Coffee or coffee? The answer is Coffee!

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WOW!!! I have a Keurig in my condo but still haven’t unpacked it.
It’s just a coffee maker and only makes coffee, no steaming lattes or anything. It doesn’t grind coffee for you like some fancy machines do. Just a coffee maker!
Told the waitress my coffee tasted like mud.

She said
"It should, it was fresh ground this morning. "
I don’t like coffee without sugar, and since I became a diabetic, sugar is out of the question … tried to drink my regular Melitta without sugar and just milk and couldn’t get it down … so I went with a whole bean coffee that we get ground and now I can at least get the coffee down without sugar … can’t say it tastes great, but at least it doesn’t taste like Melitta … which tasted like a strong medicine without sugar … and if you are wondering why I drink coffee even though I don’t like the taste, I do it for my liver problem … coffee is supposed to be good for the liver.
@/Katherine 438 Yes coffee has been recommended for liver detoxification. Have you asked your Dr. about the herb Milk Thistle? It has been used for certain liver diseases but I wouldn’t take it without approval from your Dr. As with anything it can have interactions with other medications you are taking or not be safe due to other medical conditions you have. But it won’t hurt to get your physician’s opinion. Prayers definitely help! 🙏 Keeping your intentions in my prayers.
I live near this! How I wish they would use it as a cafe or even a takeout place again.
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I’ve been hunkering down in my basement bunker as Zeta has been passing over my area. Then the lights started flickering and my first thought was that I might not have power in the morning to make coffee. So I went back upstairs and made a pot in my faithful Mr. Coffee. I may have to drink it at room temperature but to me that’s better than doing without! Everyone has different priorities in stressful situations. Mine is definitely coffee! :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
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Only if you are of the Jewish faith… See Lev 19:19 “Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Do not blend regular and decaf coffee”
Do not blend regular and decaf coffee”
His Highness, Quasitenebrous VI, Penultimus, was unaware that the solid-folk had adopted the SSV (Shadow-Standard Version) of the holy scriptures. There is hope for you people yet.
Know what I did for Halloween? Drank Coffee.
Know what I am doing for All Saints day? Drinking Coffee.
Know what I will do for All Souls day? Drink Coffee.
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