Coffee or coffee? The answer is Coffee!

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You never know, Adam…maybe you would have been a pro basketball player. 😉
The only thing I’ve ever been good at sports wise, is soccer. Which is really weird, because I was legitimately taught how to play tennis. I’m a mediocre basketball player. I’m terrible at tennis, I don’t know maybe too much coffee, to play tennis, not for anything else , because there is no such thing.
It’s this thing that people do when they run out of coffee. I think.
What is this “sleep” you speak of?
Interesting point you bring up there.

Had a convo with my family physician about 2 years ago when I typically was sleeping from about 12:30 am till 4:00 am nightly, and during that discussion I was told, that since i wasn’t tired or falling asleep during the day, that amount of sleep was fine for my body.
I agree, it is. For a while, I used a sleep medicine but then discovered once when my wife was trying to wake me for an emergency, it made it quite difficult for me to wake in the middle of the night if needed. Stopped taking it.
Have reason to believe that the sleep meds affected my reflexes and cognitive functions a very little the next morning as well. I’ll deal with being comfortably awake…and, I will enjoy my coffee while I’m doing it 🙂
Well, I drink tea, too. One year, for Christmas my mom got me a kettle, another year she got me a coffee maker.
Coffee is an acquired taste that I never acquired. I don’t like it in any form – black, creamed, sugared or iced. Just give me a bar of dark chocolate, and I’m happy.
I know some people find this hard to believe, but I don’t like dark chocolate, and apparently it horrifies people when you tell them that.
Coffee is an acquired taste that I never acquired. I don’t like it in any form – black, creamed, sugared or iced.

Ahem, sorry, my inner coffee lover sometimes gets the better of me.
I drink very little coffee, maybe one cup 2-3 times annually, but so far today I’ve had two cups and may have a third in an hour or so. Plus I’ve had no tea, which I usually consume oceans of daily. Strange times we’re living in 😀 :coffee:
As both a coffee drinker and a tea drinker, I’m kind of the other way around, when I run out of coffee I drink tea. Strange times indeed.
Well, if I get too much caffeine I get a slight headache and if I don’t get any, I get a big headache but…I have no trouble sleeping after caffeine intake. I can drink a huge mug at 11pm and be sound asleep at 11:30. While my brain seems to have issues with amount of coffee I drink, my sleep center has no trouble.

With tea, it’s odd. My mother was British and we had tea every afternoon until I left home. I rarely drink it now. I love it, I just don’t drink it often.

And I don’t like dark chocolate, either! Don’t get me wrong, I love chocolate, just not dark!
This topic has unearthed the rhyme “I love coffee, I love tea” from my boomer brain. It was a sing song jump rope jingle with a couple of endings. My German mother started offering us coffee when we started school at age 5. It was an equal mix of black coffee and milk with a lot of sugar. I was hooked and it remains my personal drug of choice (only one). Gotta have it!!! 😲
To me, a boomer is a male kangaroo. I’m not sure you should give kangaroos coffee. Maybe an Australian will weigh in on that.
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