saying that the prevalence of support for homosexuality in the churches is undermining their efforts to live chastely. One young man wrote, “For sections of the Church to suddenly say that my struggle (to remain chaste)…was for nothing and that it would have been OK to have given in, would be to deny my personal cross for Christ and mock the faithfulness I have shown Him.”

2000 letters asked for a return to traditional liturgy and pointed out that attempts to attract younger people with jazzed-up offerings had failed and had alienated older parishioners. Over 450 said they drove vast distances to attend a traditional liturgical celebration.*** 1500 letters complained that the modern liturgies ‘bordered on entertainment rather than worship.”***

The survey has supported what Christians themselves have been saying for decades, that there is little point in attending a church whose message is no different from that of the materialistic secular world.
l. Christianity is no longer preached
  1. The Priests are not setting an example.
  2. The Masses are too liberal.
  3. The should go back to a pre-Vatican II traditional Mass.
  4. The sex scandal is Boston’s third scandal in the Church: First is Vatican II; the second is support of forced busing by the Church (Cardinal Meideiros); and the sex scandal being the third.
The victims of forced busing feel toward Cardinal Medeiros the way sex abuse victims feel toward Cardinal Bernard Law - not very good.

Yet I remain a practicing Roman Catholic because Catholic religious doctrine is sound.
AW guys…gimme a break…
the reason the churches are emptying is because of polls and comments like this thread 😛
Church Militant:
AW guys…gimme a break…
the reason the churches are emptying is because of polls and comments like this thread 😛
My very large and beautiful Gate of Heaven Church used to be standing room only every Sunday morning when I was a kid, and now, 40 years later, there is hardly two full pews on a Catholic holiday.

Yeah, something is noticibly wrong!!
MAN! I didn’t read the question, so I marked the first two…don’t count those votes, if possible…
M y beautiful church (once they finish the repairs from Ivan) is and will be full again every Sunday. What’s wrong where you are does not seem to be endemic. we had Rite of election a few weeks ago…The cathedral was PACKED with those coming in.
I don’t know what to tell you. Eucharistic adoration works though…
Pax vobiscum,
That article says exactly what’s on my mind. THe Church is too lax thanks to liberalism and the openess towards the world brought about by liberalness and things like Vatican II. It might have been a good idea at first, heck I believed it was. But it hasn’t done any good. Instead of the Church going out to the world by relaxing itself, it was the world that came into the Church.

For awhile I was pretty out of my faith, if it wasn’t for a trip to Lourdes where I asked Mary to help me understand and believe more, I would never have had such a drastic change. Because since that day I found myself deep into study of apologetics, starting with the Bible and then into the Catholic Faith. The reality of it finally ground itself into me, filling me with fear, wonder, excitement and motivation. Love as well, though I admit I still need to work on it and discover the joy of prayer and closeness to God as well as ridding myself of my sinful habits.

Nobody is going to turn from sin unless they realize the reality of God and that they will be accountable. Second the biggest shield against sin is understanding why it is sin and why it is harmful, not simply because it offends God, but God as the Creator told us not to commit specific sins for good reasons, all for our own welbeing!

People will need to study, religion is not only something of the heart, but is also very intellectually stimulating! Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind, and be able to give reasons for the faith that you believe in! The Church should take a tougher stand, and apologetics should be more widely available. In fact today with the internet and everything it is exceedingly easy. It will all depend on the person to look at it openly, but we must do our best to promote it and voice our concern about ‘easy-going theology.’ Standing down is not going to show the enemy that we are willing to be friendly, neither will they cooperate, but instead take the chance to attack us. Secular humanists and naturalist atheists are just as religious and dogmatic as we are. They are in no way ‘neutral.’
The article is about the Anglican Church, we all know what a mess they’re in don’t we? We’ve recieved many from the Anglican communion as a result of the growing problems therein.

