Cohabitation/Near occasion of sin

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Is it considered cohabitation to live in the same apartment as the person you are dating but sleep in separate rooms? (Having a 2 bedroom apartment and each sleeping in their own room)
Here you have some answers you might find usefull:
Cohabitation without sex -- sin or not? Family Life
My boyfriend and I are debating whether cohabitation is still a sin if you’re not having sex. The only reason we could think of that it would be is that it might be considered scandal. But there is no particular reason anyone should assume you’re having sex just because you share an apartment with someone. And honestly, wouldn’t assuming someone is sinning without giving them the benefit of the doubt be a sin in itself? It seems to me like scandal in the sense of “I do something and as a resul…
And another one:

According to these, yes, cohabitation without sex IS sin.
Putting oneself in a near occasion of sin is the thing that is sinful. Only you, the person you are dating and your priest can determine if this is a near occasion of sin for either/both of you. Talk to Father.
Hormones take over between two people who are attracted to one another. If they are going to live together in the same apartment, they will end up in the same bed together. Loves who live together sleep together.
Why not just get married?
Hormones take over between two people who are attracted to one another
So you are saying that no one has or ever had self control. I disagree. I may have desires, but my desires do not control my actions. I do.
it’s one thing to have self-control; it’s another thing to put yourself in a situation where you lose control.

Two lovers living under the same roof will soon watch a movie together, snuggle up together, and smooch. At that point you run the risk losing all control. It’s in the history books. I have checked all the sources.

You can say you have self-control and claim that you will not take a bite out of the pizza, but when your body gets hungry your self control often goes out the window if you are hungry enough. Same with sex. God made hunger and the sexual hormones very powerful in order to perpetuate the human race.
You can say you have self-control and claim that you will not take a bite out of the pizza, but when your body gets hungry your self control often goes out the window if you are hungry enough. Same with sex. God made hunger and the sexual hormones very powerful in order to perpetuate the human race.
We are told in Scripture to make sure we are stronger than our fleshly desires.

Think of it in terms of human development. An infant screams for food, any time of the day or night.
They also have no control over their bladder or bowels. As that child gets older, they learn that they can be hungry and they won’t die, the meal will come at mealtime. They learn to control their other bodily functions. When they are mature, they have control over their fleshly urges.

As a mature adult, I can sit here with an entire buffet in front of me and not take a bite if I have decided not to. I could live in a desert island with a man who is not my husband and never share his bed. I have control over my urges.
I could live in a desert island with a man who is not my husband and never share his bed. I have control over my urges.
This whole thread is about living in the same apartment with a person one is dating romantically.
If you are romantically attracted to someone and you are living under the same roof, it doesn’t take long for snuggling to go to smooching followed by a tango. Especially if you are younger, and dealing with normal hormones.
There’s a reason why in ages past they had chaperones to simply go out on a date. Living under the same roof and dating? Let’s not be naive.
You can say you have self-control and claim that you will not take a bite out of the pizza, but when your body gets hungry your self control often goes out the window if you are hungry enough. Same with sex. God made hunger and the sexual hormones very powerful in order to perpetuate the human race.
We are told in Scripture to make sure we are stronger than our fleshly desires.
Are we told in Scripture that unmarried people can / should live together?

Are you familiar with the Catholic idea of “avoiding the near occasion of sin”? Because it sounds like you wouldn’t see the value of that.
We all haven’t even dug into the"scandal" topic yet!
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There’s a reason why in ages past they had chaperones to simply go out on a date. Living under the same roof and dating? Let’s not be naive.
No one claimed that escalation cannot happen. But you are going into the other ditch and claiming that it will ALWAYS happen. Neither is correct, and that is my only point.
No one claimed that escalation cannot happen. But you are going into the other ditch and claiming that it will ALWAYS happen. Neither is correct, and that is my only point.
I suppose there’s there’s always the 0.02%; but statistics show that overwhelmingly, not a question, it will happen between people dating, especially younger people in their prime. It’s only natural; thus the saying, If you don’t want to go to Minneapolis, why are you on the bus to Minneapolis?

All kinds of things will happen on that bus, simply by being on it.
there’s always the 0.02%; but statistics show that overwhelmingly, not a question, it will happen between people dating,
Not sure where you got that number; I would love to see a source but I don’t insist on it as it doesn’t really matter. And if you include everybody, of course the majority will indulge because most don’t think there is an issue with premarital sex and many reject the very notion of sin to a greater or lesser degree. But compare the general population to faithful people who can control themselves but may need to begin sharing living quarters before marriage for any of a number of reasons.
So you are saying that no one has or ever had self control. I disagree. I may have desires, but my desires do not control my actions. I do.
Then there’s the difference between the male and the female sex drive; a young woman may not intend to have jump in bed with her boyfriend living under her same roof; but for a young man, the drive is overwhelming when the feeling arises, and so nature takes over, and all the excuses and rationalizations about living together to save money suddenly becomes an occasion of sin, use of contraception, children out of wedlock, and even abortion.
Your source for the statistics? I’d find that report fascinating!
If you want to argue against the obvious go ahead. All the theories and go out the window when a romantic dating couple become hot and bothered living under the same roof…
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