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I don’t agree with you sorry, apart from a change of heart concerning circumcision in order to be justified would have been desirable.

Ok off the cuff here but a baby just recently died here in Ireland after a back street botched circumcision, the baby bled profusely, and the dad refused to get it seen to until it was too late, so it bled to death. :rolleyes: some justification, when Baptism would have sufficed.
Canada and US have several cases of documented circumcisions that were performed in hospitals that resulted in complications from lack of feeling for the child in his penis when he hit puberty to amputation due to severe blood loss. Studies also indicate that the complications due to circumcision are under reported.

As a physician, I can tell you that this is an unnecessary procedure with a risk. Why any father would want to put his infant son at risk of harm, just so that he can look like him, or adhere to his own interpretation of the Old Testament that is not even endorsed by the Catholic Church is beyond me.
carol marie:
Yes… the vast majority of boys in the US are circumcised. It seems that there is a growing minority that are choosing not to do the surgery - but according to the statistics given, 80% of all boys in the Midwest (where I live) are cicumcised. Being Jewish or not has nothing to do with it… it’s a cultural thing I suppose.

Whether it’s pointless or not is up for debate.

As many posters said… it’s a personal decision left up to the parents. I would respect & support their decision for their son and would hope they’d respect mine.

🙂 CM
It is worse than pointless, it is inflicting harm on an innocent baby for no reason at all.
I can’t believe some of the reasons being advanced. Looking like Daddy? Just tell Junior that Grandpa & Grandma didn’t know any better but you did so you didn’t have him circumcised.
Cleanliness? Nothing that regular bathing won’t take care of – and yes, I know boys often aren’t fond of bathing sometimes.
Cervical cancer? You’re doing a medical procedure on a baby to produce a benefit to persons unknown years later? If some study showed that African women who had been circumcised as girls had a 0% cervical cancer rate I’m sure no one would rush out to have their baby girl’s clitoris cut off.

If anyone knows I’d be interested in just when circumcision became near-universal here in the US. I suspect that it was after WW 1 when hospital births began to overtake home births with doctors probably pushing it as more “clean” or “modern” somehow, like bottle feeding.

I suspect that God knew what he was doing when he designed us with a foreskin. I for one do not appreciate having been deprived of it.

Although a poster claims that circumcision is trending up in the US, that is not in itself a justification for the procedure. For example, in Canda and Great Britain, there has been fewer circumcisions performed.

At one time in the US, the number of smokers was quite high. Did it make it right or healthy to smoke? No. Similarly, apply that logic to circumcision.
Thank you for your participation in this discussion. The wide range of experiences and opinions is interesting to read through.

Since the question has been more than answered, the thread is now closed.
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