I don’t think the Catholic Church is too liberal, I think it’s just fine.
Kevin Walker:
l. Christianity is no longer preached
Islam or Buddhism is being preached instead?
  1. The Priests are not setting an example.
An example for what? Besides, you don’t avoid Mass because the priest is a sinner.
  1. The Masses are too liberal.
SSPX nonsense.
  1. The should go back to a pre-Vatican II traditional Mass.
And how would that bring people back? Besides, the Tridentine Mass is available.
Yet I remain a practicing Roman Catholic because Catholic religious doctrine is sound.
Sound? I’d think you would remain a Catholic because its teachings are true, not merely sound (showing good sense and judgment).
Are you sure it’s not per Diocese or parish?
Our Parish is packed at all 4 masses (sat night and 3 on Sunday)
We’re getting to the point where we joke about calling ahead for reservations just to get a seat.
Our RCIA class is one of the biggest in years, in fact they said they’ve said that the last few years, and it keeps growing every year.
BUT we have an orthodox Diocese, and a VERY Traditional Priest. And in the past 3 years I’ve seen the attendance grow - to where you can’t even get a seat. You may not even get into confession unless you get in line early. And that’s with 2 priests.
Are you sure it’s not per Diocese or parish?
Our Parish is packed at all 4 masses (sat night and 3 on Sunday)
We’re getting to the point where we joke about calling ahead for reservations just to get a seat.
Our RCIA class is one of the biggest in years, in fact they said they’ve said that the last few years, and it keeps growing every year.
BUT we have an orthodox Diocese, and a VERY Traditional Priest. And in the past 3 years I’ve seen the attendance grow - to where you can’t even get a seat. You may not even get into confession unless you get in line early. And that’s with 2 priests.
You are very lucky!! Here, we see the problems with Catholic schools closing, Churches are in financial need, the faithful are not practicing the fullness of their faith. We are desperately in need of evangelization here among those who already claim to be Catholic. The funny thing is that this study is very similar to some points I tried to bring up at a recent parish council meeting. I think we need to get to the root of the problem and start fixing it with better pre-cana classes, inter-generational catechesis, more traditional catechism in the school (instead of the lukewarm watered down cafeteria catholicism we now spoon feed the kids) and stronger preaching from the pulpit. Of course, I was abruptly cut off when the feminazi council president motioned to adjourn in the middle of one of my sentences. That was very Christian, no? 😦
Church Militant:
M y beautiful church (once they finish the repairs from Ivan) is and will be full again every Sunday. What’s wrong where you are does not seem to be endemic. we had Rite of election a few weeks ago…The cathedral was PACKED with those coming in.
I don’t know what to tell you. Eucharistic adoration works though…
Pax vobiscum,
It is endemic. You are part of the fortunate minority. Adoration and a thriving church are wonderful things. Many of us experience churches where adoration is restricted or not supported.
Islam or Buddhism is being preached instead?
In some cases, yes. New age concepts are prevalent throughout the Church, which have underlying Buddhist and Hindu roots.
An example for what? Besides, you don’t avoid Mass because the priest is a sinner.
No - a faithful Catholic does not avoid Mass because the priest is a sinner but many Catholics do avoid Mass because their parish priest is not a good example of the servant-leader that Jesus Christ was. In addition, they often do not catechize properly. If peole perceive nothing special or unique about church versus secular society, they don’t see any reason to come.
SSPX nonsense.
Hardly. Liberalism (condemned by the Catholic Church) has been fairly common in churches in the last 40 years.
Peope who do not go to Mass do not understand that they are rejecting Jesus! Our Lord makes Himself avaliable to us in His Real Presence in every Catholic Church…God is actually present in Catholic Churches…the fact that many so-called Catholics do not go to Mass implies they do not understand that basic fact of the faith.

In pre-Christian days only the High Priest was capable of entering the Holy of Holies where God was Really Present…and that was only on the Day of Atonement. Jews considered that to be a most sacred day…shamefully, Catholics enter the Holy of Holies everytime they enter a Catholic Church, and yet they do not know it!

Mass is not about entertainment…
Peope who do not go to Mass do not understand that they are rejecting Jesus! Our Lord makes Himself avaliable to us in His Real Presence in every Catholic Church…God is actually present in Catholic Churches…the fact that many so-called Catholics do not go to Mass implies they do not understand that basic fact of the faith.

In pre-Christian days only the High Priest was capable of entering the Holy of Holies where God was Really Present…and that was only on the Day of Atonement. Jews considered that to be a most sacred day…shamefully, Catholics enter the Holy of Holies everytime they enter a Catholic Church, and yet they do not know it!

Mass is not about entertainment…
I agree 100%. If people want to be entertained, they can join one of the churches you see on t.v. with all the closed-eyes, arm waving, emotional goings on to the background music of a jazz band. Then they can all file on stage and be cured of everything from hemmoroids to hangnails. Pardon my outburst, but this kind of church is not for me. A good priest told me that we are trying now for quality catholics, not quantity. The church will survive, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Nuff said.

I know what you mean. I live in in Illinois, and within a few miles of my home there are two huge so-called “non-denominational Bible” Protestant Churches…they each have about 20,000 members. Atending their “service” is like going to a medium sized auditorium for a concert. They spend tons of money on music and stage lighting, etc…they center their “service” around a 20-30 minute “talk” about a single Bible passage. One of the "Churches’ has a nationally recognized “pastor” that Bill Clinton used to lean on at times…It is Christianity lite, or Christianity, or Christianity without the cross. Most definitely not for me, and most definitely not a reflection of what Christ did for us. Amazingly, a very large percentage of their members are former Catholics, who were seeking entertainment and found it in those megalithic show Churches…quite sad really.

Those former Catholics do not realize that all they ever needed was God, and God is truly and really present in every Roman Catholic Church. They need our prayers.
Well, the church have problems but we have to have the positive things like missions, conversions and good priests, and in addition, we have to pray for our sons would be priests for the next church, because we need faithful priests for faithful parishes and a faithful church.
We are in a very fast growing area so our church is growing and there is a packed church for 4 masses every weekend, and 5 on one weekend a month. I know part of our good numbers is the fact that we have bible studies and many other ministries that keep people involved. We have so many nice things to attend including a book club that culminates in a soup and sharing night once a month.
We do however have many people that help the priest because he is alone in his ministry. We do have two deacons. I think we will be increasing our Eucharistic Adoration times soon for the people that run that are in my bible study, and they want to help increase the vocations to the priesthood. We do have many people in our parish that don’t attend mass at all. I think that if they did we wouldn’t have room, but that would be a good thing. We have over 1,000 children in RE. We don’t have a Catholic school with our parish.
I think the question was why are pews emptying?

IMO the reason is that in the late 1960s after Vatican II, the people knew the new Masses were not attracting them like TLM did. Also at thins time the Seminaries becaome much more Liberal.
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