In an article entitled “Is Hell for Real?”, Rev. Robert Short states
Does anyone know about these “schools” that didn’t teach hell? A heretical priest at my campus uses this argument to show that the Church taught that there was no Hell in its early years. Aside from quotes from “The Fathers” (who don’t represent Church teaching anyway), can anyone show that official church teaching from this time taught Hell?there has always existed a minority report which says that eventually all people will go to heaven and will be part of God’s nonsmoking family forever. This view that all people will ultimately be “saved” is usually referred to as “universal salvation” or–when it is held by people who also believe in the divinity of Christ–“Christian universalism.” In the early church, such notables as Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Gregory of Nyssa were Christian universalists. As a matter of fact, by the fourth century A.D. there were six distinctive theological training centers or “schools” existing in the Christian world. Four of these six schools taught Christian universalism. So at this time, at least, the “minority report” was actually the majority.