CNN this is life with Lisa Ling:furries

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As often as not, the “medication” becomes another problem that has to be peeled away to get at the healthy life it was supposed to provide.
One of the things I’ll never support between many Catholics and Eastern Orthodox is the outright disdain for people with mental illness and the psychology denialism.
Japan has, for quite sometime, had disgusting anime
Oh believe me, I know… I know farrrrr more than I’d like to about anime’s issues.

The thing is, it’s becomes part of “mainstream” anime now. When it was relegated to the R18 portions of the fandom that was one thing. Messed up, but still locked behind that classification.

Nowadays there are mainstream “ecchi” anime that are pure softcore pornography, and lots of shows with themes that used to be kept locked away in the realms of visual novels.

It’s like watching a childhood friend get addicted to drugs and become a crack whore…
There is a new proposal by the United Nations that seeks to ban any drawings and such of underaged characters. It currently has some anime fans in a tizzy. I hope it passes. Because that stuff is in fact illegal in some states and in the UK and Australia and in some countries. I’m not sure about the legal status in my state at all,but i cannot be bothered. Because most lawbooks seem to be too many pages to read. I think it will help clean up anime.
That would be amazing. I’d love for that sort of nonsense to come to an end.

They skirt the law by saying “she may look eight, but she’s actually a two-thousand year old vampire”, or “she may look twelve, but she’s actually a centuries-old dragonkin” (Fire Emblem: Awakening, which is made worse by the fact that if your character marries her you get a pretty OP character as a child…) It makes it really hard for serious and morally-minded anime fans to find shows they can watch.

It will be nice to see anime kept to a higher standard. I remember when the likes of Love Hina and Tenchi Muyo were considered racy. They look absolutely tame in comparison to today’s shows…
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I hope it stops those in furry from drawing that sick stuff as well. They skirt the law by saying they may look eight,but they are actually a adult.
That’s the problem with anime cons. When I started out, I was a huge fan, then I noticed things shifting away to one and only one area: perverse sexuality. As usual, it was gradual and now it’s full tilt. I’m glad I kept the old stuff. It was better. When I see boxes of Japanese import manga that amount to “pick your perversion.” That’s it. Time to go.
I mean… it was technically still true… which doesn’t make me feel any better.
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Not creepy pedophiles dressed up as animals insane.
I know several furries, and none of them are pedophiles. I have myself also hung out with some while they were in costume. While I have no delusion that to many there is a certain sexual fetish for it, which would be problematic for Catholics, to call them pedophiles is nothing but rank slander.
One of the things I’ll never support between many Catholics and Eastern Orthodox is the outright disdain for people with mental illness and the psychology denialism.
Please explain, but first allow me to clarify.

First off, I don’t think a fondness for costumes is a symptom of a mental illness. I have a good number of friends in SCA, for instance, and it is just a hobby they really enjoy, a way to connect with other people who like a chance to experience what they know about medieval history. They aren’t using it to self-medicate an anxiety or to compensate for anything. It’s just a fun way to share their talents and their interest in history with other people, really.

Secondly, I’m not a mental health practitioner, but as far as I know there aren’t any who suggest that wearing a furry costume is considered to be a treatment for any mental illness. It isn’t really a viable coping mechanism, either.

So–what do you mean by disdain for people with mental illness and especially what do you mean by “psychology denialism,” which is a term I have never heard before?
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I can see I’m just going to have to dress up in a fursuit, go to one of these dang conventions, and report back.
Don’t worry, I won’t wear it to Sunday Mass if the event goes over a weekend.
I don’t get how wearing a costume is mental illness.

If i understand one symptom of a mental illness is not being able to function. Many furries are professionals and hold such jobs such in the Tech sector,vet, information technology job,airplane mechanic,airplane pilot,oilfield engineer,and such. People who are mentally ill to me are those Homeless in my hometown who seem to sleep on the sidewalk all day and ask for money and never get a job.

I wonder the person who thinks furry is a mental illness. What credentals they have? Do they have a degree in psychology or such?
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Yup it is libel.

I heard of some who think of Bronies and anime fans the same way
I don’t get how wearing a costume is mental illness.

If i understand one symptom of a mental illness is not being able to function. Many furries are professionals and hold such jobs such in the Tech sector,vet, information technology job,airplane mechanic,airplane pilot,oilfield engineer,and such. People who are mentally ill to me are those Homeless in my hometown who seem to sleep on the sidewalk all day and ask for money and never get a job.

I wonder the person who thinks furry is a mental illness. What credentals they have? Do they have a degree in psychology or such?
First off, let’s admit there is a continuum in mental health just as there is in physical health. There isn’t some bright white line between “healthy” and “ill.”

No, no. I don’t think someone said that being fond of animal costumes is a mental illness. I’m saying that it would be possible to use a costume in an inordinate way. If someone cannot feel normal or relaxed if they’re not in a costume, that is a problem. Could a costume be used as a way to overcome social anxiety? Of course it could. Is it wrong for a performer to be excited about being in their costume? No, of course it isn’t.

Leather pants aren’t deviant. There is deviant behavior that is associated with people who wear leather clothing, but the clothing isn’t the problem! Members of the SCA have personas–a whole personal history that places them in a particular historical place and time. It’s fun. So neither personas nor elaborate costumes nor people who have a hobby that involves interacting “in character” are automatically problems.

Having said that, this is an imaginary world to escape into. It is a creative outlet. It isn’t a place that someone can live in all the time. If someone has social anxiety that only goes away when they’re in costume or “in character” but doesn’t ever go away otherwise, they still need treatment for the social anxiety, so they can interact with other people while “out of character” and openly being themselves.

The same would be true if someone had to be in church all of the time in order to feel normal. A religious community would want that anxiety to be cleared up before taking someone as a novice. A religious community isn’t a place to hide or to take on a persona that is really a place to hide instead of a place from which to become more open and authentic.
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